这是自“新发地疫情”发生26天以来,北京首次没有出现新增确诊病例。截至目前,北京已连续三天实现确诊病例“零增长”。Beijing, the Chinese capital, saw no new COVID-19 cases on Monday for the first time since a cluster of infections erupted in early June.6月11日,北京西城区唐某某被确诊为新冠肺炎病例,北京连续50多天无新增病例的纪录被打破,疫情警报再次拉响。流行病学调查发现,多个病例均有新发地市场活动史,新发地市场成为疫情防控的重中之重。面对突如其来的新发地聚集性疫情,北京市不断提升核酸检测能力、扩大检测范围,迅速投入到这场争分夺秒的战“疫”之中。A 52-year-old man surnamed Tang in Beijing's Xicheng District was found to have contracted COVID-19 on June 11, ending 56 case-free days. The infection was traced back to the city's largest wholesale produce market, Xinfadi.Two days after the first case was confirmed, Beijing launched citywide nucleic acid tests for COVID-19 on all people who had close contact with Xinfadi market since May 30.在7日举行的北京市疫情防控工作新闻发布会上,北京市疾控中心副主任庞星火介绍,自6月11日以来,北京已共计完成超1100万人次的核酸检测量。此前,北京疫情防控工作领导小组检疫检测工作组副组长张强表示,全市单日最高检测量达到108.4万人。新发地疫情发生后,北京各地的核酸检测机构从6月上旬的98所迅速扩充到184所,为全市在最短时间内完成对重点地区、重点区域和重点人群的核酸检测筛查提供了充分的保障。
毫无疑问,这些数字的背后折射出这样一个判断:大规模核酸检测的开展,对于迅速排查和隔离治疗感染者,切断传播途径,遏制疫情作用显著。As of Monday, at the daily coronavirus press conference, Pang Xinghuo, deputy director of the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said the capital had conducted coronavirus nucleic acid testing on over 11 million people. According to Zhang Qiang, deputy head of Beijing's special COVID-19 task force at a press conference on June 28, Beijing can now test up to 1.08 million people a day for COVID-19.Quick and extensive testing has played a key role in containing the coronavirus's spread, Pang said.In the 26 days since the fresh outbreak began, Beijing has rolled out a massive testing campaign following China's consistent rules in prevention and control – making sure all those in need have been tested, quarantined, hospitalized or treated.国家卫健委临床检验中心研究员李金明曾在6月底的一次发布会上表示,核酸检测的目的非常明确,就是为了早发现、早报告、早隔离、早治疗——“此次北京新发地疫情,当地决定及时对这个市场的工作人员,还有5月30号以后进出过新发地市场的人员,以及周边的11个小区人员大规模地进行核酸检测,精准及时地发现了新冠病毒感染者,对防止疫情的扩散起到了非常重要的作用。”
At a late June press conference, Li Jinming, a researcher at the Clinical Research Center of the National Health Commission, said Beijing's prompt decision to conduct wide scale testing, starting with staff at the wholesale market and citizens living in 11 communities around it, helped quickly identify infected patients and cut the transmission chain.从新发地疫情初期到现在,北京的核酸检测能力无论是从数量上还是效率上,都取得了看得见的成绩。而这些成绩,离不开采样、检测人员夜以继日的工作,以及广大市民积极的参与。大“疫”当前,正是这些努力,共同构筑起守护城市、守护生命的坚实防线。To boost its testing capacity, Beijing has increased the number of approved centers by almost 90 percent since early June by authorizing more existing medical facilities to conduct tests, building new laboratories and arranging tests within communities with the assistance of hospitals and medical staff dispatched from other provinces.
说干就干 | 北京网约车、快递、外卖从业人员接受核酸检测