
中国不断进步的基层法治 | 洋眼看小康

CGTN CGTN 2021-02-14









A modernizing, internationalizing and law-governed country must heed the rules to create a fair and efficient environment. To do so, China will uphold and improve the socialist, political and legal work systems with Chinese characteristics, comprehensively improve the modernization of political and legal work, and build a higher level of rule of law in China.

中国从1986年实施全民普法五年规划 ,中国7.5亿普法对象中,有近7亿公民参加了“一五”规划,接受了启蒙式的法律常识教育。

In 1986, to popularize the law among the general public, China launched a five-year plan for public legal education.

About 700 million citizens took part in the first five-year program and received education in legal knowledge. This is just one of the examples of how China empowers people with legal tools. 

2019年4月,世界第一家互联网法院——杭州互联网法院的AI法官助理正式“上岗”, 它兼具自主主持庭审和分析判断功能,大大提升了审判效率。

中国各级法院利用大数据、云计算、人工智能、区块链等新技术, 积极推进互联网在司法领域的深度应用。

In recent years, public legal education has evolved along with the modern society, with legal governance being promoted via various channels, including new media platforms like WeChat and Weibo, as well as TV dramas and animations.

Chinese courts are also utilizing new technology, such as big data, cloud computing, AI and blockchain, to actively promote internet courts.
In April 2019, the world's first AI judge assistant formally reported for duty in Hangzhou Internet Court. It's able to hear, analyze and reason cases independently, and judges only need to monitor the progress backstage, which allows them to monitor multiple cases simultaneously and increase trial efficiency.



According to the latest World Bank Group flagship report, Doing Business 2020, China has topped the world in terms of the quality of its judicial process. 

In 2019, the number of registered criminal cases in China dropped by 4.1 percent. The caseload in eight categories of serious violent crimes also fell by 10.3 percent, making China one of the safest countries in the world. 
On the world stage, China continues to improve and develop its legal system and actively follow and safeguard international norms and laws in its drive for shared benefits and win-win cooperation worldwide.

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