据通报,6月17日0时至24时,北京新增报告本地确诊病例21例、疑似病例3例、无症状感染者3例。截至6月17日24时,累计报告本地确诊病例578例,累计出院411例,在院158例,累计死亡9例。尚在观察的无症状感染者15例。According to the latest data from the Chinese health authorities, Beijing registered 21 new confirmed cases for Wednesday and the total in the city has reached 158 since June 11. All of the 21 new confirmed COVID-19 cases in Beijing on Wednesday were connected to the Xinfadi market, and eight clusters related to the market have been reported in the city.今天下午召开的北京市第125场疫情防控新闻发布会上,中国疾控中心流行病学首席专家吴尊友表示:第一个非常明确的告诉大家,北京的疫情已经控制住了。在接受CGTN主持人田薇专访时,吴尊友认为,此次北京行动果断,新发地市场关闭,立即筛查感染人员,切断传染源,进行流调,这一切都是此次疫情得到控制的重要原因。
The similarity between Beijing's and Wuhan's food market COVID-19 outbreaks offers a new clue, said Wu Zunyou, chief epidemiologist at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), on Thursday, adding that preliminary analysis showed that a cold and humid environment is favorable for the virus. Wu said to reporters, Beijing has taken immediate action and implemented measures to curb further spreading of the virus and keep the epidemic at a minimum.在今早的发布会上,北京新冠肺炎疫情防控工作领导小组社区防控组副组长张革也向公众介绍了北京市社区防控策略的调整。他表示,北京疫情防控已经进入非常时期。在严峻的形势下,北京将进一步加强管控措施。北京所有小区已经恢复了卡口设置,并对中高风险街道的重点区域实行了封闭管理。目前,接受封闭式管理的小区居民主要靠配送解决生活供应。为此,附近不少商超经营者都自愿加入服务的行列。6月17日,一名微博用户晒出的组图在社交平台迅速流传。照片里身穿防护服的女孩是来自北京市丰台区新发地市场附近一家超市的老板。6月17日,她双手拎着鸡蛋和各种生活用品站在被封闭的小区栅栏外,义务为大家送菜。在防护服上,她用签字笔写着“砥砺前行”、“我是湖北人,我为北京加油!”等字样。在评论区,不少网友纷纷表示为湖北人的这份报恩情谊“泪目”,给这位送菜上门热心的老板点赞。"I'm from Hubei Province. Go Beijing! Thank you to all the country for supporting Hubei when the outbreak happened there. Now is the time that I should repay you for your help."These words were written on the back of a girl dressed in a protective suit, volunteering to transport food to people whose residential compounds in Beijing are closed-off.The girl works at a convenience store near Xinfadi market in the south of the city and delivered fresh vegetables and some instant food to people in need. The photo of her wearing a hazmat suit and carrying vegetables and eggs in her hands has gone viral on Chinese social media with some netizens saying "Go! China and we go through the hardship together."面对疫情反扑,北京全市防控工作进入战时状态,一刻也不敢懈怠。医护人员和志愿者们日夜作战,始终守护在抗击疫情的一线。自6月11日以来,北京市新增的新冠肺炎确诊患者和疑似病例,都集中收治在北京地坛医院。在疫情防控的关键时刻,北京市多家医院派出多名队员全力支援地坛医院,北京市医院管理中心从北京十几家市属医院紧急组织抽调了100名医务人员。16日,他们已全部进驻地坛医院。The Beijing authorities have arranged nucleic acid testing for people who have been to the market and who live nearby. A list of 98 hospitals across the city have also been announced to accept residents' reservations for testing.
According to the Beijing's COVID-19 response team, 356,000 people have been tested, including market staff and residents. A total of 100 medics from across the city have been sent to Beijing Ditan Hospital for support, where all confirmed cases are being treated.北京此次疫情突发让全国人民都为之牵挂。曾经在湖北疫情高发时期创作出《热干面加油》的漫画家“陈小桃momo”发表的祝福北京漫画《稳住,炸酱面》再次刷屏。在评论区,其他省市的网友也用家乡美食做代表,为北京加油打气:一定会好好的!The cartoon entitled "Stay calm, fried bean sauce noodles" is a new work by the artist to show Chinese people's unity. Her previous work showing Wuhan's traditional hot dry noodles hospitalized while food from other regions of China are seen waiting outside the ward gained popularity online.One netizen commented below the post, "Go Beijing! We're with you. Don't panic. We are staying united and going through the hardship. Hope everyone is safe and sound after the pandemic."针对近日北京出现的新冠肺炎聚集性疫情,世界卫生组织(WHO)于日内瓦当地时间6月16日表示,不认为中国会对疫情形势失去控制。世卫组织卫生紧急项目负责人迈克尔·瑞安表示:尽管中国现在冒出来的聚集性病例让人担忧,但过去六个月,中国在应对新冠肺炎上学到了很多经验,中国相关机构正在调查并控制此次疫情。世卫组织将与中国密切合作,继续提供支持,跟进调查进程。