COVID-19 has disrupted the integrated world. Borders are closed, international transportation halted, global trade suspended. 新冠肺炎疫情击碎了一体化的世界。边境关闭,国际运输中止,全球贸易暂停。 Will the virus kill globalization? Some populists believe and hope so. It’s true that people are physically more distanced, but does this really mean the death of globalization?疫情会终结全球化吗?一些民粹主义者认为如此,也希望如此。没错,人们之间的物理距离的确增加了,但这是否就意味着全球化走到了尽头呢? “Globalization is changing. It has been changing for some time now. It's been digitalization. It's been regionalization. And it's been dematerializing. But it hasn't been going away. After COVID-19, in fact, in a pandemic world, that [globalization] will continue. We will continue to see the growth of intra-regional trade. We will continue to see even more growth in digital trade. And we will continue to see growth in the trade of services across borders,” Jonathan Woetzel, Director of McKinsey Global Institute, said.“全球化本身正在发生变化,而且已经持续了一段时间,比如有数字化、区域化,以及去物质化。但全球化并没有消失,哪怕是在疫情期间也没有停止,疫情过去后仍会继续。区域贸易会继续增长,数字贸易的增长会更多,跨境服务贸易也会增长,”麦肯锡全球研究院院长华强森说道。 However, a rise in populism is impeding this process. As the world is struggling to trade, populists are enthusiastically touting nationalism, new barriers and decoupling. 然而,民粹主义的抬头正在阻碍这一进程。在全球贸易举步维艰之时,民粹主义者却在大肆宣扬民族主义、新壁垒,甚至脱钩。 “Theoretically, you could decouple, but it would require such a huge disruption in supply chains that it would have a real negative impact on the global economies and be very, very costly,” Tim Stratford, former Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for China Affairs at the Office of the United States Trade Representative, warned.“理论上来讲,脱钩可以实现,但会对供应链造成极大破坏,进而给全球经济带来非常消极的影响。其代价也将非常非常高昂,” 美国前助理贸易代表夏尊恩警告道。 The huge economic sacrifice hasn’t deterred populists from their pursuit. In fact, globalization had started to retreat even before the pandemic.巨大的经济冲击并没有使民粹主义者知难而退。事实上,全球化在疫情开始前就已经出现倒退迹象。 Just take a look at Huawei, which several countries have sought to block.以遭多国抵制的华为为例。 “I can say from experience that companies like Huawei are trying very hard to integrate in the West,” Noah Fraser, Managing Director at Canada-China Business Council, said.“根据经验来判断,我认为华为这样的企业在非常积极地寻求融入西方,” 加中贸易协会董事总经理范诺亚表示。 He noted, “I think that in Canada we have a lot of jobs that have been invested in from Huawei. We have over 1,200 positions in Canada, so 1,200 mouths are being fed by Huawei in Canada every year. And this number is continuing to grow.”范诺亚指出,在加拿大,华为的投资创造了不少就业机会。加拿大一共有1200个岗位,也就是说华为给1200个加拿大人提供了饭碗。这个数字每年还在增加。 A bar on Huawei means job losses, soaring telecommunications costs and delayed 5G dividends. But for Western protectionists, these consequences pale in comparison with the need to contain the country they deem to be a threat. And a similar fate befell Japanese companies decades earlier.抵制华为意味着损失就业岗位,大幅增加电信成本和推迟5G红利。但对于西方的保护主义者来说,和遏制这一他们眼中的“威胁”相比,这些后果都没那么重要。几十年前,日本企业也遭遇过同样的命运。 “I look back to the 1970s and 1980s when Japanese companies were going to the West, there was a lot of distrust. There was a lot of concern about Japanese companies taking over the world, so to speak. We're probably encountering a little bit of that,” Fraser claimed.“回想20世纪70和80年代,当时日本企业正进军西方,面临着诸多的不信任。可以这么说,很多人担心日本企业会占领全世界。现在的情况和当时有点类似,”范诺亚说道。 Politics should pave the way for economic growth. But in some countries, it is played at the cost of economics. And populist sentiment arises in this context. 政治应当为经济增长铺路。但在一些国家,政治却在拆经济的台。在这样的背景下,民粹主义情绪开始抬头。 Steven Lynch, Managing Director of BritCham China, believed there are many aspects to this. “Sometimes we must separate the politics from the business. I think China is actually very good at separating the politics from the business where business can thrive,” Lynch said.中国英国商会主席总裁Steven Lynch认为这其中包含着多方面的问题,他指出,“有的时候我们必须把政治和经济分开。中国就非常善于将两者分开,因此其经济才能繁荣发展。” It’s true. China is the first economy to recover from the pandemic. Its willingness to shield political divergences and cooperate is the key.是的。中国是首个从疫情中恢复的经济体,其搁置政治分歧和寻求合作的意愿发挥了关键作用。