命运共同体:国际臭氧层保护日——守护蓝天 | World Ozone Day: Battle for Blue Sky
Editor's note: September 16 is the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer. In this episode of "Come Together" series, CGTN looks at how the Chinese capital city of Beijing is moving forward to be pulled out from the list of the world's top 200 most-polluted cities through years of efforts.
Every day, Zou Yi takes a picture of Beijing TV Station, a landmark building located in the city center. He has been keeping a record of Beijing's air quality and sharing his photos on social media accounts since January 27, 2013. He has posted 2,391 photos, as of August 15, 2019.
“这不仅仅是照片。它是一部北京空气质量的档案。看它就能看2013年到今天(的北京空气质量),” 北京一目了然公众环境保护研究中心创始人邹毅说。
"They are not merely pictures. They are archives of Beijing's air quality. They show how the air quality has changed since 2013," Zou Yi, Founder of BeijingAirNow, told CGTN.
"A picture is better than a thousand words. This collection tells us the reasons behind air pollution and the efforts we've made to cope with it," Zou said.
Efforts paid off
By using image recognition technology, Zou and his team extracted PM 2.5 concentration data from the pictures. The data showed that from 2013 to 2018, the concentration of PM 2.5 in Beijing dropped significantly by over 30 percent. It was consistent with the data released by the Beijing Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau.
"This is pretty remarkable since Beijing maintained a medium-to-high speed economic growth during this period. The climate conditions have become unfavorable in decades," noted He Kebin, professor with the Department of Air Pollution Control at Tsinghua University.
"Industrialization leads to urbanization, which itself brings about motorization. This process creates what we called 'combined air pollution.' The leading source of combined air pollution is PM 2.5 followed by ozone. Since 2015, Beijing has largely contained the amount of ozone, and this is not an easy task," He continued.
In the past two decades, Beijing has created a high-intensity monitoring network to fight air pollution. It has also strengthened the collaboration with its surrounding areas and identified Beijing, Tianjin as well as 26 other affected cities on the air pollution transmission route. The city has also cut down coal-based pollution, reducing coal burning from 28 million tons in 1998 to some 2 million tons today. In addition, stricter measures to reduce automobile-related pollution have been introduced to the Chinese capital, which is home to over 21 million people.
Animation shows coal burning in Beijing gas beeb reduced significantly over the last 20 years. /CGTN Photo
"Beijing has done a lot to promote green vehicles. As far as I know, for example, the 2022 Winter Olympics would be a great opportunity to do so. Green vehicles represent the future of automobiles," he said.
At the same time, Beijing has made great efforts in developing green transport. By controlling the number of cars through a license-plate lottery system, improving gas quality, and limiting the number of vehicles on the road, Beijing has remarkably improved its air quality.
"Compared to 2013, the changes in air quality are unprecedented. There are more and more days meeting official air quality standards, with PM 2.5 levels witnessing a significant decline," Zou echoed.
In March 2019, in its Review of 20 Year's Air Pollution Control in Beijing, the United Nations praised Beijing for its work in improving air quality, saying that it provides valuable lessons for other cities around the world.
"All the experiences and knowledge that China is employing to great effects internally, and bringing more and more knowledge, and giving it to the rest of the world to help speed climate air pollution mitigation," Nathan Borgford-Parnell, UNEP Climate and Clean Alliance, told CGTN.
A long way to go
Figures released by the World Health Organization in 2018 show that nine out of 10 people breathe air containing high levels of pollutants. Around seven million people die every year from exposure to fine particles in polluted air that penetrate deep into the lungs and cardiovascular system.
Ozone at ground level is one of the major constituents of photochemical smog. Excessive ozone in the air can have a deadly impact on human health. It can cause breathing problems, trigger asthma, reduce the function of lungs and cause lung diseases.
Facing a deteriorating environment, many countries have begun to search for solutions. Currently, more than 300 cities around the world have taken measures to promote application of new energy sources. The Chilean government, for example, purchased electric buses from China, aiming to achieve electrification of all buses by 2040.
"In many ways, electric buses will substantially improve the life quality of the Chilean people. They are eco-friendly, because they won't pollute the air when operating," noted Sebastián Piñera, president of Chile.
“2019年是一个很重要的年份,不仅因为中国举办了以关注空气污染为主题的世界环境日活动,还因为许多国家都给自己定下了改善环境的远大目标并为之努力。” 联合国环境署气候与清洁联盟科学事务官员内森•博格福德•帕内尔说。
"2019 is an important year not only because the World Environment Day which was defined by China was about 'Air Pollution', but many countries are working on enhancing their national contribution to increase ambition for mitigating their climate," Borgford-Parnell said.
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