Hey guys, welcome to this edition of Reality Check. I’m Wang Guan. Coming to you from Xi'an, the ancient Chinese city, the capital of 13 imperial Chinese dynasties. Now, those of you who have been watching our program know that we debunk a lot of myths out there. And today, we're going to do a few more. 大家好,欢迎收看本期《冠察天下》,我是王冠。这里是西安,一座中国古城,号称“十三朝古都”。观看节目的朋友都知道,我们专门粉碎谣传,揭露真相。今天,我们依然如此。 Starting with number one: I'm a reporter? 谜题一:我是一名记者吗? Character Hei Wa is using a mobile phone. 黑娃用上了手机。 It’s only a feeling of putting eyedrops in.就是滴眼药水的感觉。 Alright, it’s done.等会,好了。 Okay.好。 Hei Wa leads the army with exceptional discipline. To answer public recognition, he shall be granted the honor. 兆谦领军,军纪严明。已有公论,为其披红。 Papa, I’m your son Hei Wa.爹,我是黑娃。 You’re not. My son goes out to harvest wheat to earn money. He says, he would come back for marriage when he gets rich.不是俺家黑娃,俺黑娃当麦客子挣钱去了。他说,挣了钱就回来娶媳妇。 Myth number two: It is the Italians who make the best noodles? 谜题二:最好的面食出自意大利人之手? Shaanxi cuisine is reputed for wheat-based staple food. Dozens of types of noodles can be found here. 关中美食是以面食为主的,我们在这里有几十种的面食。 Dozens?几十种面食? Exactly.对,有几十种的面食。 Can I seek confirmation from you? Many of my friends told me that in Shaanxi, locals eat noodles all entire day. Plus, the noodles they eat are all different. 我想求证一个事,就是说,我很多朋友都说,在陕西,早中晚和夜宵都能吃面食,还是不重样的? You’re right.对,是可以。They said even if the noodles remain the same, the sauce put on can vary.他们说面条是打卤,卤一个星期是可以不重样的。 It is. For example, in Shaanxi we have hot oil noodles, noodles with soybean paste, noodles with ingredients. For the noodles with ingredients, it can be made dry or as a soup. There are various ways of noodle-cooking. 对,是可以的。比如说像我们什么油泼面、炸酱面、臊子面,臊子面还有干拌、汤面,它的形式非常多种多样。 Look at this. 瞧瞧。 Look at this.瞧这儿。 Hot oil noodles.油泼面。 It’s called “Biang Biang noodles”.油泼彪彪面。 This one? I've always been wondering, why is this so good? 这个?我在想,这碗面怎么这么好吃? Because I made it.因为这是我做的。 So you can open a “Youpo” store in Beijing.你都能在北京开一家油泼面馆了。 Yeah.是啊。 Now myth number three: The only liquor that the Chinese love is “Baijiu”? 谜题三:中国人只爱喝白酒? It's not too bad. It's stronger than beer, but hey, it's less strong than tequila. 这酒不赖,比啤酒烈,却比龙舌兰温和。 Come over here.在这边。 There?这边? Yes. That wooden bridge. Throw the bowl onto the ground after you drink.嗯对,来这边。然后把碗被摔碎在地上。 Very good. This Huangjiu is uniquely made. You can taste the flavor of different grains in here.非常好。我觉得这个味道特别不一样,有好多粮食感觉在里面。 Exactly. We brew Huangjiu through… Barley, rye, and oats.对,我们这个黄酒,它的制作就是通过……大麦、黑麦、燕麦酿造而成的。 And myth number four: Poverty eradication in China is all work, no play? 谜题四:一谈到中国扶贫,就只有劳作没有娱乐? I mean, I was told by some locals that decades ago, this is like a small rural village in western China, western hinterland. I would say it's no man's land. It's very poor. And then thanks to a movie White Deer Plain that was made, that was shot here, the whole village was transformed into this movie town. 地方百姓告诉我,几十年前,这里还是中国西部内陆的一座小村庄。可以说,那时这里曾是个贫瘠的“无人区”。直到《白鹿原》电影在这拍摄取景后,这个村子变成了电影城。 Bailuyuan Studios has played a big role in boosting the local economy of Lantian county. In the Studios, we have provided 300 jobs to solve the problem of employment for nearby villages. Also, we have carried out poverty eradication policies for the well-being of the locals. Besides that, villagers have access to run their own business here. Through their efforts and cooking skills, Shaanxi snacks are served to each and every tourist. 白鹿原影视城对于拉动蓝田当地的经济起到了非常大的助力。在白鹿原影视城,我们也提供了300个工作岗位,所以解决了当地人的工作,还有响应国家的扶贫政策。然后包括我们这些商户,他们在这里有一个自己的小生意可以去做,通过自己的双手和自己的厨艺去把关中小吃传播给来这里游玩的每一位游客。 Yeah, this is amazing too. Because we're talking about the township of 20,000 people, and 300 people are employed here. They're selling food and performing folk culture, providing for their family. This is really awesome.是的,这也很了不起。我们在谈论的是两万人口的小镇,其中就有300人在这里就业。他们在这里售卖美食、表演民俗,从而能够养家糊口。这真的很棒。 推荐阅读:冠察天下 | 亚裔美国人必须大声说出来 冠察天下:亚裔成了许多美国人发泄痛苦的替罪羊