

CGTN CGTN 2021-03-27

Hua Chunying. /File photo via FMPRC

7月15日,在外交部发言人例行记者会上, 有记者问道:“ 据报道,美国总统特朗普14日在白宫新闻发布会上公开承认,称他劝说了很多国家不要使用华为,想跟美国做生意就别用华为,否则会影响有关国家同美国的关系。中方对此有何评论? ”

中国外交部发言人华春莹回应说:“ 这再次证明有关禁用华为的决定与国家安全无关,而是高度政治化的操弄。也再次让世人看清,到处恐吓、威胁、挑拨、威逼的不是中国,而是美国。”

China on Wednesday voiced strong opposition to the UK's action on Huawei, vowing to take all measures to safeguard its interests, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying told media at a daily news briefing.

Oliver Dowden has only been in place as culture secretary since February 2020. /AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth


英国数字化、文化、媒体和体育大臣奥利弗·道登 (Oliver Dowden)表示,英国政府将从2020年12月31日起停止购买新的华为设备。此外,英国将要求本地运营商在2027年前从5G网络中彻底移除华为设备。


The UK will not allow Huawei's participation in its 5G network development, Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden told UK lawmakers on Tuesday.

Dowden has given telecoms operators until 2027 to remove Huawei equipment already implemented in Britain's 5G network. By the end of 2020, telecoms operators must not buy any new 5G equipment from Huawei.

The decision will delay the UK-wide rollout of the new 5G network, which offers vastly higher capabilities than previous wireless technologies, by up to three years and add an additional $2.5 billion to the cost, Dowden said.

"This has not been an easy decision, but it is the right one for the UK telecoms networks, for our national security and our economy, both now and indeed in the long run," he told the British parliament.

7月15日,中国驻英国大使刘晓明在推特上发文回应此事,“ 英国对华为做出了令人失望的错误决定。英国能否为其他国家的企业提供一个开放、公平和非歧视的商业环境令人怀疑。”

The decision marks a U-turn for Prime Minister Boris Johnson's government, which in January granted permission for Huawei equipment to be used in up to 35 percent of the less sensitive aspects of the network.

China's ambassador to the UK, Liu Xiaoming,  tweeted on Tuesday that it was a "disappointing and wrong decision."

"it has become questionable whether the UK can provide an open, fair and non-discriminatory business environment for companies from other countries," he said.

此外,华为英国公司发言人埃德·布鲁斯特(Edward Brewster)为华为在英国的未来发展被政治化感到遗憾,并敦促英国政府重新考虑这一决定。他认为英国政府这个决定令人失望,对英国手机用户来说无疑是一个噩耗。这可能会让英国数字发展滞后,增加消费者们的通讯开支。这个决定不但不能提高英国的发展水平,反而会使之下降。

A spokesperson for Huawei, Ed Brewster, said the decision was "politicized" and was "bad news for anyone in the UK with a mobile phone."

He added that Huawei disagreed with the basis of the assessment and called on the government to reconsider.

英国宣布禁用华为5G的消息出来后,英国剑桥大学政治和国际研究系高级研究员、观察者网专栏作者马丁·雅克(Martin Jacques)就发推文抨击道:“英国已经丧失理智。” 

他表示,华为是世界上最具创新力和最为重要的公司之一,它的5G技术对英国的未来至关重要。而如今英国要以一种不可思议的、自我摧毁的方式来禁止华为科技,有人认为,英国将为此决定付出5-10年的代价。他还发推文表示, 自2009年以来中国占了全球经济增长的1/3左右。到2030年,中国将占全球GDP的30%左右。中国是全球经济中的关键角色,而且未来还会变得更重要。所以“ 离开中国,英国就没有未来。”


Despite all barriers, pushback and fierce competition in the 5G space, Chinese tech giant Huawei continues to leapfrog the hurdles and reach new milestones in 2020. Its revenue rose by 13.1 percent year on year to 454 billion yuan (about 64.9 billion U.S. dollars) in the first half of 2020, with a net profit margin of 9.2 percent, according to statistics released by the company on Monday. Moreover, preliminary estimates by Dell'Oro Group placed Huawei at the top of the global equipment market for the first quarter of this year.





