
保证合同纠纷案例汇编 | 法宝双语案例

Mani 北大法宝 2023-03-22

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Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited v. Guangzhou Baokeli Trading Co., Ltd., et al. (case regarding dispute over a guarantee contract)

Wang Wangwang v. Mu Haifa (appeal case regarding dispute over a suretyship contract)

Zhonghang Huide Wind Power Engineering Co., Ltd. v. Liaoning Gaoke Energy Group Co., Ltd. (appeal case regarding dispute over a suretyship contract)


Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited v. Guangzhou Baokeli Trading Co., Ltd., et al. (case regarding dispute over a guarantee contract)



[Judgment Abstract]

A guarantee refers to a type of assurance that a third party other than the debtor provides for the creditor to ensure that the debtor will perform obligations of repayment. Guarantees are classified into general guarantee and joint liability guarantee. To be specific, a general guarantee refers to an engagement between the guarantor and the creditor, specifying that the guarantor shall assume liability for the guarantee if the debtor fails to repay their debts. Joint liability guarantee means that the guarantor and the creditor agree to bear joint and several liability for the debt. In either case, both parties are required to clearly agree in the contract that the guarantor shall bear liability for the guarantee. Although an actor makes a commitment to supervise the borrower in repaying debts on schedule, such act does not represent an intention of guarantee on the scheduled repayment of debts if the debtor fails to perform their obligations of repayment. Therefore, such a commitment does not constitute a guarantee.

[CLI Code] CLI.C.2227910 (EN)  


Wang Wangwang v. Mu Haifa (appeal case regarding dispute over a suretyship contract)



[Judgment Abstract]

Where the parties do not specify the term of suretyship or relevant agreement is not clear, the surety should be deemed to be severally and jointly liable for the suretyship. If the debtor of the joint and several liability for the suretyship fails to settle the debts upon its maturity, the creditor may require the debtor to fulfill its obligation of payment, or require the surety to assume the suretyship liability within the scope of suretyship. The surety should, after having assumed the suretyship liability, enjoy the right of recourse against the debtor. If, during the term of suretyship, the debtor requires the surety of the joint and several liability to assume the suretyship liability, the surety should not refuse it, or should be exempted from the suretyship liability if such a request is not made.

[CLI Code] CLI.C.8076047(EN)   


Zhonghang Huide Wind Power Engineering Co., Ltd. v. Liaoning Gaoke Energy Group Co., Ltd. (appeal case regarding dispute over a suretyship contract)



[Judgment Abstract]

If the debtor fails to repay his debt in due time, the surety of joint suretyship liability should assume suretyship liability within the scope of suretyship. Notwithstanding, the surety of joint suretyship liability enjoys the right to defense equal with that of the debtor, and still has such right even if the debtor waives his right to defense against the debt. Under the circumstances where there is an arbitration agreement in the master contract rather than the suretyship contract, and yet the creditor requests the surety to assume suretyship liability on the ground that the debtor fails to make payment in due time, without applying for arbitration, it will certainly bring the court the concern of the suitability of hearing and judging a disputed case for which an arbitral award has been agreed upon if the surety's defense is based on the agreement and performance of the master contract. Therefore, on the premise that the parties fail to reach a consensus, or the scope of principal debt is affirmed without arbitration, the creditor's claim directly requiring the surety to assume suretyship liability will not be upheld by the court.

[CLI Code] CLI.C.8210584 (EN)  















责任编辑 | 吴晓婧

稿件来源 | 北大法宝英文编辑组(Mani)

审核人员 | 伍小凤 张文硕


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