The U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, says he has a significant amount of evidence that the coronavirus came from a lab in Wuhan. Pompeo is trying to make the outbreak of pandemic in the U.S. sound like all China's fault. Why is Pompeo blaming the virus on China? What makes him lying about the real cause of the pandemic but pining the blame on China? Dr. Qiao unwraps the facts behind the series of Secretary Pompeo’s lies. 美国国务卿迈克·蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)近期表示,他有“大量证据”表明新冠病毒来自武汉的一个实验室。为什么蓬佩奥将新冠疫情归咎于中国?为什么他在疫情爆发的真正原因上撒谎,却把责任推到中国身上? 本期《乔博士说》揭开蓬佩奥国务卿一系列谎言背后的事实。 Not only does he not provide any of the "significant amounts of evidence," but his words are also the opposite to the conclusion of the U.S. National Intelligence. Since he was widely challenged on this, on May 6, Pompeo changed his words. A reporter questioned his contradictory statements on spot, and he replied:"Both statements are entirely consistent." And when the reporter made further inquiries, Pompeo threatened her. Well, it seems like he was rushing to end the conversation. To have "a significant amount of evidence" and not to "have certainty" are entirely different stories. They are not consistent. 由于蓬佩奥在这方面受到广泛质疑,5月6日,蓬佩奥改口说:“我们现在不能确定病毒到底来源于实验室,还是来源于其他地方”。他不仅没有提供任何“大量证据”,而且他的话也与之前提到美国国家安全局的结论截然相反。 一名记者当场质疑了他自相矛盾的说法,他回答说:“这两种说法都可能是对的”。当记者进一步质询时,蓬佩奥却急着结束了谈话,威胁记者说“你一生的努力就是要离间美国高管之间的关系吗?”。 显然,有“大量的证据”和不具有 “确定性”是完全不同的故事。 It's obvious that he lied to say that the virus came from a lab in Wuhan. Why did he lie? Why is Pompeo blaming the virus on China? U.S. economic data has been the biggest bet for President Trump's re-election.He bragged about the numbers all the time. When the pandemic hit the U.S., the last thing President Trump wanted was to see the economy getting crushed. His strategy was to tell Americans that the virus was not serious at all. 很明显,他谎称病毒来自武汉的一个实验室。他为什么撒谎?为什么蓬佩奥把病毒归咎于中国? 美国的经济景气数据一直是特朗普总统连任的最大赌注。当大流行袭击美国时,特朗普总统最不希望看到的是经济被击垮。他的策略是告诉美国人病毒根本不严重,反复重申“这个病毒对美国人的风险很低”,“我们控制的很好“,“有一天它会像奇迹一样消失”。坐飞机没什么可怕;参加竞选集会没什么可怕。你该干啥就干啥。特朗普对大流行的真相轻描淡写。 It's not dangerous to take flights. It's not dangerous to go to rallies. There is no need to be afraid. Keep your normal life. He played down the pandemic. The pandemic kept getting worse in the U.S. Trump didn’t do enough to stop it. Two months later, the U.S. became the world’s No.1 of the confirmed cases. President Trump's biggest worry came to reality. The stock market collapsed, and the U.S. economy came to a hard stop. 在美国,大流行不断恶化,但特朗普刻意淡化了威胁,也没有做足够的努力去阻止它。两个月后,美国拥有世界最多的确诊病例数字,总统最大的担忧变成了现实——股市崩盘,美国经济来了个急刹车。 The stock market lost trillions of dollars, someone needed to be held accountable. On March 16, for the first time President Trump called the virus -- the "Chinese Virus". However, previously he was praising China's effort to contain the pandemic. Since then, senior officials of the Administration started blaming China. Pompeo is one of the most vocal officials. 股市损失了数万亿美元,需要有人承担责任。3月16日,特朗普总统首次称这种病毒为“中国病毒”。然而,在此之前,他对中国遏制疫情的努力一直赞赏有加。从那以后,美国政府高级官员开始甩锅中国,蓬佩奥就是其中叫嚣最凶的之一。 Mike Pompeo became the top U.S. diplomat by becoming a loyal defender of President Trump. He has done some dirty work. 迈克·蓬佩奥是特朗普总统的忠实捍卫者,成为美国最高外交官,负责为特朗普做“脏活”。 Previously, in Iran, Ukraine, and DPRK, Pompeo served President Trump by playing hard balls and sticking to the Trumpian unilateralism to reject international cooperation, negotiation, and partnerships. On domestic politics, with strong military ties and as the former chief of CIA, Pompeo was assigned to dig up valuable information on Trump's political rivals, such as Hilary Clinton and Joe Biden. This time, Pompeo is trying to make the outbreak of pandemic in the U.S. sound like all China's fault. The "Wuhan Lab" plot is his scheme to take on China. 此前,在伊朗、乌克兰和朝鲜,蓬佩奥为特朗普总统服务,他态度强硬,坚持特朗普式的单边主义,拒绝国际合作、谈判和伙伴关系。在美国国内,蓬佩奥与军方关系密切,作为前中情局局长,他被指派挖掘有关特朗普的政治对手希拉里·克林顿和约瑟夫·拜登的内幕消息。这一次,蓬佩奥试图让美国疫情的爆发听起来像是中国惹的祸,而“武汉实验室”的阴谋是他对付中国的计划。 However, at a time of crisis, political agendas should not take the place of scientific conclusions. According to a model designed by Columbia University, if the U.S. had begun the lockdown one week earlier than it did in March, 36,000 fewer people would have died from the COVID-19. Politicizing the pandemic will do nothing but worsen the already grim situation, not just in the U.S., but also in the rest of the world. 无论如何,在危机时刻政治考量不应取代科学结论。根据哥伦比亚大学科学家设计的一个模型,如果美国在3月份提前一周开始封锁,那么死于新冠病毒的人数将减少36000人。将疫情政治化只会更加恶化已经严峻的局势,不仅在美国,而且在世界其他地区。 Viruses know no borders, and we must work together to succeed in this fight. Pompeo accuses China of hiding key information on the early stage of the pandemic and "playing down the coronavirus." For the moment, the Trump Administration is still playing down the pandemic. There are more than 1.5 million confirmed cases in the U.S.The death toll in the U.S. surpassed 90,000. But let me ask you: What would you say is the best strategy for leaders to stay in office? They must put people's livelihood and wellbeing first and tell the truth. 病毒不分国界,我们必须共同努力,才能在这场抗疫之战中取得成功。 蓬佩奥指责中国隐瞒了大流行初期的关键信息,说我们“轻描淡写新型冠状病毒疫情”。可特朗普政府却到现在仍在淡化新冠疫情的严重性。至今,美国有150多万确诊病例,死亡人数超过9万。 我问你,你认为领袖争取连任的最佳策略是什么?要把民生平安放在第一位,要讲真话。 推荐阅读:最近,特朗普和蓬佩奥分别被比作两种动物…… 蓬佩奥自相矛盾、抹黑中国,世卫组织:病毒起源言论“纯属猜测” 蓬佩奥发起新攻击:美国可能永远不会恢复对世卫组织的资助