
今日直播 | 第四期园冶杯国际建筑设计分享会精彩举办

The fourth YUANYE AWARDS architectural projects sharing meeting 2021 will be held from 14:40 to 17:30 on 9 September, Beijing time. 9 international architects will share their works at that time. You can watch the livestreaming on Xiaoe-tech platform by scanning the QR code.

王川 Wang Chuan

PMA设计事务所创始人,Plasma Studio合伙人、主持设计师,英国建筑联盟学院(AA)客座顾问
The Founder of PMA (PolyMorphArchitects), the Partner and Lead architect of Plasma Studio,  Visiting Consultant of Architectural Association School of Architecture (AA)

刘春阳 Liu Chunyang

Director of Architecture and Urban Planning in OBERMEYER Enginnering Consulting (Beijing) Co., Ltd/Shanghai Branch

王刚 Wang Gang

Senior architect, cross-border artist and curator. 
Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture / Wang Gang’s studio-Lead architect (Visiting professor), China National Academy of Public Arts Research Institute -Researcher
UrbanElement Architects International (BJ)-Lead architect
He used to be the chief designer of Beijing Design Week and planted 7000 bamboos that achieved the highest achievement award of the organizing committee. He is also known as "the first architect of bamboo architecture in China".

南迪 Nandin

蒙古族新锐建筑师,PLAT ASIA 合伙人、设计总监

Mongolian rising architect, Partner, Design director of PLAT ASIA

徐小萌 Xu Xiaomeng

十域建筑 Domain Architects, China


Mr. Xu Xiaomeng graduated from University of Pennsylvania with B.A. in architecture and then obtained Master of Architecture from Columbia University. Mr. Xu founded Domain Architects in 2019. The practice strives to reform the spatial experience with innovative site strategy. 

Located in an unsatisfactory site in a rural town in central China, the design rejected the common model and reinvented the experience in a typical guestroom: a micro and private courtyard with a view of the sky and the mountain. The design transforms the disadvantage into a private, nuanced, and distinctive experience.

Sky Yards Hotel ©张超
更多详情,点击图片 For more details, click on the picture

Peter Pichler


Peter Pichler以优异成绩毕业于扎哈·哈迪德的大师班,在美国加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)毕业。他曾担任扎哈事务所汉堡的项目建筑师。2015年,他与妻子Silvana Ordinas在米兰创立了PETER PICHLER ARCHITECTURE。Peter认为,建筑必须与特定地方的文化和历史紧密相连。
Peter Pichler graduated with distinction in the masterclass of Zaha Hadid, as well as in the United States at the University of California (UCLA). He ever worked as a project architect for Zaha Hadid Architects in Hamburg. In 2015, he founded PETER PICHLER ARCHITECTURE in Milan together with his wife Silvana Ordinas. Peter believes that architecture must have a strong bond with the culture and history of a specific place.

分享作品:意大利Milla Montis酒店

Milla Montis酒店位于意大利博尔扎诺省的马兰扎,四周被田野草地和山脉环绕。设计灵感来自当地传统建筑以及经典的木制谷仓,建筑师运用当代的建筑语言进行了全新诠释。
Hotel Milla Montis is located in Maranza, in the Italian region of South Tyrol. It is surrounded by meadows and fields. The composition is inspired by the vernacular architecture of the region and the classic wooden barn reinventing a contemporary reinterpretation of this typology. 

Hotel Milla Montis Above ©Daniel Zangerl Below ©Gustav Willeit
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Mirosław Nizio

Nizio Design International, Poland

分享作品:波兰 Michniów村庄殉难者陵墓
Michniów村庄里建造的“波兰村庄殉难者陵墓”是一种纪念建筑形式。这一实体反映了破坏与毁灭的过程,激发了Nizio Design International设计机构负责人Mirosław Nizio的灵感,创造了这种雕塑形式。
The building of the Mausoleum of Martyrdom of Polish Villages in Michniów is an architectural form of commemoration. The solid reflects the process of destruction, annihilation, that inspired Mirosław Nizio, the head of Nizio Design International, to create this sculptural form.

Museum of Martyrdom of Polish Village Michniów ©Marcin Czechowicz
更多详情,点击图片 For more details, click on the picture

马岛 Ma Dao

来建筑 Atelier LAI, China

Doctor of architecture, Tongji University, Shanghai
Founder and lead architect of Atelier LAI

The architect rebuilt a new bookstore on the basis of a deserted village house in Taoyuan Village, Huangshan. The spatial prototype of the Bridge Gallery is derived from the Huizhou-covered bridge (Langqiao) where people walk across the bridge on the upper level while the stream flows slowly underneath. The architecture does not hide in the village but seems to be a new residence in the village that has been lost for a long time.

Bridge Gallery, Huangshan ©赵奕龙
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Nacho Juan

HORMA, Spain

Nacho Juan是Horma事务所的联合创始人,HORMA是一家2012年在西班牙瓦伦西亚成立的建筑事务所,其实践基于定制建筑的发展;适合每个用户、每个地方、每个景观和每个环境。
Nacho Juan is co-founder of Horma, an architecture office founded in 2012 in Valencia that bases its practice on the development of custom architecture; fitted to each user, each place, each landscape and each context. 

The project aims to respond to a  corner where a continuous elevation, without edges, is offered to be seen from all angles, without prioritizing one look over another. The curve, understood as a line without discontinuity or startles, becomes the working tool for a house that pretends to be part of the environment that surrounds it.

