On April 8, Wuhan officially lifted extreme virus control measures and resume outbound transportation. 此时,距1月23日武汉“封城”,已经过去了七十六个日日夜夜。By this time, 76 days had passed since the city's lockdown on January 23. 2019年底,新冠疫情的爆发,使这座人口千万的城市不得不进行自我隔离。The outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has left China's epicenter with millions of people isolated from the outside world. 冬去春来,随着疫情形势的持续好转,沉寂许久的武汉,正在逐步恢复往日的生机。As the disease is brought under control this spring, Wuhan is gradually returning to normal. 这部纪录片回望了“封城”76日里的平凡瞬间,每一位抗击疫情、逆风而行的战士都值得被永远铭记。This documentary reviews the ordinary and extraordinary moments during the 76-day lockdown. Every person who has fought in the pandemic deserves to be forever remembered.