2018年,李健在选举中高票当选,成为了付楼村新一任村支书。In 2018, Li Jian was elected the party branch secretary of Fulou Village by a majority.付楼村位于河南省东南部,几年前,这里曾是有名的贫困村。直到李健当选,村里仍有42户贫困户没有脱贫, 家庭条件特别艰苦。李建和同事们根据每户的情况,专门制定脱贫计划。Located in the southeast of Henan Province, Fulou Village was known to be very poor. By the time Li was elected, there were still forty-two poverty-stricken households in the village and their conditions were particularly poor. Li and his colleagues implemented poverty alleviation plans according to their conditions.付楼村的香菇基地 Fulou Village's shiitake farm./CGTN Photo
这一天,李健到贫困户家中做思想工作,劝说他到新建的香菇基地打工挣钱。One day, Li visited one of the poor families to persuade them to work on a shiitake farm.“你最起码得让家人吃饱住好是不是?有吃有喝的吧。你看那边儿的香菇基地在建。在那儿干个小工,一天不是也能挣点儿钱。”"You have to feed the family, right? People have to eat. A shiitake farm is under construction. Go take a part-time job there and earn some money," said Li.李健到村民家中了解情况。Li visits villagers. /CGTN Photo
这样的谈话,李健已做了无数次。空荡荡的袖子,一条取右腿和腰部骨头再造的左腿,身体残疾的李健,总能出色地完成自己的工作。帮助村民脱贫致富,是他作为村干部的职责,更是心愿。Li has had such conversations countless times. With only one arm and a reconstructed leg, Li still always does his job well. As a village cadre, his duty and best wish is to help the villagers out of poverty.就在几年前,他还在残疾与贫困的打击下一蹶不振。从贫困户到村支书,李健经历了一段艰辛的路程。A few years ago, he was hit hard by disability and poverty. From a poor household and later becoming the village secretary, Li has had a tough journey.李健一家。Li's family. /CGTN Photo
李健原本是村里的电工。2011年发生了一次事故,他的右手不小心碰到了高压电线,导致一条胳膊被截肢,左腿也落下了残疾。一年多的时间,李健历经了11台手术,家里也断了收入。到2013年的年底,他成了村里的建档立卡贫困户。Li used to be an electrician but in 2011 he was electrocuted by high-voltage lines. This caused his right arm to be amputated and his left leg to be disabled. Li went through 11 surgeries in one year. Without his income, by the end of 2013 his family became a registered poverty-stricken household.失去手臂的李健曾在残疾与贫困中挣扎。Li was hit hard by disability and poverty. /CGTN Photo
那段最难熬的日子里,是政府的扶贫干部帮助了他。在他们的鼓励下,李健慢慢恢复自信,开始租地种大葱,凭借着这股不服输的劲头, 2016年,李健不仅赚回了本钱,还净赚了13万元,一举摘掉了贫困帽子。Poverty-alleviation cadres helped him out in his darkest days. With their encouragement, Li regained his confidence and began to grow scallions. With unyielding spirit, Li made net earnings of 130,000 RMB (about 25,000 U.S. dollars) in 2016 and lifted himself out of poverty.李健与镇党委书记王诗东。Li talks to Wang Shidong, the town party branch secretary. /CGTN Photo
“幸福是奋斗出来的。你如果奋斗往哪个方向奋斗,你得有一个方向,一个目标。” 他的帮扶人——镇党委书记王诗东对他说过的话。他一直记在心里,并且做到了。"You have to strive for happiness. And when you strive, you must have a direction, a goal," said Wang Shidong, the town party branch secretary and Li's paired helper. Li kept this in mind and found success.付楼村的香菇基地。The shiitake farm of Fulou Village. /CGTN Photo脱贫后的李健希望多做实事回报父老乡亲。通过了解,他得知香菇的种植的时间短,见效快。对村里发展是更有利。当选村支书后,他与其他村干部一起,带领村民建设香菇大棚、发展特色种植业、扩建扶贫车间,帮助村民脱贫增收。After this, Li hoped to repay his fellow villagers. He knew that shiitake mushrooms have a short cultivation time. Growing them could be beneficial for the village. After being elected as the village secretary, he and his fellow cadres led the villagers to build shiitake greenhouses, develop a special planting industry, expand poverty alleviation workshops and lift themselves out of poverty.为鼓励村民种植香菇,李健邀请村民到自家香菇大棚参观体验。在李健自强精神的感召和带领下,付楼村村民的脱贫致富愿望特别强烈。To encourage the villagers, Li invited them to his own greenhouse. Inspired by Li's spirit of self-improvement, the people of Fulou Village have a strong desire to get rid of poverty.脱贫后的他为啥还这么努力?因为李健坚信,付楼村的明天一定会更美好。As to why he always works hard, Li firmly believes that Fulou Village will have a better tomorrow.李健,付楼村村支书。Li Jian is the party branch secretary of Fulou Village. /CGTN Photo
“只要我在这儿,我就得带着他们(村民们)富起来,这就是我的目的。” "As long as I'm around, I have to try to make them rich. This is a life goal of mine."
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