
狮語画廊|2022 广州当代艺术博览会 Booth: C03

狮語画廊 狮語画廊

广州当代艺术博览会 2022

Guangzhou Contemporary Art Fair 2022

狮語画廊 |  Leo Gallery

 Booth C03 


参展艺术家 | Artists

陈开 Chen Kai

焯雄 Zhuo Xiong

展期 | Duration 2022.12.09 - 12.12

藏家预览|VIP Preview

2022.12.09(周五|Fri.) 14:00 - 20:00

2022.12.10(周六|Sat.) 11:00 - 18:00

公众开放|Public Days

2022.12.11(周日|Sun.) 18:00 - 21:00

2022.12.12(周一|Mon.) 11:00 - 18:00

地址 | Venue  广州市天河区林乐路未来社

Future Space, Linle RoadShanghai, Tianhe District, Guangzhou

陈开 Chen Kai

陈开 Chen Kai

无题 (新星) Untitled (Nova)

木板蛋彩 Egg Tempera on Wood Panel

60 x 45 x 4cm, 2021

陈开 Chen Kai

无声之中 4 In Silence 4

亚麻亚克力 Acrylic on Linen

130 x 160 x 4cm, 2021-2022

陈开 Chen Kai

超新星(V.)2  Supernova (V.)2

亚麻亚克力, Acrylic on Linen

150 x 100 x 4cm, 2021-2022

关于艺术家 About the Artist




Chen Kai, born 1990 in Wuhan, received his BFA in Oil Painting from Hubei Institute of Fine Arts in 2012, and an MFA from San Francisco Art Institute in 2018. He currently lives and works in Shanghai.

Chen Kai’s abstract paintings explore ideas of color theory, abstraction and minimalism. Through laborious and meditative stippling with optical mixture technique, the layering of colors and the modeling of tones, Chen attempts to complicate the multiple forms of expression and emotional integration of abstract painting, aiming to expand and transcend the definition of the "Sublime". His recent works are inspired by nature and the universe, depicting the silence and annihilation of the cosmos. His practice and distinct visual language challenge the viewer to look deeper and closer, at the same time, it aims to offer the viewer a space for pure meditation and consolation.Chen was the recipient of the Headlands Graduate Fellowship Award in 2018, the Swatch Art Peace Hotel Artist Fellowship in 2019 and Leo Gallery Artist Residency in 2020.


焯雄 Zhuo Xiong

焯雄 Zhuo Xiong

看得见风景的房间 A Room With a View

布面丙烯、油彩 Oil, Acrylic on Canvas

142 x 202cm,2022

焯雄 Zhuo Xiong

旺火 The Second Dance-You See Love

布面丙烯、油彩 Oil, Acrylic on Canvas

135 x 105cm,2022

关于艺术家 About the Artist


焯雄旨在通过作品表达自身对于绘画传统的敬畏与反叛,对于母体⽂化⽣态的留恋与作别,对于当下的思考与提问;去设计、保存⽂明信仰与当代社会的观察。他的作品被广州亚运会、英国皇室成员盖尔·雷布克(Gail Rebuck)女士等机构与藏家收藏。


Zhuo Xiong, born in 1986, graduated from the Royal College of Art with a Master's degree in oil painting in 2018.His works contain memories, lineage and identity of his hometown that are sealed deep down inside his heart, telling the story of his inner journey and cultural experience of moving from his hometown in the north of China to south then abroad. Drawing inspiration from his wanderings and travels, Zhuo Xiong emphasizes the rebellion against the traditions of Western oil painting. 

Zhuo Xiong blends his experience of every aspect of life into his canvas.Through his works, he aims to express his awe and rebellion for the painting tradition, his nostalgia for and farewell to the cultural ecology of the matrix and his thoughts and questions about the present, to preserve the beliefs of civilization and the observation of contemporary society. Zhuo Xiong's works have been collected by the Guangzhou Asian Games, Ms. Gail Rebuckm from British Royal Family and other institutions and collectors.


For all inquiries regarding sales and services

please contact: info@leogallery.com.cn


当前展览 Current Exhibitions

上 海 Shanghai

香 港 Hong Kong

狮語画廊丨上海  Leo Gallery Shanghai上海徐汇区武康路376号武康庭内Ferguson Lane, 376 Wu Kang Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200031,China.Tues-Sun: 11am-6.30pm (Public Holidays Closed)+86 2154653261  Shanghai@leogallery.com.cnwww.leogallery.com.cn
狮語画廊丨香港 Leo Gallery Hong Kong香港天后屈臣道8号海景大厦C区1203号1203, Block C, Sea View Estate, 8 Watson Road , Tin Hau, Hong Kong
Tues -Sat 11am-6.30pm (Public Holidays Closed) 
 +852 28032333 hongkong@leogallery.com.cnwww.leogallery.com.cn

