近年来,与边境移民问题相关的人道主义危机在美国频繁上演。移民死亡、人口走私、移民拘留虐待等现象长期存在。根据拜登政府的数据,截至2022年9月30日,美国当局在边境地区发现了创纪录的890多具移民尸体,比2021年增加了58%。据路透社报道,当地时间2023年3月12日,两艘移民走私船只在加州圣迭戈县北部海域倾覆,造成至少8人死亡。2022年6月27日,在美国得克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市一辆被遗弃的闷热卡车里发现大量移民遗体,死亡人数至少53人。该案件是现代美国最致命的一起人口走私惨剧。CGTN拍客采访了曾经试图移民美国的尼加拉瓜人阿尔文·塞维利亚,他也是人口走私和美国移民拘留的受害者。视频中,他讲述了自己坎坷的移民之路,并表达了对得克萨斯州移民惨案受害者的深切同情。In recent years, humanitarian crises related to border immigration have frequently occurred in the U.S. Migrant deaths, human trafficking and detention abuses have long existed. The bodies of more than 890 migrants, a record number, were recovered by U.S. authorities along the border in the 2022 fiscal year that ended September 30, according to the Biden administration. The number represented a 58 percent increase over 2021.According to Reuters, on March 12, 2023 , at least eight people died after two fishing boats capsized off the coast of San Diego, California, in an apparent migrant smuggling operation. On June 27, 2022, at least 53 migrants were confirmed dead after dozens of bodies were discovered inside a sweltering abandoned tractor-trailer in San Antonio, Texas. It was believed to be the deadliest human trafficking incident on the southern border in modern U.S. history.CGTN interviews Alvin Sevilla, a Nicaraguan who tried to immigrate to the U.S. and was also the victim of human smuggling and immigration detention, to talk about his bumpy immigration experience. He has also expressed his sympathy for the victims of the Texas tragedy.推荐阅读:美国真相:校园枪击案的背后 美国真相:德堡生物实验室安全迷雾 美国真相:被忽视的养老院老人