
中英对照 | 最高人民检察院关于印发最高人民检察院第三十批指导性案例的通知

北大法宝 北大法律信息网 2023-02-10



来源 | 北大法宝法律法规库


[CLI Code] CLI.3.5077228(EN)




A Materials Company v. Administration of Work Safety of A District of Chongqing Municipality and Administration of Work Safety of Chongqing Municipality (case of procuratorial supervision of an administrative penalty and administrative reconsideration)



Chen A v. People's Government of A District of A City, Jiangsu Province (case of procuratorial supervision of involuntary dismantlement and administrative compensation)



Nineteen persons including Wei A v. Development and Reform Bureau of A City, Shanxi Province (case of procuratorial supervision of failure to perform statutory duties)



Case of procuratorial supervision of administrative non-litigation enforcement for the work safety violations of A Packaging Company in Shandong Province and Wei A



45 persons including Wang A Feng v. Government of A Town in A District of Beijing Municipality (a series of cases of procuratorial supervision of forcible dismantlement and administrative compensation)



Yao A v. Bureau of Civil Affairs of A County, Fujian Province (case of procuratorial supervision of cancellation of marriage registration)

Notice by the Supreme People's Procuratorate of Issuing the Thirtieth Group of Guiding Cases of the Supreme People's Procuratorate

检例第116号 (SPP Case No. 116)


A Materials Company v. Administration of Work Safety of A District of Chongqing Municipality and Administration of Work Safety of Chongqing Municipality (case of procuratorial supervision of an administrative penalty and administrative reconsideration)

关键词 [Keywords]


substantial resolution of an administrative dispute; administrative penalty; interpretation of the law and reasoning

要旨 [Key Points]


When handling cases of supervision of administrative litigation, the people's procuratorates shall achieve the substantial resolution of administrative disputes in performing their duty of legal supervision, in furtherance of the closing of the cases. In resolving administrative disputes, the people's procuratorates shall focus on the interpretation of the law and reasoning, effectively respond to the demands of the parties, and solve emotional and legal issues.

检例第117号 (SPP Case No. 117)


Chen A v. People's Government of A District of A City, Jiangsu Province (case of procuratorial supervision of involuntary dismantlement and administrative compensation)

关键词 [Keywords]


substantial resolution of an administrative dispute; administrative compensation; authorities with a compensatory obligation; promotion of a settlement

要旨 [Key Points]


Where in handling a case of supervision of administrative compensation of which the people's court has not conducted a substantive trial, the people's procuratorate determines an administrative authority as the party subject to compensatory liability based on the relationship of administrative authorization, it may prompt both parties to reach a settlement to the extent of the statutory reparation and compensation standards. For difficult and complex administrative disputes, the advantages of procuratorial integration shall be leveraged to join forces to resolve administrative disputes.

检例第118号 (SPP Case No. 118)


Nineteen persons including Wei A v. Development and Reform Bureau of A City, Shanxi Province (case of procuratorial supervision of failure to perform statutory duties)

关键词 [Keywords]


substantial resolution of an administrative dispute; performance of statutory duties; prosecutor's appeal; public hearing; resolution of similar issues

要旨 [Key Points]


In an administrative case in which a procuratorial authority files an appeal, it may continue to track and promote the resolution of administrative disputes and facilitate the resolution of similar issues by public hearing and other means, in order to guarantee the timely satisfaction of the lawful demands of the applicant and safeguard the lawful rights and interests of another party under the same circumstances who has not filed administrative litigation. For an administrative dispute arising from the ineffective performance of duties by an administrative authority because of the ambiguity in the provisions of laws, regulations, and regulatory documents, the procuratorial authority shall cause relevant departments to clarify the ambiguity, promote the resolution of administrative disputes, and boost systematic governance.

检例第119号 (SPP Case No. 119)


Case of procuratorial supervision of administrative non-litigation enforcement for the work safety violations of A Packaging Company in Shandong Province and Wei A

关键词 [Keywords]


substantial resolution of an administrative dispute; supervision of non-litigation enforcement; public hearing; procuratorial recommendations

要旨 [Key Points]


When handling cases of supervision of administrative non-litigation enforcement in which the parties apply for supervision and make lawful and rightful demands, the people's procuratorates may conduct the substantial resolution of administrative disputes based on their functions of legal supervision. Where the people's procuratorates discover that the enforcement activities of the people's courts violate the law and that administrative authorities illegally exercise, or fail to exercise, their powers, by supervising the non-litigation enforcement activities of the people's courts and examining whether administrative actions are lawful, they shall make procuratorial recommendations.

检例第120号 (SPP Case No. 120)


45 persons including Wang A Feng v. Government of A Town in A District of Beijing Municipality (a series of cases of procuratorial supervision of forcible dismantlement and administrative compensation)

关键词 [Keywords]


substantial resolution of an administrative dispute; civil disputes intertwined with administrative disputes; consolidated resolution

要旨 [Key Points]


When handling cases of supervision of administrative litigation, the people's procuratorates shall use the substantial resolution of administrative disputes as the juncture and focus of "supervising power" and "safeguarding rights." Civil disputes directly related to administrative disputes shall be examined on a consolidated basis to prompt both sides to settle, and the consolidated resolution of administrative disputes shall be promoted by resolving civil disputes, so as to effectively protect the lawful rights and interests of the parties on both sides in a timely and effective manner.

检例第121号 (SPP Case No. 121)


Yao A v. Bureau of Civil Affairs of A County, Fujian Province (case of procuratorial supervision of cancellation of marriage registration)

关键词 [Keywords]


substantial resolution of an administrative dispute; expiration of the prescriptive period; investigation and verification; public hearing; cancellation of marriage registration by impersonation; supervision of opening a criminal case

要旨 [Key Points]


For administrative cases in which the people's courts decline to open a case or dismiss an action on the grounds of expiration of the prescriptive period, and the parties are unable to have their rightful demands satisfied by means of litigation, the people's procuratorates shall perform their functions of legal supervision and safeguard the lawful rights and interests of the parties by prompting administrative authorities to perform their duties in accordance with the law. When handling cases of supervision of administrative litigation, the people's procuratorates shall promote the substantial resolution of administrative disputes by comprehensively using various means such as investigation and verification, public hearing, expert justification, procuratorial recommendations, and judicial aid. When handling cases of supervision of administrative litigation for marriage registration, the people's procuratorates shall recommend that the civil affairs department cancel marriage registration by impersonation according to the law, and supervise the relevant department opening a case for investigation according to the law, if the relevant individuals are found to be suspected of crime.
















责任编辑 | 吴晓婧

审核人员 | 董帅

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