据美国政府官员向路透社、美联社等多家媒体证实,当地时间25日,美国总统拜登下令对叙利亚境内的“受伊朗支持的武装目标”发动空袭。 美国国防部说,美军当天空袭了位于叙利亚东部伊朗支持的民兵组织的多处设施。报道引述五角大楼新闻秘书柯比(John F Kirby)的话称,总统拜登是为了回应伊拉克境内针对美国目标的火箭弹袭击及对美国和盟友人员造成的持续威胁。 U.S. President Joe Biden on Thursday directed U.S. military airstrikes in eastern Syria against facilities belonging to what the Pentagon said were Iran-backed militia. "At President Biden's direction, U.S. military forces earlier this evening conducted airstrikes against infrastructure utilized by Iranian-backed militant groups in eastern Syria. These strikes were authorized in response to recent attacks against American and Coalition personnel in Iraq, and to ongoing threats to those personnel," Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said in a statement.
另据叙利亚军方消息人士告诉总台记者,当地时间25日深夜至26日0时左右,位于叙利亚东部叙伊边境地区的阿布卡迈勒口岸附近遭到多次空袭。 目前暂时还没有关于空袭造成人员伤亡或具体损失情况的报道。路透社报道,这场空袭的影响范围看似有限,可能因此降低紧张局势升温的风险。 A source from the Syrian military told a correspondent of China Media Group that there were multiple airstrikes near the port of Abu Kamal, a town in eastern Syria on the border with Iraq, around midnight on Thursday. It was not immediately clear what damage was caused and if there were any casualties from the strike. But the strikes appeared to be limited in scope, potentially lowering the risk of escalation. 有分析认为,拜登政府通过此次有限袭击,传递了信号,即伊朗即便使用其支持的武装组织对美国人进行袭击,也不能逃避责任。此外,此次袭击时间、地点也经过了精心选择,避免了与伊拉克政府出现矛盾。 A U.S. official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said the decision to carry out these strikes was meant to send a signal that while the United States wanted to punish the militias, it did not want the situation to spiral into a bigger conflict. 在2月15日,伊拉克北部埃尔比勒机场发生了火箭弹袭击,导致一名菲律宾承包商死亡,另外导致包括1名路易斯安纳州国民警卫队成员和4名美国承包商在内多人受伤。 此后不久,至少四枚火箭弹袭击了巴格达空军基地,造成一人受伤,这一基地被指是美国承包商的驻地。 On February 15, rockets hit the U.S. military base at Erbil International Airport killing one non-American contractor and injuring a number of American contractors and a U.S. service member. Another salvo struck a base hosting U.S. forces north of Baghdad days later hurting at least one contractor.
点击图片阅读→ 《美伊冲突持续引发关注,伊朗有胜算吗?》 去年年初,伊朗伊斯兰革命卫队下属“圣城旅”指挥官苏莱马尼在伊拉克遭美军空袭身亡,美国与伊朗紧张局势升温,导致中东地区冲突再起。 Under former U.S. President Donald Trump, tensions escalated, culminating in the U.S. killing of Iranian military leader Qassem Soleimani and a retaliatory Iranian ballistic missile attack against U.S. forces in Iraq last year.