邵宇 陈达飞 | 美国通胀归因:阶段性拐点已现
2. Ball,Mazumder,2019. The NonpuzzlingBehavior of Median CPI Inflation. NBER Working Paper no. 25512.
3. Bauer & McCarthy,2015.Can We Rely on Market-Based Inflation Forecasts? FRBSF Economic Letter, Sep.
4. Bostic,2019. Ruminations on Inflation, speech at VolckerAlliance FY2020 State Fiscal Conference.
5. Bryan and Meyer,2010. Are Some Prices in the CPI More Forward Lookingthan Others? We Think So. Economic Commentary, FED Cleveland.
6. De Loecker J, Eeckhout J, UngerG. The rise of market power and the macroeconomic implications. The QuarterlyJournal of Economics, 2020, 135(2): 561-644.
7. FED,2021. Monetary PolicyReport,July 9.
8. Koenig ,2019. Has U.S. Monetary Policy Gone Off Track? Federal Reserve Bankof Dallas.
9. Mahedy and Shapiro,2017. What’s Down with Inflation? FRBSF Economic Letter2017-35 (November 27).
10.McCully et al.,2007. A Reconciliationbetween the Consumer Price Index and the Personal Consumption ExpendituresPrice Index, BLS working paper.
11.,2020a. A Simple Framework to MonitorInflation,FRB San FranciscoWorking Pape.
12.——,2020b. Monitoring the InflationaryEffects of COVID-19, FRB San Francisco Working Paper.
13.Zaman,2019. Cyclical versus AcyclicalInflation: A Deeper Dive, Economic Commentary, FED Cleveland.
[3] CPI中位数通胀率选取的是物价涨幅分布中最中间的价格变化,也就是消费支出累计权重恰好超过50%的那一项。
[5] 7月已经开始下降,同比增长为6.96%。
[7]可参考IHS Market调查。https://ihsmarkit.com/research-analysis/light-vehicle-production-outlook-in-2021.html
[10] https://www.frbsf.org/economic-research/indicators-data/inflation-sensitivity-to-covid-19/
[16] Business Inflation Expectations Survey.
[17] Survey of Professional Forecasters,SPF.
[10] https://www.frbsf.org/economic-research/indicators-data/inflation-sensitivity-to-covid-19/
[16] Business Inflation Expectations Survey.
[17] Survey of Professional Forecasters,SPF.
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