预告 | 【复旦-拉美大学联盟讲座系列21】“金砖+”与全球权力转移的主要趋势
主 题/Title
主 讲/Speaker
Gabriel Esteban Merino
Associate Professor, National University of La Plata (Argentina); Researcher, National Scientific and Technical Research Council of Argentina (CONICET); Visiting Scholar, Fudan Development Institute
主 持/Host
时 间/Time
地 点/Venue
主 办/Organizer
语 言/Language
摘 要/Abstract
The emergence of the BRICS and their development constitutes one of the central facts for analyzing the profound transformation in the map of world power, observing some of the main trends of the contemporary historical-spatial transition of the world system and delving into the geopolitical and geo-economic dimensions of this transition. The central problem of this research is to investigate the significance of the BRICS as the rise and insubordination of the semi-periphery, led by middle powers of continental scale in global articulation, and from there to examine its enlargement in September 2023 (to take effect in January 2024) as an extension of this process to other territories of the Global South, which is related to a set of structural trends in the transition of the world system.
“欧亚地缘政治战略新动向”— —复旦金砖青年研究坊第一场举行
复旦-拉美大学联盟第五届年会在巴西坎皮纳斯举行 常务副校长许征一行出席