

CGTN 2021-02-14

The Republican Party has formally nominated President Donald Trump as their presidential candidate. The U.S. elections will be held on November 3 this year. The nomination comes after Democrats gathered virtually on August 17 to launch the national convention for presumptive nominee Joe Biden, former vice president in the Obama administration, and his running mate Sen. Kamala Harris.




Donald Trump's nomination as the Republican candidate comes after Democrats gathered virtually on August 17 to launch the national convention for their nominee Joe Biden, who served as vice president in the administration of former U.S. President Barack Obama, and his running mate Senator Kamala Harris.

Trump opened his speech by highlighting job creation, tax cuts, developing the coronavirus vaccine by the year-end, tough immigration policy, and the policy of putting "America First."






Robert Ross, John King Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University

The Republican National Convention runs August 24-27. Trump is Republican Party's sole nominee, and his nomination will officially launch his re-election bid. Last week, Democrats had their party convention and officially nominated Joe Biden. With the two sides gearing up for confrontation at the polls, politicians from both parties have drummed up policies on China in their campaigns. How big is the impact of U.S. policy on China in this election?

"You'll hear loud rhetoric on the part of both President Trump and Joe Biden about China. And of course, President Trump has been anti-China since his first campaign – it was all China, China, China. And it came in with the trade war against China which he believes his base likes.

So, during a campaign, the Democratic camp today cannot appear weak. 

So, Joe Biden will sound equally tough. But we should not interpret his language, his rhetoric as his true policy preferences. He has said the trade war is a disaster. He wants to deal with global climate change, and redrawing the Paris Peace Accords. He wants to rejoin the World Health Organization, and all those who require cooperation with China. So, I think within the context of our overall competition, there could be significant room for improvement despite the rhetoric of Biden's campaign."



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