法国时尚品牌迪奥(Dior)又双叒因争议上热搜了!4月11日“迪奥彩妆广告涉嫌歧视亚裔”的话题引起广泛关注和讨论 据悉该品牌日前在媒体平台发布了一组彩妆广告图而其中第三张照片上露出半张亚洲女性的脸其眼角明显被拉起图源:Dior ins French fashion brand Dior has been criticized on Chinese and overseas social networks over alleged racial discrimination after it published a promotional photo that showed a model pulling the corners of her eyes upward in a manner like she was slanting her eyes. The post soon went viral with the third picture in the album accused of depicting racist tropes. 有人认为无需敏感这是模特在摆时尚造型可许多网友批评称在国际惯例中这个提拉眼角暗示眯眯眼(slanted eyes)的动作代表着对亚裔的歧视(a derogatory gesture toward Asians) 在照片推文的评论区也出现了众多质疑声“第三张图真诡异我说什么你心里清楚吧?”“你自己觉得第三张图合适吗?”“这就是种族歧视” 虽然迪奥在没有给出任何解释说明的情况下于11日晚删除了这张照片但此举还是在中国和世界各地网民中引起巨大争议 The widely criticized photo was quickly deleted by the luxury brand. A large number of netizens slammed the deleted picture and expressed their anger in the comments, which attracted hundreds of likes. 许多人呼吁抵制该品牌还有人指出这已经不是迪奥第一次陷入舆论风波(戳这里回顾) 中国汉服爱好者去年就曾指责迪奥在秋季系列的产品中挪用了中国传统马面裙的设计却自称是“标志性”的迪奥廓形此前迪奥展出的摄影作品也曾被批“丑化亚裔”图源:迪奥 官方平台 This latest "slanted eye" posture again angered Chinese netizens with many calling for a boycott against the brand, saying its chronic failing to display cultural sensitivity toward Asians won't change. Last July, Chinese Hanfu (traditional Chinese costume) lovers accused the brand of copycatting the design of a traditional Chinese horse face skirt in its fall 2022 collection without clarifying the source of inspiration. Overseas Chinese nationals were quick to join protests against Dior's "cultural appropriation". This comes not very long after November 2021, when Dior had faced a global backlash for a poster showing a Chinese model with freckled dark skin, gloomy squinted eyes, heavy dark makeup, long artificial nails, Qing armor and other distorted elements. 与此同时一条“反击种族歧视”的视频也爆火出圈在各平台累计获百万播放量↓ 旅游博主@何香蓓Betty讲述了自己在英国用智慧回击歧视者并让其崩溃暴哭的经历图源:微博@何香蓓Betty 博主表示几天前她在英国拍摄剑桥街景一个当地女生路过时却先后两次对着镜头做出了示意提拉眼角暗指眯眯眼的手势 感受到明显的歧视意味后博主意识到从歧视者娴熟的动作看这大概率不是她第一次表现出对亚洲人的种族歧视于是决心用智慧回击 她追上该英国女生并表露了自己视频博主的身份“我正好拍到了你那啥的证据”在对方试图装糊涂时,她指出“你做了什么自己心里清楚” 歧视者这才紧张起来并开始找借口道歉称“我其实没有其他的意思我只是眼睛不舒服”但博主立刻驳斥了这套不打自招的虚伪之词 “我从头到尾就没说你做了什么所以你知道那个手势是种族歧视随你怎么狡辩但我知道你是个种族歧视者我完全不在意你(编造)的理由你已经不是小朋友了要为自己的行为负责” “I didn’t say anything about what you did to me, right? So, you know what’s the meaning of that. Deny it all you want, but I know what I saw. And I don’t care the reasons. You are not a child anymore. You need to pay for it.” 博主说歧视者发现狡辩无果便开始当街破口大骂而在博主进一步表示她要把这段经历发布到网上大家都会看到其种族歧视的嘴脸时对方崩溃地暴哭起来 博主还解释自己在反击中运用的“中国人的智慧”实际是一种“和气”是内心平和但充满气势在保证自己安全的前提用合适的方式回击这番反击也获得许多网友支持 在许多国际大牌屡屡遭到亚裔群体抗议却仍保持其刻板印象甚至是歧视行为的当下亚洲人的“敏感”正是对西方人“傲慢”的回应 正如博主在视频中呼吁的“面对种族歧视我们拒绝沉默!” 新闻来源:China Daily,中国日报双语新闻,B站@何香蓓Betty 推荐视频