
第四集:汪华 “Art Walk: Behind the Scenes”丨Episode 4 : Wang Hua

CAFA ART INFO 中央美院艺讯网 2020-08-31

“Art Walk: Behind the Scenes” 

Episode 4 : Wang Hua

艺术家生态图录 第四集:

汪华 —— 艺术能否治愈,


(Time/时长:03' 04'')

Albert Camus once said that, no artist could live without reality. Art can question reality, but art cannot escape from reality. Compared with most mature artworks, the living

conditions and life stories behind the art production seem to be more intriguing. Taking from the first-person perspective, CAFA ART INFO is now presenting you with our latest micro video program, “Art Walk: Behind  the  Scenes”. With a focus on individual artists’ life stories, we will take you on a tour to explore how an artist actually works and lives in real-life situations. This series will be filmed at a part of the artists’ studios in some art districts at Beijing. Each artist’s unique character will be revealed to our audience in a more realistic and tangible way. 




Wang Hua: Can Art Cure the Anxiety that Exists Everywhere in Life?

汪华: 艺术能否治愈,


An American Red Cedar Tree, American red cedar, boat, Rosekill, Kingston, New York, USA, 2017

一株美国红杉, 美国红杉、船,纽约金斯顿Rosekill农场,2017年


Wang Hua was born in Jingzhou, Hubei Province in 1982. In 2005, she obtained a BA degree of Chinese Painting from Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts. She currently works and lives in Beijing. Her artistic practice covers multiple medias, ranging from performances, videos, paintings and installations to ready-made products. She is good at combining theoretical concepts, private narratives and personal backgrounds, which are aesthetically expressed in her unique artistic approach. Wang Hua’s work mainly emphasizes the relationship between the psychological process of creation and the form of visual communication. She mostly explores the sense of déjà vu and the unknown when subconscious is subverted to the reality through combination of the temporality and space. Therefore, Wang Hua’s creation usually starts with a private narrative but ends with widespread public resonance.

Wang Hua sees the body as the most direct and best-fit expression for artistic practice. As a carrier, the body can present the thinking through sublimated feelings. Her work not only focuses on self-liberation and self-redemption, but also attempts to explore the complex dialectic relationship among the public, their instant reactions, and the fantasy and the reality.





Detox, The artist’s body, CCD 300 Art Zone, Beijing, China, 2013, 30 minutes


Get Rid of It, Tomatoes, Onions, Tapes, Budapest, Hungary, 2014, 30 minutes

摆脱,西红柿、洋葱、胶带, 匈牙利布达佩斯,2014年,30分钟

Self-Portrait, Chalk, Dust, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2014, 30 minutes


Wang Hua has mainly engaged in art creation since 2012. She was invited to many exhibitions both domestically and internationally. Wang Hua’s artworks share a common theme, that of feminine power, which can be seen in all kinds of relationships, such as love, friendship, and family ties. Female artists often seem to be born with sensitivity. Uncertainty towards her future life, as well as her internal insecurity towards life, together bring Wang Hua enormous pressure. Such anxiety naturally penetrates through her artworks. Constantly, Wang Hua questions whether a path to happiness exists. In the words of an artist, these performance art pieces become Wang Hua’s medicine or salvation to cure her emotions.


自2012年开始,汪华主要从事行为艺术创作,也多次在国内外受邀参展,汪华的作品大多围绕女性化主题,爱情、友情、亲情等都是她表达的题材。女艺术家或许天生敏感,对人生未来的不确定、生活的不安全感给汪华带来很大的压力,这种焦虑情绪自然而然地沁入到汪华的作品中,她时常在作品中不断叩问“幸福在哪里?” 用艺术家的话来说,这些行为艺术作品是她对自己的救赎,治愈情感的良药。    


Name It, Forget It, Black tape, Chalk, Dry brunches, Kaunas, Lithuania, 2014, 30 minutes

说出它、忘记它, 黑胶带、粉笔、干柴,立陶宛考纳斯,2014年,30分钟

Where Happiness Is, Roses, Food storage bags, Venice, Italy, 2015, 90 minutes


On the other hand, due to a poor market in the sale of art, Wang must work full-time to financially support herself and make art in her spare time. She also works in the art field. 

Recently, Wang Hua has been busy preparing for a group exhibition at a gallery in Chengdu. Wang Hua thinks that paintings are easier to sell and manage if compared to other forms of artworks. She admits that she must keep making decisions between work and making art.



 A Screenshot of the video 


Maybe art creations could not fully solve the issues she faces in reality. Wang struggles painfully with these conflicts, so do many young artists. Luckily, Wang keeps control of herself physically and mentally, so she can always act in a positive manner towards life.



The Birth of Kalinka, A quilt, Doctor’s Pharmacy, Beijing, China, 2018, 60 minutes


Wang Hua's Paintings


Portrait of Wang Hua



In the next instalment, we will take you to the artist Fu Xiaotong’s studio. Please stay tuned. 




Artist Fu Xiaotong 



             Art Walk: Behind the Scenes


“Art Walk: Behind the Scenes” Episode 1 : Wang Qingsong丨第一集:王庆松

第二集:黄文亚 “Art Walk: Behind the Scenes”丨Episode 2 : Huang Wenya

第三集:卜云军 “Art Walk: Behind the Scenes”丨Episode 3 : Bu Yunjun


Special thanks to the artist Wang Hua   

鸣谢 艺术家汪华 

Strategy Planning Director: Zhang Yanzi 


Producer: Zhu Li  


English Producer: Sue Wang


Copy Writer: Zhang Yizhi  


Director / Videographer: Chen Peihua


Translator / Dubbing Specialist: Miao Yinan 


Post Production: Hu Sichen 


Technical Adviser: Yang Yanyuan 


