
真相放大镜 | 中国复工进行时

CGTN 2020-08-24





I'm in the heart of Beijing's CBD area. It's 8:30 in the morning, which is supposed to be rush hour. However, compared to just a few months ago, there’s obviously less traffic and pedestrians. That’s because China is gradually getting back to work after a deadly virus outbreak. 


First, Let’s rewind to late December 2019. The pneumonia-causing virus that emerged at that time grabbed national attention by mid-January, just ahead of the week-long Lunar New Year holiday when the whole country shuts down. And right now, many of the nationwide closures that were extended as part of the effort to limit the spread of the virus are still in effect.


International headlines touching on China’s economy are everywhere: “Economic fallout from China’s coronavirus mounts around the world,” “China encourages citizens to return to work as coronavirus hits economy.” and this Wall Street Journal states: “With migrant workers in limbo, part of China’s economy is stalled.” 

看衰中国经济的重头新闻在国际媒体上随处可见: “中国冠状病毒造成的经济影响在世界范围内蔓延”、“当冠状病毒冲击经济时,中国鼓励公民重返工作岗位”。《华尔街日报》说:“随着农民工陷入困境,中国经济的一部分陷入了停滞。”

Wait, are migrant workers really in limbo? 


As you might have heard, China has a labor force of nearly 900 million, among which 291 million are migrant workers, who keep the nation’s economy going. 


Amid the coronavirus outbreak, some local governments have been organizing group transportation to get workers back to their jobs. Companies in China’s major urban centers are ordering charted flights, high-speed trains and buses to help migrant workers return to their posts. 


Here are some examples: 


Chartered bus was made available to carry over 300 migrant workers from Sichuan, one of China’s largest labor exporting region, to Zhejiang Province. A team of medical personnel also accompanied the workers on their over 1,500-kilometer-long journey.  


Another one: Around 500 migrant works from Lanzhou, northwest China’s Gansu Province, recently reached southeast China's Fujian Province, in a special high-speed train to resume work.

另一个例子是: 最近,约500名来自中国西北部甘肃兰州市的农民工乘坐一列高铁专列抵达中国东南部的福建省复工。

Local governments from China’s major labor exporting areas including Anhui, Hunan and Guizhou followed suit. 


Not just road transportation, China Eastern Airlines said it has received requests for 60 domestic and international routes as various companies plan to bring their employees back to work, especially in high migrant population cities like Hanghzou, Beijing and Shanghai. 


International media outlets including Forbes, Nikkei and Financial Times are bashing China’s recovery to work, in a very difficult situation. 


However, the number speaks...


Data released by China’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the work resumption in the country’s top exporting province of Guangdong has been rapidly increasing, while key businesses in foreign trade in provinces such as Shangdong, Jiangsu and Fujian have a work resumption rate of around 70 percent. 


Another round of data released by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC), the resumption rate of central enterprises has exceeded 80 percent, while the number stands at 96.8, 83 and 88.1 percent for petroleum and petrochemical enterprises, power grid enterprises, and machinery and equipment manufacturing enterprises, automobiles excluded, respectively.

国务院国有资产监督管理委员会(国资委) 新一轮数据公布, 中央企业生产型子企业复工复产率已超过80%,石油石化企业复工率达到96.8%,电网、发电企业复工率达到83%,机械装备制造企业(不包括汽车)复工率达到88.1%。

As the world's second-largest economy, China owns a total economic output of nearly 100 trillion yuan, a huge domestic market of 1.4 billion people, a labor force of nearly 900 million, and abundant high-quality human resources, earning it the nickname “the world’s factory” and solidifying its position in the global supply chain. This is part of the reason foreign companies like Tesla and others all set foot in China, and lots of them have resumed production despite the outbreak. 

作为世界第二大经济体,中国拥有总经济产值近100万亿,14亿人口的巨大国内市场,近9亿人的劳动力,和丰富且高质量的人力资源, 使它获得了“世界工厂”的美名, 巩固了其在全球供应链的地位。这也是特斯拉(Tesla)等外国公司纷纷进入中国的原因,在疫情期间,许多外国公司也已经恢复了生产。

Honeywell, a U.S industrial conglomerate, has resumed production in 18 of its 21 factories in China since February 10, the first workday after an extended Lunar New Year holiday.

美国综合性企业霍尼韦尔, 自2月10日春节长假结束后的第一个工作日,其在华21家工厂中的18家已恢复生产。

U.S agribusiness giant Cargill’s more than 20 factories were back in business on the same day, following local authorities’ call to ensure supply amid the outbreak. 


Tesla is pushing to resume work, and Ford is still confident in China’s level of consumer demand. Major Japanese carmakers Toyota and Mazda also resumed some China operations in mid-February.


To ensure that the work is resumed in an orderly fashion, the government announced different categorization, including low, medium and high-risk, based on the severity of the epidemic. 


Even so, the push to resume production can also be seen in Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak, where disruption to the supply chain is the most severe.


Wuhan Dingyi Food Corporation, the company behind popular instant noodle brand Master Kong, restarted production as early as January 28 in order to meet surging demand for instant noodles in coronavirus-hit areas.


We have to acknowledge Wuhan’s position as a regional economic hub with links to other key centers, which is essential to economic revival. However, we have to be patient, like many Chinese netizens wrote: Wuhan is just taking a long rest, a temporary pause. No winter lasts forever, no spring skips its turn.  




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