The Republican Party has formally nominated President Donald Trump as their presidential candidate. The U.S. elections will be held on November 3 this year. The nomination comes after Democrats gathered virtually on August 17 to launch the national convention for presumptive nominee Joe Biden, former vice president in the Obama administration, and his running mate Sen. Kamala Harris.受新冠肺炎疫情影响,美国共和党全国代表大会主要活动将在线远程举行,只有少部分共和党人现身、参加大会在北卡罗来纳州夏洛特市的议程。大会主题为“向伟大的美国故事致敬”,提名寻求连任的美国现任总统特朗普和现任副总统彭斯为2020年美国大选共和党正副总统候选人。在共和党全国代表大会召开前夕,特朗普竞选团队23号公布以“为你而战”为主题的特朗普第二任期施政愿景,强调增加就业及减税、今年年底前研制出新冠病毒疫苗、推行强硬的移民政策及“美国优先”的外交政策等。此前,民主党全国代表大会已于本月17号到20号召开,大会提名美国前副总统拜登和加利福尼亚州联邦参议员哈里斯为2020年美国大选民主党总统和副总统候选人。美国定于今年11月初举行总统选举,受新冠疫情影响,外界普遍预期今年大选的邮寄投票选民人数将达美国历史最高水平。Donald Trump's nomination as the Republican candidate comes after Democrats gathered virtually on August 17 to launch the national convention for their nominee Joe Biden, who served as vice president in the administration of former U.S. President Barack Obama, and his running mate Senator Kamala Harris.Trump opened his speech by highlighting job creation, tax cuts, developing the coronavirus vaccine by the year-end, tough immigration policy, and the policy of putting "America First."哈佛大学费正清研究院专家罗伯特·罗斯对CGTN表达了他的观点。“你会听到特朗普总统和拜登关于中国的激烈言辞。当然,特朗普总统自从第一次竞选以来就一直针对中国。他相信他的支持者喜欢对中国的贸易战。所以,拜登对华政策听起来虽然同样强硬,但我们不应该把他的语言,他的言辞解读为他真正的政策偏好。他曾表示,贸易战是一场灾难。他希望解决全球气候变化问题,重新制定巴黎和平协议。他希望重新加入世界卫生组织,以及所有需要与中国合作的国家。因此,我认为,在两党竞争的大背景下,尽管拜登在竞选中言辞激烈,但对华政策仍有很大的商讨空间。”Robert Ross, John King Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard UniversityThe Republican National Convention runs August 24-27. Trump is Republican Party's sole nominee, and his nomination will officially launch his re-election bid. Last week, Democrats had their party convention and officially nominated Joe Biden. With the two sides gearing up for confrontation at the polls, politicians from both parties have drummed up policies on China in their campaigns. How big is the impact of U.S. policy on China in this election?"You'll hear loud rhetoric on the part of both President Trump and Joe Biden about China. And of course, President Trump has been anti-China since his first campaign – it was all China, China, China. And it came in with the trade war against China which he believes his base likes.So, during a campaign, the Democratic camp today cannot appear weak. So, Joe Biden will sound equally tough. But we should not interpret his language, his rhetoric as his true policy preferences. He has said the trade war is a disaster. He wants to deal with global climate change, and redrawing the Paris Peace Accords. He wants to rejoin the World Health Organization, and all those who require cooperation with China. So, I think within the context of our overall competition, there could be significant room for improvement despite the rhetoric of Biden's campaign."
特朗普“蓄意拆除邮箱干预大选”? 泰勒·斯威夫特:公然作弊!