President Donald Trump walks on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington after stepping off Marine One as he returns from a campaign rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, June 21, 2020. /AP距离美国11月大选只剩不到5个月,留给美国总统特朗普的时间越来越少了……当地时间20日,特朗普在俄克拉荷马州塔尔萨市举行竞选集会。这场数月以来的首次竞选集会受到特朗普团队的高度重视,然而,让人没有料到的是,整场集会最终竟变成大型“放鸽子”现场。据外媒报道,当晚到场出席人数远远低于预期:能容纳1.9万人的场馆内听众稀疏,原计划在场外面对“大批群众”露天讲话的活动,也因出席人数寥寥而被迫取消。Gif via Twitter
A Trump supporter sits in the stands wearing a face mask during a campaign rally at the BOK Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma, June 20, 2020. /AP
自6月11日,特朗普竞选团队在推特发布门票预订信息后,一大批TikTok和推特K-pop用户在网上发起号召,鼓励网友免费预约参加,然后集会当天不露面,集体放特朗普“鸽子”。这一“恶作剧”迅速在TikTok上获得响应。随后,一些用户开始上传自己预定门票的视频,并表明自己不会出席,这些视频随即获得大量点赞和转发。TikTok users and fans of Korean pop music took partial credit for inflating attendance expectations at a less-than-full arena at President Donald Trump's first political rally in months, held in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on Saturday.Social media users on platforms including the popular video-sharing app have said they completed the free online registration for the rally with no intention of going.Prior to the event, Trump's campaign manager Brad Parscale said there had been more than 1 million requests to attend. However, the 19,000-seat BOK Center arena had many empty seats on Saturday evening and Trump and Vice President Mike Pence canceled speeches to an expected "overflow" area outside. The Tulsa Fire Department tallied the crowd at about 6,200 people.The Trump campaign said entry was on a "first-come-first-served" basis and no one was issued an actual ticket.
Mary Jo Laupp /screenshot via Tiktok
劳普表示,当她第二天早上查看手机时,这段视频开始在网上疯传,获赞超70万次,点击量超过200万次。CNN had reported Tuesday that a TikTok video posted by Mary Jo Laupp, who uses the hashtag #TikTokGrandma, was helping lead the charge. The video now has more than 700,000 likes."All of those of us that want to see this 19,000 seat auditorium barely filled or completely empty go reserve tickets now and leave him standing alone there on the stage," she said in the video.作为本次“恶作剧”的中坚力量,推特K-pop用户可谓是“功不可没”。据报道,在近日“黑人的命也是命”抗议示威中,韩流粉丝成了社交媒体上一股“新兴势力”。他们集结于各大社交平台,声援反对种族歧视运动,还为此前因白人警察暴力执法致死的弗洛伊德发起募集捐款。据CNN统计,这群热衷于追捧韩流音乐的美国年轻人,在过去一年中发布了超60亿条推文——这些推文并不单单只与流行文化有关,事实上,他们在面对种种社会问题时采取行动的能力远远超过公众预料。This is not the first time social media users have shown their political impact recently. In recent weeks, fans of K-pop, South Korea's popular music industry, have rallied around the Black Lives Matter movement on social media, raising money following the death of African American George Floyd last month.据了解,特朗普此次集会的时间和地点都引起极大争议。在“非裔大屠杀”之地搞造势集会?特朗普此举引发众怒,而这也是很多年轻人选择加入这场“恶作剧”进行抗议的原因之一。
The original timing and the choice of location of the rally, provoked outrage amid the national reckoning over race and justice in the United States. The rally was originally scheduled for June 19, or the Juneteenth holiday, which marks the end of slavery in the U.S. It has been celebrated by African Americans for more than 150 years. Worse even, the site that was chosen to host the rally witnessed a terrifying event indelibly engraved on the memory of black Americans. In 1921, Tulsa saw a tumultuous riot in which hundreds of African Americans were massacred by white mobs. Trump later delayed his rally by a day to June 20 to avoid Juneteenth slavery date but did not change the site.
A screenshot of Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's tweet.比如,美国国会最年轻女议员亚历山大·奥卡西奥-科特兹就在推特上直言,“其实你们就是被TikTok上的年轻人整了。他们预定竞选集会的票,让你们觉得有一百万人想要来听特朗普白人至上的讲话……”Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Democrat, responded with derision to a Twitter post by Parscale that blamed the media for discouraging attendees and cited bad behavior by demonstrators outside."Actually you just got ROCKED by teens on TikTok who flooded the Trump campaign w/ fake ticket reservations & tricked you into believing a million people wanted your white supremacist open mic enough to pack an arena during COVID," she tweeted on Saturday. "KPop allies, we see and appreciate your contributions in the fight for justice too," she added.TikTok用户预订特朗普集会门票后故意“放鸽子”一事,在社交媒体引发了广泛的讨论。海外网友对此事褒贬不一,有人认为年轻人“干得漂亮”,有人认为这是对大选的“非法干涉”,还有人觉得他们的“钓鱼”行为对集会的上座率其实并没有多大影响,因为会场座位实行的是“先到先得”的规则。“特朗普精心调试的竞选机器似乎没什么用,一群没有受过任何培训的年轻人都能把这个竞选机器炸了。”“他们确实这么做了。我15岁的儿子刚才承认了,他也预定了竞选集会的门票,就是为了让特朗普‘上钩’。”“新闻标题具有误导性。这些青少年并没有‘毁掉集会’。他们没有阻止那些真正想要参加集会的人去现场。竞选集会的门票是没有上限的,有多少人申请就会发出多少票。任何想要参加集会的人都可以去。”如果支持他的人想去集会现场,他们就会去。但是他们并没有去。
疫情发生以来重启的首场竞选集会如此“开局不顺”,这为特朗普本就落后的民调数据更添一层阴影。路透社和易普索联合发布的最新民调结果显示,美国民主党总统候选人拜登的支持率目前领先特朗普13个百分点,这是今年以来拜登在同一份民调中的最大领先幅度。screenshot from Reuters/Ipsos poll website明明已经在民调上落后了,特朗普的“甩锅”行为却还是停不下来。在此次竞选集会上,特朗普将不断攀升的新冠肺炎确诊病例数归咎于“检测过量”,并扬言要“放慢新冠病毒检测的速度”。而与此同时,美国的新冠疫情仍在加速蔓延。约翰斯·霍普金斯大学的最新数据显示,6月12日至18日期间,美国新确诊的新冠肺炎病例数比前一周增长了约15%。截至北京时间22日16时33分,美国的新冠肺炎确诊病例已达2,280,969例,死亡病例达119,977例。美国华盛顿大学的科研机构更是预测,到10月1日,美国新冠肺炎累计死亡病例可能超过20万例。Trump's campaign advisers had seen the rally as a way to rejuvenate his base and demonstrate support when opinion polls have shown him trailing his Democratic rival, former Vice President Joe Biden.According to the latest national Ipsos/Reuters Poll, U.S. former Vice President Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump 48 percent to 35 percent, the largest advantage for Biden so far in 2020. With his approval rates lagging behind, Trump has continued his scapegoating tactics by attributing the climbing number of confirmed COVID-19 cases to “massive testing.” While he claimed that he told people to “slow down the testing,” the pandemic in the U.S. seems to be worsening. As of Thursday, the country's seven-day average in new cases increased more than 15 percent compared with a week ago, according to Johns Hopkins data. As of 4:33 p.m. BJT Monday, the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the U.S. has reached 2,280,969, with 119,977 deaths. A coronavirus model designed by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington projected that more than 200,000 Americans could die of COVID-19 by October 1.