塞浦路斯卫生部长当地时间3月9日宣布该国首次出现两例新冠病毒确诊病例,且均为输入型病例。至此,欧盟27个成员国全部出现了新冠病毒确诊病例,无一幸免。 Cyprus on Monday reported its first two confirmed COVID-19 cases, meaning that all 27 European Union member states are now affected by coronavirus epidemic. >>>>
意大利累计确诊新冠病毒肺炎总人数为9172人,死亡病例463例,两项数据均已超过伊朗和韩国,成为除中国外全球新冠肺炎疫情最严重的国家。 为遏制疫情蔓延,意大利总理孔特当地时间9日夜间宣布,人员流动紧急管控措施将推大至意大利全境。从10日开始,如非工作或健康需要,禁止人员跨区域流动。意大利全国学校继续停课至4月3日,同时暂停体育赛事与活动。 Italy, with 9,172 cases and 463 deaths, sealed off much of its industrial north, where seven prisoners were killed in a riot over curbs on visits. The whole of Italy is placed under lockdown until next month, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced on Monday, in an unprecedented and unexpected new attempt to beat the coronavirus in Europe's worst-affected country. >>>>
仅一周的时间,法国新冠肺炎累计确诊病例就从百余例跃升至1412例,含死亡病例25例。 法国巴黎机场集团总裁罗曼内特和文化部部长弗兰克·里斯特确诊感染新冠病毒,此前里斯特多次参加国民议会会议,目前已有五名议员确诊感染。 法国于2月29日规定全国禁止超过5000人的集会活动,面对严峻的疫情,法国卫生部部长于3月8日将规定人数上限改为1000人。 France, with 1,412 cases and 25 deaths has banned public gathering of more than 1,000 people to slow the spread of COVID-19. >>>>
西班牙新冠肺炎累计确诊病例破千,达到1227例。首都马德里是疫情最严重的地区,有确诊病例577例,全国近一半病例都来自该大区。 面对疫情,马德里大区宣布区内所有大中小学校及幼儿园全面停课,从11日起关闭15天。 Spain, with 1,227 cases and 28 deaths, will close schools and universities in Madrid. Schools and universities in the Basque capital Vitoria will also close for two weeks, sending tens of thousands of pupils home. >>>>
德国新冠肺炎累积确诊病例1139例,德国联邦卫生部长斯潘建议取消所有1000人以上的公共大型活动,而风险较高的活动,人数即便在1000人以下,也不建议举行。 Germany reported its first two deaths on Tuesday, both in Rhine-Westphalia, with 1,139 confirmed COVID-19 cases. It has canceled major events that could be vectors for the virus, and more extreme methods like closing down cities are also on the table. 欧盟各国之间交通网络发达,人员流动量大的特点给欧洲疫情防控带来了前所未有的挑战,比如多个欧盟国家通报的首例或新增确诊病例中,都有意大利接触史。 欧洲的公共卫生系统如今承受着巨大的压力 各国正千方百计地解决医疗物资短缺和医务人员不足等问题。意大利疫情中心伦巴第大区有近10%的医护工作人员因新冠病毒检测为阳性而被隔离,面对这一情况,意大利紧急征调20万名医护人员,甚至还包括了退休医护人员和应届医学院毕业生。 德国、意大利、捷克宣布禁止口罩等医疗物资出口,以满足本国需求,然而这些举措引起了像瑞士这种基本不生产医疗产品国家的不满。 Italy has called up 20,000 doctors, nurses and medical personnel to help deal with the outbreak. Germany, Italy, and the Czech Republic have banned the exports of medical protection gear such as masks and gloves. 疫情对欧盟经济的冲击也不容小觑 为遏制疫情给意大利经济带来的负面影响,意大利政府计划上调纾困规模至75亿欧元。多名专家认为欧盟委员会批准意大利请求的可能性很大,因为这不仅有助于意大利中小企业纾困,同时也将使得整个欧元区免于由此引发的经济衰退和债务危机。 Italy has decided to double emergency spending from 3.6 to 7.5 billion euros to mitigate the impact of the largest outbreak of coronavirus in Europe. 新冠肺炎或成大流行病?世卫组织总干事谭德赛:看看中国便知,如果措施得当,可控可防
世卫组织总干事谭德塞9日表示,当前新冠肺炎在全球100多个国家地区蔓延,病例数超10万,新冠肺炎成为大流行病的威胁已变得非常现实 ,但这将是历史上第一个可控制的大流行病。 The coronavirus is closer to causing a pandemic, but outbreaks in countries can still be controlled through a combination of containment and mitigation measures, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Monday. 在这场全球抗疫的斗争中,无人能够独善其身、置身事外,只要各国尽最大努力、紧密携手,结合自身国情和疫情发展出台政策、快速行动,一定能遏制新冠肺炎。 推荐阅读:中国抗疫方式能复制吗?世卫组织专家:能!但需要速度、资金、勇气…福克斯主播要求中国道歉惹众怒,外交部正面回怼世卫组织:新冠病毒源头尚不确定 应避免污名化