由于当前大多数疫苗仍处于最终阶段试验当中,多名美国公共卫生专家対特朗普政府敦促疫苗加紧上市的做法表示担忧,传染病专家安东尼·福奇1日接受采访时也强调,需要足够的临床证据证明疫苗安全有效后,才能向公众发放。美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)局长史蒂芬·哈恩也于1日再度发声,称如果被要求缩短新冠疫苗审批流程,在新冠疫苗准备就绪之前注册疫苗,他将考虑辞职。The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has asked state public health officials to prepare to distribute a potential coronavirus vaccine to high-risk groups as soon as late October, documents published by the agency showed on Wednesday.The New York Times reported that the CDC is preparing for one or two vaccines for COVID-19 to be available in limited quantities as soon as late October.The vaccines would be made available free of cost first to high-risk groups including healthcare workers, national security personnel, and nursing home residents and staff, the agency said in the documents.CDC Director Robert Redfield has asked state governors to expedite McKesson's requests for building vaccine distribution centers and to consider waiving requirements that would stop them from becoming fully operational by November 1.The timing of a vaccine has taken on political importance as U.S. President Donald Trump seeks re-election in November, after committing billions of federal dollars to develop a vaccine to prevent COVID-19, which has killed more than 180,000 Americans.The country's top infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci earlier on Wednesday said on MSNBC that based on the patient enrollment rate in COVID-19 vaccine trials underway, there could be enough clinical data to know by November or December that one of the vaccines is safe and effective.特朗普政府急于推出疫苗的做法也加剧了民众对其安全性的担忧。
尽管监管机构一再表示加快疫苗上市速度会以保障安全性为前提,但绝大多数美国民众仍对“加速问世”的疫苗持怀疑态度。据一项民意调查显示,目前只有30%的人表示愿意尽快注射疫苗,超过50%的人则持保留意见,希望先观望一段时间再考虑接种。作为特朗普“曲速行动”的一部分,截至上个月,美国已经在疫苗研发上投入了数十亿美元,其中包括制药公司辉瑞(Pfizer)、Moderna和阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)。当前,这些公司的疫苗研发都已进入冲刺阶段。然而,一家为美国卫生官员提供咨询的顶级学术机构预测,在美国支持下进行的4种新冠病毒疫苗后期试验可能无法取得积极结果。在他们提供的报告草稿里,预计将有至少3万人参与近7项的第三阶段试验,其中有4种试验可能将以失败告终。Regulators around the world have repeatedly said development speed will not compromise vaccine safety, as quicker results would stem from conducting parallel trials that are usually done in sequence. But such reassurances have not convinced everyone.A top group advising U.S. federal health officials assumed four late-stage COVID-19 vaccine trials supported by the country could fail in a draft report released on Tuesday.The draft report proposed by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine said when the potential COVID-19 vaccine is approved for public use, it would be distributed across the U.S. in four phases, first given to healthcare workers and vulnerable Americans. According to the group, the Trump administration's Operation Warp Speed is expected to back up to seven 30,000-person phase three trials. When calculating how many people would get the vaccine inoculated in the first phase, the group assumed at least four COVID-19 testing trials backed by the U.S would fail. As of last month, six potential vaccines including from drug companies Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Moderna have already entered phase three trials.