

Dow Jones 道琼斯风险合规 2022-07-26

Clients have been told to provide the information by the end of June or face the risk of getting cut off from new loans. 德银客户已被告知必须在6月底之前提交相关信息,否则会面临无法获得新贷款和其他服务的风险。 图片来源:KAI PFAFFENBACH/REUTERS

Deutsche Bank AG has given around 1,000 investment-banking clients a month or less to hand over company-ownership information and other documentation in the bank’s protracted effort to close compliance gaps, according to the bank and people familiar with the demands.

据德意志银行(Deutsche Bank AG, DB)和熟悉该行对客户所提要求的知情人士称,该行已经要求大约1,000名投资银行客户在一个月或更短时间内提交公司所有权信息和其他文件,此举旨在弥补合规漏洞,该行的相关工作已经拖延。

The “know your customer ( KYC )” letters have gone to asset managers and corporate clients in recent weeks as part of an continuing, multiyear effort, some of the people said.

一些知情人士称,德意志银行已在近几周将名为“了解你的客户”(Know your customer,简称KYC)的信函发送给资产管理公司和企业客户,这是该行一个持续多年项目中的一部分。

The clients have been told to provide the information by the end of June or face the risk of getting cut off from new loans and other services, one of the people said.


“This is a standardized notification that has been sent to thousands of clients globally,” a Deutsche Bank spokeswoman said. The latest wave of letters, earlier reported by the Financial Times, pertains to certain products and requirements by the bank to screen transactions to prevent money laundering and other financial crimes by clients, the bank said.

德意志银行一名发言人称:“这是一份向全球数千名客户发送的标准化通知。”《金融时报》(Financial Times)此前报道了德银发送信函的举措。最新信函适用于特定产品和该行的某些规定,这些规定是为了筛查交易以防止客户从事洗钱和其他金融犯罪活动。

The German lender’s anticrime teams, along with managers inside the investment bank and other businesses, over the past several years have been going through thousands of customer accounts to identify high-risk clients and complete know-your-customer paperwork, some of it deficient, people inside and outside the bank say.


The latest client letters are focused on the global transaction bank, a person familiar with the communications said. That unit, which is part of the investment bank, lends money to companies to finance their global trade flows and processes international cash transfers for banks, other corporations and governments.


The business is a focus of investment by Deutsche Bank as it seeks to improve profits and shed unprofitable operations.


Deutsche Bank has suffered repeated lapses in fighting such crime, including failures in its money-laundering controls, leading to costly settlements with regulators, new investigations and congressional scrutiny.


During a multiyear process of reviewing around 20,000 clients, the bank has severed relationships with an undisclosed number of clients and countries deemed possible conduits for money laundering and terrorism financing, according to people inside the bank and its regulators.


Still, new investigations into past transactions keep adding to Deutsche Bank’s regulatory headaches. As recently as last year, German regulators have found the bank missing documentation in rudimentary checks to police its compliance measures, resulting in public rebukes and government-approved monitoring.


Jenny Strasburg






