
60岁天坛杠爷火了!美国人说,“中国的爷爷奶奶们比你们更健壮!” | Setting the bar high

2018-04-15 CGTN CGTNOfficial


Duan Xianmin is a sturdy old man with determined eyes. Now in his 60s, he has spent the last 40 years enjoying the horizontal bar.


People say that there are often "true masters" next to you. Before his retirement, Duan was an ordinary white-collar worker who lived in a forest of high-rise buildings. When he entered a park, however, he would reveal his true nature as a "superman” on the horizontal bar.



"Everyone deserves the stage. Once I’m on the horizontal bar, it’s show time," he says.




Pull-ups, circles, turns, handstands – all would gain applause from the people watching.



At first, horizontal bar exercise was only a hobby for Duan. Every morning, he'd do circles on the bar to relieve stress. "When I turn, all my worries are cast away. I just enjoy the relaxing moment."



Like square dancing, horizontal bar exercise has gradually become popular among China’s elderly population. People make friends and learn from each other during workouts.



"Whenever there's a horizontal bar, I’m excited to use it, especially when I learn a new trick; I run to try it out with my 'bar friends.' It makes me feel fulfilled for days.”



Gradually, Duan turned the small group of horizontal bar lovers into a nationwide club of more than 400 members scattered throughout different cities. The sport is a hit with morning exercisers. And many groups from different districts in Beijing have become local celebrities, such as the Chaoyang Residents, Xicheng Dama, Haidian Netizens and Fengtai Persuaders.



Duan is very proud of what he has done.



As the club expanded, more people came to watch them exercise. They soon became celebrities. Moreover, their workout area near the Temple of Heaven became an attraction for foreign visitors. When asked how he feels about being famous, Duan jokes: "These grandpas are too playful fortheir old age!"



Duan has plenty of free time in his retirement. He dedicates himself totally to the horizontal bar by making strict plans and learning from others.


 "I just can't stop doing it. And it’s always an attraction in the park.”



As the saying goes, "Keep training on the coldest and the hottest days." Horizontal bar exercise also requires persistence, like Chinese kung fu.



For Duan, the persistence is more about the vitality of life. He hopes to keep exercising near the Temple of Heaven, and show that the elderly can be lively, and their lives can be full of youthful spirit.



Alongside the 600-year-old Temple of Heaven, Duan has been exercising for 40 years. In the river of time, every single effort counts.The Horizontal Bar Grandpas may only be a flash in the pan. Their dedication, however, has enriched the area and the lives of the people in it.



Cameraman: Yang Wenchao, Wang Yunfei

Film editor: Ma Mingyuan

Story written by: Yang Sitong, Zhu Siqi

English editor: Matthew Arrington Watson


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