

CGTN CGTN 2020-08-25



As the coronavirus spreads fast in the U.S., the Trump administration– instead of helping – is taking the blame game to a new level.

An example is found in a recent editorial in The Daily Beast. Called "White House Pushes U.S. Officials to Criticize China for Coronavirus 'Cover-Up,'" that piece should, hopefully, wake up the world.

It cites a cable sent to State Department officials on Friday that lists all the talking points for the White House. It appears to have originated from the National Security Council, asking American officials to follow Trump’s lines and to accuse China of everything, from “covering up” the epidemic to “creating a pandemic.” while praising the U.S. and the American people are the“greatest humanitarians the world has ever known.”

This is not the first time that Trump’s administration has tried to minimize the severity of the disease in the U.S. while pointing a finger at the other country. 

The Washington Post also revealed how intelligence reports warned about a possible global pandemic since January, but Trump and U.S. lawmakers continued to play down the threat and failed to take action.

The American people are not the only victims of Trump’s inaction. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said this week,that the U.S. is responsible for a "large amount" of his country's COVID-19 cases.

It’s been more than two months since the coronavirus outbreak was first reported in China. Unlike Trump, who has downplayed the virus, China was proactive:providing the gene sequence to the WHO in early January, and ordering various measures to contain the spread, such as asking people to stay at home, closing shops and factories, and providing free tests and treatment. These measures were later praised by many. And international headlines like "China Bought the West Time, the West Squandered it" and "China Sacrifices a Province to Save the World From Coronavirus" should give people something to think about.
自新冠肺炎在中国爆发以来已经两个多月了。与淡化病毒危害性的特朗普政府不同,中国一直在采取积极主动的应对措施:比如1月初就向世卫组织提供病毒的基因序列、采取各种措施遏制病毒传播要求人们待在家里、关闭商店和工厂、提供免费检测和治疗等等。这些措施后来得到广泛称赞。很多西方媒体报道“中国为西方国家争取的宝贵时间却被白白浪费” “中国牺牲了一个省来拯救世界免受新冠病毒之害”,这些都足以说明问题。

It's unfortunate that China was the first country to encounter the deadly virus. But the country has accumulated the most experience in fighting it, and is more than willing to share its knowledge with governments and doctors around the world, including those in the United States.
很不幸,中国是第一个正面遭遇新冠病毒的国家,但中国在抗击病毒方面也积累了最多的经验, 并且主动与包括美国在内的各国政府和医生分享这些经验。

British activist Josh Jackson may have said it best: "In the most profound crisis of the 21st century, world leaders are working hand in hand with President Xi Jinping to overcome great adversity. Leaders on every continent have welcomed China’s material aid, medical expertise and advice– where the U.S. retreats, China will advance. "

Well, sounds about right. 



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