
真相放大镜 | 中国不必道歉

CGTN CGTN 2020-08-24

美国福克斯新闻台主持人杰西·沃特斯在节目中妄称中国要为新冠病毒道歉。期间,节目中的其他女主持人试图打断他的发言,对他的论断提出质疑:“如果新冠病毒起源于美国呢?” 但沃特斯置若罔闻,继续自说自话……



"Ask the Chinese for a formal apology..." Wait … an apology? From China? 
“要求中国人正式道歉...” 等等... 道歉?来自中国?

"This coronavirus originated in China and I have not heard one word from the Chinese, a simple I’m sorry would do."

And the virus originated in China? Hold on, hold on. Has Jesse Watters done his research? Maybe not. Well, I can help.

Just a week ago, China's top respiratory disease expert, Zhong Nanshan, who won fame for combating the SARS epidemic in 2003, said, "Although COVID-19 first appeared in China, that DOES NOT necessarily mean it originated here."

The virus was first thought to have originated in a seafood market in Wuhan. However, a research team led by Dr. Yu Wenbin sequenced the genome of 93 SARS CoV-2 samples provided by 12 countries and proved otherwise. Their findings suggested that the origin was not the seafood market as previously thought … it was imported from elsewhere. Where? We’re still finding that out. 
这种病毒最初被认为发源于武汉的一个海鲜市场。然而,余文斌博士领导的研究小组对12个国家提供的93个SARS COV-2样本进行了基因组测序,结果证明并非如此。他们的研究结果表明,其来源并非之前所认为的海鲜市场,而是从其他地方输入的。具体来源自哪里呢?我们尚在调查中。

The first confirmed cases of H1N1 were in California in 2009. Yet it wasn't until 2016 that research confirmed the virus’s origin was Mexico/U.S.

Why is Watters so sure? It sounds like there's no firm answer to the question of COVID-19 yet, so don't draw conclusions too quickly.

China's efforts to fight the coronavirus outbreaks have been praised by many, including Dr. Bruce Aylward, who led a WHO team of specialists to Wuhan. He said he was convinced that the adopted measures were working. 
中国抗击新型冠状病毒疫情的努力受到了许多人的赞扬,其中包括布鲁斯·艾尔沃德(Bruce Aylward)博士,他率领世卫组织专家组赴武汉调研。他说,他相信所有施行的措施都在发挥作用。

By the end of his visit, Aylward was telling the world that China's "aggressive," "tailored" and "old-fashioned" methods could set an example for the rest of the world.

"What China has demonstrated is, you have to do this. If you do it, you can save lives and prevent thousands of cases of what is a very difficult disease."

The first confirmed case of H1N1 was in the United States. It swept the globe killing as many as 575,400 people in the first year alone, according to the CDC. Did anyone ask the U.S. to apologize? 

Although HIV was proven to have originated in Africa, did anyone ask African people to say sorry? When Columbus traveled to the "new world," bringing smallpox and syphilis, which killed countless natives, were Europeans asked to apologize? 

Watters' rant unsurprisingly evoked anger on Chinese social media. On Weibo, China's equivalent of Twitter, netizens wrote: "Doesn't he feel ashamed when saying all these slanderous things about China? As a far-right American journalist, he has always held hostile views of China."
毫无疑问,沃特斯的咆哮在中国社交媒体上引发了众怒。在中国的微博(相当于推特)上,网友们写道: “他说了这么多诋毁中国的话,难道不感到羞耻吗?作为一名极右翼的美国记者,他一直对中国持有敌意。”

Some echoed this on Twitter: "This is the Jesse Watters that got in trouble for making the ridiculously racist episode in New York city’s China town clearly he did not learn anything from that."
一些人在推特上附和道:“这是杰西·沃特斯(Jesse Waters),他因为在纽约中国城制造了可笑的种族主义事件而惹上了麻烦,显然他没有从中学到任何东西。”

China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson said Watters' behavior was "ridiculous and fully exposed his arrogance, prejudice and ignorance toward China."

"Disease is the common enemy of mankind, and all the infected patients are victims. I’m not sure where this apology request is coming from," the spokesperson added. 

Here are just a few of Watters' most controversial moments:

In the form of a 2016 venture into New York's Chinatown. In the heavily criticized piece, Watters turned his signature schtick on Chinese Americans, resulting in a blatantly racist segment that played on Asian stereotypes and openly mocked its subjects.

On the anniversary of 9/11, Watters went to a convention for Muslim Americans to ask them about terrorism and Islamic radicals. When a woman criticized the media for linking terrorism to the Islamic religion, Watters and O'Reilly both balked at the suggestion that "Christian terrorism" could even exist.

O'Reilly sent Watters to Philadelphia for a tone-deaf segment about racism in which he mocked the Black Lives Matter movement, criticized political correctness and generally failed to elevate the conversation surrounding race relations in America.
奥莱利派沃特斯去费城做了一段关于种族主义的演讲,他嘲笑了“黑人的命也是命”(Black Lives Matter)运动,批评了政治正确性,总体上未能提升大家对此话题的关注。

And the list goes on...

As COVID-19 spreads around the world, and especially after the WHO's decision to raise its global risk assessment to "very high," what's at stake at the moment – misleading the public or learning the facts?


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