7月17日,中国体育代表团宣布,将由女排运动员朱婷、跆拳道运动员赵帅担任东京奥运会开幕式中国体育代表团旗手。 奥运会开幕式中国体育代表团旗手历来都是受关注的焦点。据悉,中国体育代表团综合考虑了运动员代表性和赛程安排等各方面因素,经多方征求意见、慎重考虑,最终确定旗手人选。 朱婷在接受采访时表示,“感谢代表团对女排、对我的肯定与信任,担任旗手是一份荣誉,也是一份责任,让我更有动力,去做好每一天、走好每一步。大赛将至,保持平常心,全力以赴,我们的目标还是,升国旗奏国歌。” 赵帅表示能够和朱婷一起担任旗手,对自己是莫大的荣誉,也是对于跆拳道项目的认可。此外,他说道,“我也会以此为动力继续在赛场上为祖国争光,祝愿代表团的所有运动员能够在东京奥运会上取得理想的成绩!” Women's volleyball player Zhu Ting and taekwondo athlete Zhao Shuai will be the flag-bearers for China at the opening ceremony of Tokyo 2020, the Chinese Olympic Committee (COC) announced late on Saturday. Both athletes were crowned in the Rio Olympics five years ago, Zhu with the Chinese women's volleyball team and Zhao in the 58kg category of men's taekwondo. "Taking representation of the athletes and competition schedule into consideration, the delegation has confirmed its flag-bearers following widespread consultation and prudent consideration," COC said in an online statement. 推荐阅读:(附赛程表,墙裂建议收藏)东京奥运会将采取“自助式颁奖”,中国奥运军团已就绪 大声加油和饮酒通通被禁!东京奥运会发布观赛指南