近日,有网友发帖称,在观看演员“House(李昊石)”的脱口秀中,发现其中有侮辱解放军的段子内容,令人不适。相关爆料引发公众关注后,15日,演员李昊石道歉,并且被微博禁言。 A stand-up comedian from Xiaoguo Culture Media Co has been banned from his Weibo account after making inappropriate remarks during a performance, according to media reports on Tuesday, amid growing controversy over his offensive jokes which insulted Chinese soldiers. 李昊石称,自己对于相关争议和讨论,“深感愧疚与后悔”,在“演出中使用了不恰当的比喻”,造成了“不好的感受和联想”。 The actor named HOUSE also later posted an apology letter on his social media, expressing his deep guilt and regret for the mistakes he made, and will take responsibility for it, stop all performing arts activities, and deeply reflect on himself. 15日,该演员所在的笑果公司也发布声明致歉,并表示第一时间对李昊石进行了“严肃的批评,要求他反省,并无限期停止他后续一切演艺工作。” Xiaoguo Culture Media Co issued a letter on Monday, apologizing to the public for the controversy caused by the inappropriate metaphor by its stand-up comedian HOUSE, whose real name Li Haoshi, during an offline performance. "After the performance that day, we promptly criticized HOUSE and required him to reflect on his actions. We have also suspended all of his subsequent performances indefinitely," the company said in the statement. "We shall proactively shoulder more social responsibilities, strengthen the training and education of our actors, and maintain industry order," said Xiaoguo Culture Media Co in its statement, adding that they are grateful for the public's attention and supervision. 目前,在笑果官方微信小程序的演员名单中,已搜索不到House的个人主页。 另据极目新闻报道,笑果的工作人员称,“是他(HOUSE)在表演中临时加了内容。”另一名自称笑果文化编剧的工作人员向极目新闻记者介绍,脱口秀演员演出的内容公司都会进行审批,也会向相关部门进行报备。据他了解,HOUSE演出中的争议内容并不在事前审核的文本内,如果在的话,公司肯定能够看出来。 不过,网友对于李昊石和笑果的道歉并不买账,认为公司有“甩锅”嫌疑,演员本身也可能没有意识到自己的问题。 北京市文化执法总队表示,5月15日上午通过网络巡查已获知此事,并已对相关公司进行立案调查。 The Beijing Cultural Law Enforcement Bridage said that it had learned of the inappropriate remarks insulting Chinese soldiers through an internet patrol or cyber surveillance on Monday morning and had registered an investigation against Xiaoguo Culture Media Co. 《中华人民共和国军人地位和权益保障法》第三十二条规定:“任何组织和个人不得以任何方式诋毁、贬损军人的荣誉,侮辱、诽谤军人的名誉,不得故意毁损、玷污军人的荣誉标识。” 15日,解放军新闻传播中心旗下的评论类新媒体账号“钧正平”也发微博表达了对此事的态度:“低格调的搞笑,无底线的放纵,博眼球的娱乐,不知止的欲望,对文艺有百害而无一利!” 15日晚,人民日报微博发文指出: “脱口莫脱轨,玩梗须有度。片面追求笑果而不惜踩线,就陷入了误区。心有所畏、言有所戒、行有所止,这应是职业底线,更该成为行业共识。价值观立得端,言行才不会跑偏。” The People's Daily issued a brief commentary on Monday, saying that talk shows must have minimum standards and should not cross the red line simply for the sake of performance, which should become the bottomline of the entire profession, and it should also become the consensus of the industry. 新华社微博16日发文指出:人民军队保家卫国,每个人都必须敬畏;“听党指挥、能打胜仗、作风优良”,每个字都不容冒犯!
此次事件也不是笑果及李昊石本人第一次引发争议。在去年的某次表演中,李昊石段子中加入了一个股票代码,该股票价格随即飞涨。上交所及相关公司都曾发布公告。不过李昊石否认自己和家人持股,网民却质疑为何他的表演中加入如此片段。 This is not the first time that HOUSE and his company Xiaoguo have sparked controversy. In a previous comedy show, HOUSE directly announced the code for a stock, causing the stock of a previously unknown company to skyrocket. Although he later claimed that he and his family did not hold the stock, many netizens still questioned why he raised the subject during his performance. 2021年8月,据北京市海淀区市场监管局消息,知名脱口秀演员、笑果联合创始人之一李诞因发布违法广告,被罚没超87万元。李诞代言女性内衣品牌,其广告文案中把“躺赢职场”与女性内衣进行关联,存在物化、矮化甚至歧视女性的倾向。 Li Dan was fined for more than 870,000 yuan for an ad for women's underwear that was insulting to women, thus violating China's Advertising Law. According to the official WeChat account of the Administration for Market Regulation in Beijing's Haidian district, the ad was discriminatory toward working women, "was vulgar and insulting to women's dignity." Li published a video on his account on Weibo for Beijing-based underwear brand Ubras, in which he said that underwear is "equipment that can help women win by lying at the workplace." 另据报道,在今年3月举行的第十届中国网络视听大会上时,笑果文化作为唯一一家内容出品公司代表,还曾签署了《新时代网络视听行业爱国为民崇德尚艺承诺书》。对此,正观新闻评论道:签署的《承诺书》不仅要写在纸上,也要记在心里。 综合来源:Global Times,澎湃新闻,极目新闻 推荐视频