

CGTN CGTN 2021-02-14


October 17 marks the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, which reminds us that even in a world of unprecedented development of technology, economic growth and financial resources, millions of people still live in extreme poverty.

The day has also been marked as China's National Poverty Relief Day since 2014, and as China works towards its goal of completely eradicating absolute poverty by the end of 2020, many changes have taken place in remote rural areas.

"The Chat Room" brought together a group of experts and volunteers who have been working in poverty relief across the world to share their stories. CGTN's virtual reality mascot, giant panda Xiaomo, made its first appearance in the studio as well.

What can be done to eradicate poverty?

来自美国的罗伯特•拉肯(Robert Larkin)是华中农业大学的园艺学教授。过去几年,他一直在湖北省从事农业扶贫项目,带领自己的学生帮助贫困山区的农民遴选和推广适合当地种植的高附加值农产品,比如葡萄柚、梨等,用科学的种植方法帮助当地农民增产增收。
华中农业大学教授罗伯特•拉肯(Robert Larkin)在节目中介绍自己的农业扶贫项目

尼科•汉森(Nico Hansen)是来自卢森堡的一名退休警察,而现在,他的身份是广西壮族自治区的一名扶贫“洋助理”。几年前,去广西旅游的他,看到当地政府正在向农民推广种植百香果,他对此很感兴趣,于是决定留下来,加入当地的扶贫工作中。


来自德国的夏爱克(Eckehard Scharfschwerdt)是一名医生,他在云南的一个贫困山村扎根了15年,在治病救人的同时也帮助培训当地的医生。他说,他见证了这个地方过去15年发生的巨大变化,不仅当地的医院从一无所有到各种医疗设备齐全,铁路、公路等各项基础设施也不断完善,让人印象深刻。

来自德国的夏爱克(Eckehard Scharfschwerdt)医生在节目里讲述自己的扶贫经历


过去两年,中国女孩陆昕清一直在内罗毕担任非洲绿色革命联盟(Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa,简称AGRA)中非合作项目的负责人。该组织致力于推动非洲农业体系的转型,帮助提高非洲国家粮食产量和农民收入。陆昕清是该组织中的唯一的中国人,她的工作是把中国在农业领域的先进经验、政策和技术介绍到非洲国家,帮助当地提高粮食产量,解决饥饿这一难题。



Robert Larkin is a professor at Huazhong Agriculture University. He has been working with a poverty alleviation program through agriculture and has witnessed changes in local villages after farmers there shifted from growing traditional crops to grapefruit.

Nico Hansen is a retired police officer from Luxembourg and his story with China started with a tour to a village in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in 2015.

According to Hansen, the local government was seeking to persuade farmers to shift to passion fruit at the time, and he wanted to help.
He started working on poverty alleviation there in 2018. Over the two years, villagers have seen new paved roads and moved to new houses. Electricity and water are no longer a problem for them, so they are considering planting yellow watermelon, a fruit which can create a greater margin of profit.

German doctor Eckehard Scharfschwerdt has got a Chinese name – Xia Aike, and he has been working in China for 15 years. Starting in 2016, after a visit to a village in Yunnan Province, he joined the poverty alleviation program in the local area by working with hospitals in saving lives and training doctors.

As foreign volunteers work in China, so are Chinese people contributing to other countries.

Lu Xinqing, after working for two years in Nairobi in poverty eradication, is pursuing her master's degree in France majoring in the environment and agricultural policy. 

Liu Yimenghan, co-founder of a Chinese NGO "Dream Building Service Alliance," has been working in Kenya for 13 years. He now focuses on a feeding program in schools aimed at providing improved educational opportunities for children in Africa.

The key to poverty eradication






Hansen believes that infrastructure is the most important part in eradicating poverty from a certain area. He cited his own experience as an example: while streets were built into the villages, electricity, houses and education were lagging. The village has now completely changed.

Dr. Xia emphasized the changes happening deep in the hearts of people. "You cannot change a person from outside. Changes must come from inside," he said, which also emphasizing education and training.

Liu echoed Xia's opinions, citing an ancient Chinese proverb: "Teach someone fishing instead of giving him fish."

For Lu, who has been working with the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), cooperation is of great significance in today's world. She pointed out that there are two layers of cooperation of equal importance – between public and private sectors in a specific nation, and cooperation globally.

A vision







The guests talked about how their work has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected their work to different degrees, with projects delayed or canceled.

However, speaking of their expectation about their work in the future, they all have a clear vision.

Dr. Xia said he hopes that he could help residents in the villages where he worked in Yunnan to improve their awareness of healthy living. He said that as the economic situation improves, many other problems, such as obesity, have also arrived in many areas of China. Forming a good habit in life is important, like eating healthy and doing exercise.

Though his routine travel in China was impacted by the pandemic, he is still looking forward to providing more medical training for the local people.

"As a doctor, I can save 100 lives, but as a teacher, I can train 100 doctors," said Dr. Xia.

For Hansen, he is expecting to help the local government boost eco-tourism, aside from the fruit growing. He added that the location in the village is beautiful and attractive, and with eco-fruits and vegetables, he believes the area could appeal to urban residents as well.

Liu's NGO has been providing breakfast and lunch for school children in six African countries. Now, the schools are closed due to the pandemic, and he has been going through the work in previous years, in the hope of expanding the NGO to an international level, which can do more.

After pursuing her master's degree, Lu Xinqing is planning to return to Africa and devote what she has learned regarding food security. Lu said she wants to devote herself to agriculture and climate change there.


