
狮語画廊|2022 “返场” ART021 线上展厅 PLATFOR & 线下特别项目

上海狮語画廊 狮語画廊

“返场” ART021 线上展厅


狮語画廊 |  Leo Gallery  

参展艺术家 | Artists

阿明·勃姆 Armin Boehm|陈开 Chen Kai|黄立言 Huang Liyan|刘正勇 Liu Zhengyong|马丁・韦默尔 Martin Wehmer|牟桓 Mou Huan|隋长江 Sui Changjiang|张文荣 Zhang Wenrong|赵一浅 Zhao Yiqian|焯雄 Zhuo Xiong

开幕时间 | Opening

2022.12.15(周四 Thu.)20:00

展览日期 | Duration

2022.12.15 - 12.30

线上展厅入口 | Platform Entrance  


除“返场:ART021 线上展厅”外,狮語画廊也将于12月16日至30日参与“返场:ART021 X 衡山路8号 特别项目”,展出艺术家隋长江与赵一浅的精彩作品。届时期待与您相会于衡山路8号。

In addition to "ART WEEK ENCORE - PLATFORM", Leo Gallery will also participate in "Encore: ART021 X No. 8 Hengshan Road Special Project" from December 16 to 30, featuring the wonderful works of artists Sui Changjiang and Zhao Yiqian. We look forward to seeing you at No. 8 Hengshan Road.

阿明·勃姆 Armin Boehm


L'eau se change en mémoire


Oil, Fabrics and Paper on Canvas

190 x 130cm, 2014

陈开 Chen Kai

超新星 3 Supernova 3 

亚麻亚克力 Acrylic on Linen 

140 x 180 x 4cm, 2021-2022

黄立言 Huang Liyan

夏季的风 Summer Breeze

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

100 x 100cm, 2019-2021

刘正勇 Liu Zhengyong

肖像 Portrait

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

150 x 135cm, 2022

马丁・韦默尔 Martin Wehmer

无题 Untitled 

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

210 x 170cm, 2021

牟桓 Mou Huan

无题 Untitled

布面丙烯 Acrylic on Canvas

90 x 80 x 2cm, 2020

隋长江 Sui Changjiang

星空 Stary Night

布面油画 Oil on Linen

155 x 200cm, 2022

隋长江 Sui Changjiang

酒杯 Whiskey Glass

布面油画 Oil on Linen

90 x 80cm, 2022

张文荣 Zhang Wenrong

无题 Untitled

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

100 x 80cm, 2021

赵一浅 Zhao Yiqian

Fantasy World 2

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

100 x 80cm, 2022

焯雄 Zhuo Xiong

旺火 The Second Dance-You See Love

布面丙烯、油彩 Oil, Acrylic on Canvas

135 x 105cm, 2020


For all inquiries regarding sales and services

please contact: info@leogallery.com.cn


相关阅读 Related Readings

当前展览 Current Exhibitions

上 海 Shanghai

香 港 Hong Kong

狮語画廊丨上海  Leo Gallery Shanghai上海徐汇区武康路376号武康庭内Ferguson Lane, 376 Wu Kang Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200031,China.Tues-Sun: 11am-6.30pm (Public Holidays Closed)+86 2154653261  Shanghai@leogallery.com.cnwww.leogallery.com.cn
狮語画廊丨香港 Leo Gallery Hong Kong香港天后屈臣道8号海景大厦C区1203号1203, Block C, Sea View Estate, 8 Watson Road , Tin Hau, Hong Kong
Tues -Sat 11am-6.30pm (Public Holidays Closed) 
 +852 28032333 hongkong@leogallery.com.cnwww.leogallery.com.cn

