据了解,事件起因于上周,一辆瑞士企业用卡车在进入瑞士境内的途中被德国海关拦截,车上装载着24万只防护口罩。随后,瑞士联邦政府召见了德国驻瑞士大使,敦促德国当局立即放行被拦截的物资,并针对德方的口罩出口禁令提出抗议。 Switzerland is in open dispute with Germany over the latter's mask export ban, as a private Swiss truck loaded with 240,000 protective masks was reportedly held by German custom authorities on the national border. NZZ am Sonntag, the weekend edition of the New Journal of Zürich (NZZ) reported the incident last Saturday. The Swiss news agency said that Switzerland's State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) responded to a request that it is in contact with the Swiss company involved in the case. The office said that it contacted "responsible ministries in Berlin" and summoned the Ambassador of Germany regarding the mask export ban as soon as they were aware of the situation last Friday. 瑞士急了! 德国此举不是个案 据瑞士联邦经济事务秘书处(SECO)发言人法比安·迈恩菲施(Fabian Maienfisch)称,上述24万只口罩被扣“不是个案”。 他表示,“我们有信息表明,还有其他物资运输也被拦截。” 此前,因国内疫情发展迅速,德国联邦政府宣布了一项最新法令,禁止包括护目镜、防护口罩、手套、防护服等各类医疗物资向外国出口,仅在国际援助行动等个别情况下允许有例外。 由于几乎不生产医疗消耗品,此举令瑞士深受重创。
In the article, SECO further revealed that it was not a unique case. "We have information that further transports are blocked," said SECO spokesman Fabian Maienfisch as quoted. "In these contacts, the German authorities were urged to release the blocked shipments immediately," it said. Last Wednesday, Germany announced a ban on the export of all protective medical clothing, including masks, gloves and protective suits, except in the case of international humanitarian emergencies. The decision has severely affected Switzerland, as the country itself hardly produces any of these medical supplies and consumables. 出口禁令雪上加霜 当地医疗物资告急 据媒体报道,瑞士市面上的口罩大多是在远东国家生产,尤其是中国。德国公司在当地大量订购进货,瑞士公司从中购买一部分,然后把材料从德国运到瑞士。
如今,由于德国限制口罩出口的措施适用于欧盟国家和非欧盟国家(瑞士未加入欧盟),这个销售渠道中断了。 目前,瑞士的医用防护物资供应面临不足。据当地媒体报道,瑞士国家感染预防中心(National Center for Infection Prevention)已经发出通知,要求该国的医护人员每8小时更换一次口罩,而非平时的两小时。 自2月25日瑞士公布首个确诊病例以来,感染者人数快速上升。据瑞士联邦卫生局8日公布的信息,瑞士和列支敦士登共有332名核酸检测阳性病例。截至发稿,瑞士境内已有两人因新冠肺炎去世,3例治愈。
The goods are manufactured in the Far East, especially in China, from where German companies order large quantities. Swiss companies buy part of it and transport the material from Germany to Switzerland, according to NZZ reports. As the export ban of the German government is applied to both European Union (EU) and non-EU countries, the sales channel of Switzerland has now been cut. NZZ reported that the National Center for Infection Prevention has told local medical staff to change surgical masks every eight hours instead of two, in face of the acute shortage of medical supplies. The number of confirmed patients infected with COVID-19 has been rising since the government first released data on February 25. According to the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), the number of people who have been tested positive in Switzerland and Liechtenstein has risen to 332, with two people dead and three cured. 欧洲新冠肺炎疫情快速扩散 欧盟呼吁慎重考虑医疗物资出口禁令
近日,欧洲新冠肺炎疫情快速扩散,超20个国家有确诊病例,意大利、德国、法国、西班牙等国确诊病例超500例。世卫组织收到的各国报告数据显示,中国以外全球受新冠肺炎疫情影响的国家和地区数量已达101个。 此前,世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞在发布会上发出警告:由于全球范围内需求增加以及囤积和不当使用等原因,医用手套、口罩、呼吸器、护目镜、面罩和防护服等价格飙升,供给出现短缺,使得各国的应对能力受到影响。 3月3日,法国政府下令征用所有库存及新生产的防护口罩,分发给医护人员和感染新冠病毒的法国人。 作为欧洲受疫情影响最严重的国家,意大利政府已表态,未经事先许可不允许出口防护设备。 捷克卫生部长亚当·沃伊特希奇(AdamVojtěch)称,该国已要求当地口罩生产商不要出口口罩。 当地时间3月6日,欧洲联盟27个成员国卫生部长召开紧急会议,主要针对今后可能出现的防护设备短缺问题商议共同对策。会议中,欧盟试图说服德、法等国取消医用防护设备的出口禁令。 With the virus rapidly spreading in Europe, over 20 countries in the region have reported their own first cases. The number of confirmed infections in at least Italy, Germany, France and Spain has surpassed 500. According to the latest situation report released by the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of countries outside of China reporting confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus reached 101 on Sunday. Last Tuesday, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned during the news briefing that “rising demand, panic buying, hoarding and misuse” of personal protective equipment has been severely disrupting the global supply of those products, thus pressuring worldwide containment efforts. To avoid shortages at home, France and the Czech Republic are also tightening their exports of medical consumables, not allowing equipment such as masks, goggles and gloves to go abroad. Italy, which has the second largest number of infected patients in the world, has also said there will be no exports of such products without advance permission. The move was also roundly criticized at a special meeting of European health ministers in Brussels last Friday. "This is not the spirit of the European Union," said Belgian health minister Maggie De Block. The bloc's commissioner for crisis management, Janez Lenarcic, said the commission "does not favor measures that would favor one member state at the expense of others." Those efforts failed to convince EU member states to lift export bans for personal protective gear amid the deepening coronavirus crisis.