近日,山东青岛一所中学让体育老师当班主任,结果遭到家长反对和投诉,引发社会广泛关注。有家长在青岛政务网反应称,青岛53中学初一刚开学,原班主任(数学老师)因怀孕无法继续担任班主任,更换体育老师为班主任,并且该班的数学课以后是数学组老师轮流上课。该家长质疑学校的做法欠为学生考虑,于是在政府信箱投诉。无独有偶。去年11月,浙江杭州一位中学体育老师也因担任班主任遭到了同样的“质疑”,有家长当面感叹:“没想到班主任这么年轻,还是体育老师……”学校的家长群里也炸开了锅,有家长表示:“体育老师懂数学英语吗?咋辅导啊?”A middle school in Qingdao, Shandong Province received complaints from a parent recently after a Physical Education (PE) teacher was appointed as a class head teacher, triggering heated discussions on Chinese social media platforms.In Chinese schools, a class head teacher is assigned to take charge of the whole class. Apart from teaching activities, a class head teacher also needs to deal with the general administrative tasks related to the class, like managing attendance and absence, collecting statistics of students' scores and communicating with parents about students' performances. Usually, teachers of Chinese, mathematics and English, will be appointed as class head teachers. 针对#体育老师能不能当班主任#这个问题,网友也展开了激烈的讨论。有网友发出了“灵魂拷问”:体育老师为啥不能当班主任?也有网友“现身说法”,还列举出体育老师当班主任的好处:有更多时间来管理班级事务。
The topic about whether a PE teacher is qualified to be in charge of a class soon went viral. Many netizens shared their views and stories online, most of whom expressed their support, saying that with less pressure in teaching, a PE teacher could focus more on the management of the class."As long as he or she is responsible for students, it makes no difference who is in charge," wrote one Weibo user.体育老师当班主任之所以遭到部分家长反对、投诉,或许也反映了体育课长期处于学校课程“鄙视链”底端,被当成可有可无的存在。微博上有一个讨论度颇高的话题#全国老师统一的口头禅#,话题区里被提到最多的一句话就是“体育老师有事这节课我来上”。“一个学期快结束了,只有体育考试的时候见到了体育老师”“感觉体育课的存在的作用就是——燃烧自己,照亮语数外”……而面对其他老师想要“借课”的情况,体育老师们似乎也少了点捍卫自己课程的“底气”。此前,有一位体育老师和其他任课老师的聊天记录刷屏了社交网络。对话中,这位体育老师“卑微”地求其他老师让自己上一节课来考试。“体育老师,在线卑微”,也佐证了现实中存在不重视体育教学,体育课动辄被占用的情况。2018年教育部的《中国义务教育质量监测报告》也显示,一些学校的体育课未开足开全。比如依据教育部《义务教育课程设置实验方案》,四年级体育周课时数应为三节,但调查中有近一半学校未能达到要求。PE is often seen as a marginal subject and Chinese students spend significantly more time on classes like mathematics, Chinese and English rather than PE. For example, the curriculum plan set by the Ministry of Education (MOE) requires that primary schools should provide three PE classes per week for students in the fourth grade. But according to the China Compulsory Education Quality Oversight Report released by MOE in 2018, in half of the surveyed schools, the fourth graders have fewer than that amount. 一边是体育老师“被透明”,体育课“名存实亡”,一边却是青少年体质的下降。2019年9月,《柳叶刀•儿童和青少年卫生》(Lancet Child & Adolescent Health)发表了一篇关于中国儿童和青少年体质的研究报告。通过分析肺活量、立定跳远、坐位体前屈、肌肉力量、50米短跑和耐力跑六项主要内容,研究人员发现1985年至2014年间中国儿童和青少年的体质健康指数(Physical Fitness Indicator,PFI)在逐渐下降。In September 2019, the prestigious journal Lancet Child & Adolescent Health published the results of research into Chinese pupils' physical fitness. Physical Fitness Indicator (PFI) is an important index to evaluate physical health. Through analyzing scores of PE tests like forced vital capacity, standing long jump, sit-and-reach, body muscle strength, 50-meter dash and endurance running, researchers observed a decline in the PFI among Chinese children and adolescents from 1985 to 2014. 2017年,《中国儿童青少年体育健身指数评估报告》显示,青少年体育健身行为的情况不容乐观。在身体活动水平方面,小学生每天保证1小时中高强度身体活动的得分均值为17.7分,而初中生降到9.8分,高中生则降到6.5分。针对“体育老师当班主任遭投诉”一事,教育部体育卫生与艺术教育司司长王登峰16日回应称,体育老师、音乐老师、美术老师、科技老师都可以做班主任。每一名教师都有教师资格证,都是符合教师要求的,他们只是教的科目不同。王登峰表示,这些问题的出现,其实是社会思想观念和现行的师资教师评价乃至学生评价体系所带来的。因为在很多人心目中体育不是主课,这门课学得好坏,甚至学不学都不重要。因此,家长认为体育老师当班主任,对涉及到学生升学考试的内容没有多大的贡献。另外,这体现了对整个体育教师师资队伍和体育教学状况的担心。王登峰特别强调:“未来起码要保障体育老师的课时,不要经常‘被生病’。希望体育老师当班主任不再是问题,能成为一个时髦。”"PE, music, art and technology teachers can all be the class head teachers," said Wang Dengfeng, a senior official from MOE said on Friday, in response to net users’ heated discussion on whether PE teachers are qualified to be a class head teacher or not. He said every teacher needs to pass the examination and get the credentials. So there is no need for parents to worry about their qualification to be a class head teacher. Wang pointed out that this controversy actually originates from the stereotype towards PE teachers and underestimation of the importance of PE classes."Since PE class is often considered as less important as classes like math and English, many people think it does not really matter whether students perform well in the class or not. As a result, parents believe that a PE teacher in charge of a class cannot help students to perform well in school or get good marks," Wang added.为了保障体育教学的质量,促进体育教学的发展,国家也在不断努力。
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