Casa AA ©Mariela Apollonio

更多详情,点击图片 For more details, click on the picture

Martin Josst ©Paul Kranzler

DMAA, Austria

Martin Josst出生于德国,现在是DMAA事务所合伙人。DMAA因其建筑而获得了众多奖项,包括2015年的奥地利国家大奖。DMAA在德国斯图加特设计了保时捷博物馆,在奥地利蒂罗尔州埃尔设计了节庆大剧院等。
Martin Josst was born in Hamburg, Germany and now is the partner of Delugan Meissl Associated Architects. DMAA has received numerous prizes and awards for its architecture, including the Grand Austrian State Prize in 2015. The firm has designed the Porsche Museum in Stuttgart and the Festspielhaus in Erl in Tyrol among others.

According to local conditions, the previous local coal mine pit was transformed into a landscape park and a botanical garden complex composed of three giant dome greenhouses.

Taiyuan Botanical Garden ©CreatAR

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林豪 Lin Hao
HAO DESIGN Studio, China

HAO DESIGN设计事务所创始人、中国建筑学会会员、英国皇家景观建筑师协会Associate会员、留英资深设计师、中国美术学院客座导师
HAO DESIGN Studio founder,the member of the Architectural Society of China, the UK Associate Member of Landscape Institute, Senior Designer in the UK, Guest Lecturer of China Academy of Art

WMM Mountaineering Museum is a private museum initiated and created by Mr. W, an international athlete who has successfully climbed the three poles of the earth (Antarctica, Arctic and Everest), to meet the needs of the people for cultural exchange and private residence. In the last decade, Mr. W has climbed the highest peaks on all seven continents and reached the South Pole and the North Pole in Antarctica on foot, making him the pinnacle of China's outdoor adventure history 7+2. The white sail-like roof structure is shaped by the waves, sails and icebergs, corresponding to the spirit of the "three poles" of height, benchmark and flag respectively. It is a new scenic spot in local tourism economy and a dazzling artistic landmark.

WMM Mountaineering Museum (Renderings) ©Hao Design Studio

Stefano Corbo

Stefano Corbo Studio, Italy

Stefano Corbo是美国罗德岛设计学院(RISD)的意大利建筑师、研究员和副教授。他拥有马德里理工大学建筑学院(ETSAM)的博士和硕士学位。2012年,Stefano 成立了自己的事务所SCSTUDIO——实践公共建筑的多学科网络,专注于知识、经济和文化背景。
Stefano Corbo is an Italian architect, researcher and Associate Professor at the Rhode Island School of Design, USA. He holds a PhD and a MArch II in Advanced Architectural Design from UPM-ETSAM Madrid (Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura). In 2012 Corbo founded his own office, SCSTUDIO – a multidisciplinary network practicing public architecture, preoccupied with intellectual, economic and cultural contexts.

“趣村 · 港头” 国际青年设计师竞赛是一项由广州市住房和城乡建设局等单位在2020年11月主办的国际竞赛。“唤醒记忆”是一项旨在改造废墟遗址的竞赛方案,将广州市港头村7号场地废墟改造为港头当代画廊,一处艺术展览、音乐会和其他类型的公共活动的多功能中心。
Q-Village · Gangtou International Young Designer Competition is an international competition hosted by Guangzhou Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau and other units in November 2020. Reviving Memory is a competition proposal aimed to transform a ruin – site no. 7 – into the Gangtou Contemporary Gallery, a multi-functional center for art exhibitions, concerts and other types of public events.

Reviving Memory (Competition Proposal) Left ©2020 Q-Village · Gangtou International Young Designer Competition Right © Stefano Corbo Studio
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Oshin Mariam Varughese

Wallmakers, India

Oshin Mariam Varughese目前是印度Wallmakers建筑咨询公司的高级建筑师。Wallmakers是唯一一家被ArchDaily列入2020年度20家年轻建筑机构里的印度机构。
Oshin Mariam Varughese is currently a Senior Architect at Wallmakers Architectural Consultancy. So far, Wallmakers is currently the only Indian practice to be listed in the top 20 young practices of 2020 by the ArchDaily.

坐落在印度特里凡得瑯的Pirouette House,建造灵感源于英裔印度建筑师劳里·贝克 (Laurie Baker)的建筑,墙身以烧制而成的砖瓦技术交织成几何图案,彷似在空中翩翩起舞。
Located in Trivandrum, India, Pirouette house is inspired by Laurie Baker's building. The walls are woven into geometric patterns by firing brick and tile technology, as if dancing in the air.

Pirouette House ©Jino Sam 
更多详情,点击图片 For more details, click on the picture

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园冶杯国际竞赛始创于2010年,历时11年的发展,现已成为行业内参与面、参赛量、规模均处于顶尖水平的国际赛事之一。第十一届园冶杯国际竞赛共吸引 20 多个国家及地区参与,其中专业奖项有500多个企业近1000件企业作品参赛,大学生奖项有430多所高校、8000多名学生的3000余件学生作品参赛,近200位国内外专家学者参与评审。

Since established in 2010, YUANYE AWARDS has become one of the well-known international competitions with diverse scales and wide participation. The 11th YUANYE AWARDS attracted competitors from more than 20 countries and regions. For the professional awards, there are more than 500 enterprises competing with 1000 design works; for the students’ awards, over 8000 students from about 430 universities competing with more than 3000 works. The panel is formed up with nearly 200 domestic and international experts and scholars.



预告 | 2021第四期园冶杯国际建筑设计分享会9月9日举办










