

高善文 中国金融四十人论坛 2019-12-25


在以“大国贸易冲突的边界及接触原则”为主题的专题研讨环节,CF40学术委员、安信证券首席经济学家高善文以Let Histoty Brighten the Future(让历史照亮未来)为题,探讨了更好管理中美经贸关系、助益双方谈判取得互利结果的有效途







文 | 高善文




















► 中美经济合作仍然是两国关系的重要压舱石,是互利互惠的,应该认真珍惜和维护。

► 贸易争端永远不应被政治化,而应被视为商业、可谈判的事项。

► 要采取必要措施,防止争端蔓延到其他领域,进而损害两国互信和政治关系。

► 以有说服力的事实研究、可靠的成本收益分析方法和可行的解决方案支持我们的诉求和要求。为了让信息得以有效传递,要改善中美彼此之间的沟通,以及与公众的沟通。

► 可以采取更加务实和渐进的方法,首先解决容易解决的部分,因为有关产业政策和国家干预的问题很难得到快速调和。

► 我们应该将这些重要的多边问题放到多边平台上解决。这样可以使得让步和执行变得更加容易。更重要的是,这或许将有助于世界贸易组织改革,并有助于在全球化受到日益高涨的民粹主义挑战的关键时刻,维护和保持全球化势头。

Let History Brighten the Future

Gao Shanwen

It is my pleasure to discuss so important and difficult a topic of how to better manage Sino-US trade disputes.

Let me start by telling a story. In January 2018, I have had the chance to visit DC with CF40 group just when the trade war was being conceived here. Back then people in DC had quite a lot of complaints about China—it was widely thought that a trade war was all but inevitable and the sentiment against China was very negative.

Based on this experience and information picked up here, I delivered several speeches in China in the middle of 2018, trying to summarize and present the logic of the ongoing conflicts in a timely and objective way, explaining the positions of the US when necessary.

Most audience was just shocked by the message I conveyed and could not believe it. At the age of mobile internet and instant communication when information is easily available, the reactions from those audience is confusing.

However, what really worried me most in this story is that misunderstanding and mistrust between China and US run so deep and have been increasingly so in recent years.

One scenario is that as China rapidly climbs up the value chain and grows bigger in its size of GDP, resulting in deeper mistrust and suspicion of each other. More disputes and conflicts then follow, decoupling occurs and accelerates, and in turn mistrust is further entrenched, creating a vicious circle. Eventually we will be trapped in a fragmented world, which is less secure and less rich, to say the least.

Against this background, it is very important to discuss how to better manage the trade disputes and Sino-US economic relationship in the future, to prevent the scenario above mentioned from happening, or at least lessen its degree. Regarding this, history may provide helpful lessons.

In 1949, the U.S. turned its back on the newly-born PRC and fought a war with China in the Korean peninsula and later in Vietnam, which was a big tragedy for both countries in hindsight. With great courage and wisdom of the leadership from both countries, President Nixon visited Beijing in early 1970s when China was still obsessed with the Cultural Revolution, and overnight the world became safer and gradually more peaceful and prosperous.

The key lesson here is that we can overcome the differences and disputes to build trust, pursue our common goal, and grow our shared interests.

Ever since then the world has changed. The Soviet Union went into history and China has evolved into the second largest economy and is still growing fast.

However, the two countries still share widespread common interests, which shall be clearly identified and delicately preserved at this turbulent time, while the disputes in trade is well manageable at least in principle.

For example, climate change poses an increasing threat to the planet. Without cooperation and leadership from the US and China, it is almost impossible to arrest the warming-up trend, let alone fulfilling the commitment of the Paris Accord.

As we know, free trade is the best way to enhance wealth creation and a global rule-based system is the best regime to promote it. Without cooperation and leadership from the US and China, the global rule-based system may disintegrate.

The list can go very long and we just name a few.

As for the trade disputes, though some claims and cases presented by the US are less convincing than others, overall speaking, they are solvable and China is more than willing to do so.

For instance, as the Chinese economy becomes more sophisticated, better IPR protection serves China's interests as well, and China's efforts and progress in this field shall be well recognized and fairly documented, as have been done by PIIE.

Another example is forced technology transfer. Many Chinese scholars think the case is ill-defined and poorly presented, but China is still willing to compromise.

The demand concerning bilateral trade deficits sounds absurd to economic professionals and purchase list appears unrealistic, but China is still flexible on this issue.

As mentioned above, given the importance and complexity of Sino-US relationship and the nature of the trade disputes, to better manage and strengthen the economic relationship, here are some suggestions:

We shall emphasize that Sino-US economic cooperation is still an important ballast of the bilateral relationship, which is mutually beneficial and shall be carefully cherished and maintained.

We shall stress that the trade disputes shall never ever be politicized and shall always be taken as a commercial, negotiable matter.

We shall take necessary measures to prevent the disputes from spilling over into other fields and impairing mutual trust and political sentiment further.

We shall always support our claims and demands with convincing fact-based research, robust cost benefit analysis, and feasible solutions. In order to let the message be delivered, we shall improve communication with each other and with the public.

We could take a more pragmatic and incremental approach and start by solving the easy part first, as those issues concerning industrial policy and state interventions are very hard to conciliate soon.

We shall take those essentially multilateral issues to multilateral platforms, whereby concessions and enforcement could be easier to arrange. More importantly, this may contribute to WTO reform and help sustain the globalization momentum in this critical time when it is challenged by rising populism.

责编: 宥朗 视觉:李盼 监制:卜海森 李俊虎

