
观察家 | 中国的全过程人民民主

CGTN CGTN 2022-03-21

I'm Robert Lawrence Kuhn and here's what I'm watching: What China calls its "Whole-Process People's Democracy" - a mysterious phrase to Westerners, who assume that China's political system, which has neither multiple parties nor general elections, can be in no way democratic. 

我是罗伯特•劳伦斯•库恩, 以下是我正在关注的:中国的“全过程人民民主”在西方人看来有些费解,他们认为中国的政治制度既不是所谓“多党制”也没有大选,因此无民主可言。

Yet, when President Xi Jinping explains China's great rejuvenation, he uses six aspirational adjectives, one of which is "democratic". He calls democracy "a shared value of humanity and a key tenet upheld by the Party and the Chinese people" - to be used, he says, “to solve the problems that the people want to solve.”

然而,习近平主席在阐述中华民族的伟大复兴时,使用了六个词来形容他的宏愿,其中之一就是“民主” 。他称民主是“全人类的共同价值,是中国共产党和中国人民始终不渝坚持的重要理念” 。他指出民主要用来“解决人民需要解决的问题”。

Party theorists describe Whole-Process People's Democracy as a full-chain, omni-directional, and full-covered democracy, embedding process democracy and outcome democracy, procedural democracy and substantive democracy, and direct and indirect democracy. They stress that people's democracy and the will of the state are united. 


That's the theory, but what's the practice?


The Party's call is to expand the orderly political participation of the people, strengthen the protection of human rights and the rule of law, and ensure that the people enjoy extensive rights and freedoms in accordance with the law. This includes the people exercising the right to vote and democratically elect representatives to the people's congresses, and ensuring that the people know, participate, express, and supervise the work of the people's congresses - still under the leadership of the Party, of course.

根据党的号召,不断扩大人民有序政治参与,加强人权法治保障,确保人民依法享有广泛权利和自由。这包括人民依法行使选举权,民主选举产生人大代表,保证人民的知情权、 参与权、 表达权、 监督权落实到人大工作各方面各环节全过程。当然, 这一切要在党的领导下进行。

Democracy in the Party-led system involves absorbing public opinion via feedback mechanisms, such as polling to discern what people think, for example about proposed new policies – a process that the Party calls "pooling people's wisdom."


So, even though there are no elections in the Western sense, there is a good deal of engagement with different constituencies. Another example is when officials are nominated to new positions, there is a period of time for candid feedback from colleagues and subordinates as well as from superiors. 

因此,即使没有西方式的选举,也能收到代表不同群体的大量反馈。再举个例子,当官员被提名到新职位时, 通常会有一段公示时间,听取同事,下属和上级的反馈。

In enhancing Whole-Process People's Democracy, President Xi highlights upholding and improving the people's congress system, stressing properly and effectively exercising their power of oversight.


Moreover, the work reports of Party leadership at Party congresses every five years, and the work reports of the government at the National People's Congress every year, reflect a great deal of input and suggestion from all relevant officials, experts and constituencies. These work reports are not just what top leadership puts forth for form and ceremony. No - these axial documents are drafted by diverse teams, with comments and opinions solicited from numerous officials and experts; the documents circulate iteratively many times during the six to eight months or more of the drafting period.


President Xi stresses the important role of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in the development of deliberative and consultative democracy; even though the CPPCC has no formal power, it has the growing social powers of expertise, influence and public pressure.


My friends in China ask, why does the world misunderstand the Party? The problem, I argue, is partly semantics — because the English word "party" connotes, in democratic political systems, a political party that competes in free and open multi-party elections, such that when a ruling party does not compete in free and open multi-party elections, that political system is deemed not democratic.


This portrait mispaints the Chinese system, which is founded on a different principle, where the Party is the ruling organization, not a competing political party — it is a dedicated elite from all sectors of society, consisting of less than 7 percent of the population but tasked to represent 100 percent of the population.


Thus, the Party, as the ruling organization, is not the equivalent of a ruling political party in Western systems, where political parties represent only a certain group of voters and are time-bounded by election cycles. For this reason, the Chinese Party, the CPC, has a higher and broader obligation to enhance the living standards and personal well-being of all Chinese citizens. This includes reforms, rule of law, transparency in government, public participation in governance, increasing democracy, and various freedoms (including expression), and human rights. These are real challenges.


Looking ahead, given that democracy is aspirational as part of China's mid-century goals, what kinds of system improvements need be made? What are the boundaries for improvements? What is the tolerance for improvements?



I'm keeping Watch. I'm Robert Lawrence Kuhn


观察家 | 全面建成小康社会 III ——以史为鉴,开创未来
观察家 | 中国的全面小康 I ——村企合作共谋发展

