「RENCONTRE」Vol.2: 翁纪军 WENG Jijun
From social distancing to state lockdown, the idea of “Rencontre” has become more precious than ever. Through a series of individual stories and videos, Dumonteil invites you to our latest feature online — RENCONTRE, a platform sharing updates, thoughts, ideas, and emotions from both national and international artists.
Vol.2:翁纪军 WENG Jijun
My Days during the Coronavirus Lockdown
Q: 疫情期间是否有创作新作品?
Any new works during the pandemic?
A: 那么疫情时间也比较长。从过年到现在已经快三个来月了,我也做了一些作品,大概有十来张。
It's been more than three months since the Spring Festival. During this period, I have made about ten pieces of works.
Q: 可以大概解释一下你创作漆画的过程吗? Can you explain the process of making a lacquer painting in general?
A: 漆一天可以阴干。就是今天刷了漆,进阴房,然后阴干,阴干完了后第二天打磨,磨了以后再刷漆,再进阴房,再让它干。所以作品如果只做一件,是不太合适的,可以一天几件作品同时进行。The lacquer paintings could be dried in the shade within a day. I paint the lacquer on the panel, send them to the shade room, polish them the next day after they dry, then repeat this process. So it's better to make several pieces of works at the same time.
这件就是今年疫情前我开始做,到现在刚刚完成,严格说还没有彻底完成。这是一种工艺,最早是来自中国传统的犀皮工艺。So this is what I started to create before the pandemic, which was just completed. But strictly speaking, it's not completely done yet.This is a kind of technique. This is a kind of Chinese traditional technique called "Xi Pi” ( “Rhinoceros skin” Technique). 首先是要起埝,就是点点点,点完以后上面罩髹。那么自然是黑色调,黑灰色调,在上面要反复罩很多邻近色,就是比较灰的颜色。使它画面有一种既丰富,但看似又单纯的关系,强调一种整体的感觉。The first step is called "Qi Nian", which means dotting the painting over and over again, then paint the lacquer on the surface, this step is called "Zhao Xiu". The original colors are black and gray, then paint the similar colors on top layer by layer, to achive an overall sense of balance, rich but simple.
这里刮灰、裱布、苎麻,里面有很多丰富的感觉。这个丰富融合在了灰颜色、黑灰色的调子里面。那么中国的大漆它正好是一种黑灰色的,给我感觉是印象最深刻的。There contains different feelings with powdered clay, cloth and ramie, integrating into the black and grey tone. The Chinese lacquer happens to have a kind of black-grey color, which is the most impressive to me.
翁纪军 WENG Jijun | 记忆 2018-4 Memory 2018-4 | 2018 | 大漆,木板,苎麻,纯金箔 Chinese lacquer on wood, ramie, pure gold leaves | 184 x 124 cm
A: 现在疫情期间,我更加明确了两点一线的生活:从家里到工作室。我大部分时间都在这样一个工作空间里面,尤为的自在。早上我一般九点到工作室,然后晚上十点左右才回家。My life is just simply between home and studio and back again. Spending most of my time in this working space makes me feel relaxed and comfortable. Usually, I arrive at my studio at 9 am, then go back home until 10 pm.
非常开心的是,我有这样一个相对独立的空间。还有两只我特别喜欢、非常可爱的狗狗。一个漆漆一个玩玩,整天会陪伴我。所以虽然要在家保持一定的社交距离,但我并不孤独,原因就是我有狗狗的相伴。这是很开心的一件事。I'm satisfied and happy that I have an independent working space as well as two adorable dogs. One is called Xixi, the other is called Wanwan. They accompany me all the day. Because of them, social distancing is not too lonely for me. I feel happy.
About the Artist
Deeply rooted in the history of lacquer art in China, Weng Jijun continues to explore and innovate while persisting the tradition. Weng uses wood panel and lacquer as his basic materials for painting, and various sophisticated lacquer-making techniques as his expressions. The subjects and themes evolved from the early still life and Buddhists to the abstract visual representations of lacquer, the material itself. In addition to lacquer paintings, the artist also makes sculptures with bodiless lacquer techniques. His main series including ‘Red’ series, ‘Landscape’ series, ‘Buddha’ series, as well as recent ‘Memory’ series, ’Gathering’ series, and ‘Angle’ series, etc.
Weng Jijun (b. 1955, Shanghai, China) graduated from Jiangxi Normal University College of Fine Arts in 1981 and from the Mural Paintings department of Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1996. Later he began his teaching career at Shanghai Art & Design Academy. He is recognized as a member of China Artists Association, China Professional Lacquer Steering Committee, and vice director of Working Committee of Lacquer Painting, Shanghai Artists Association.
Weng Jijun’s work has won numerous awards in China including:
“Shenroujian” Art Fund Prize of the 9th Shanghai Art Exhibition (2017);
“Shenroujian” Art Fund Prize of the 8th Shanghai Art Exhibition (2015);
Recognition Award of the 3rd National Lacquer Painting Work Exhibition (2012);
Recognition Award of the 3rd National Lacquer Painting Work Exhibition (2012);
Recognition Award of the 2nd National Lacquer Painting Work Exhibition (2007) .相关阅读 | Read More艺术家 | 翁纪军:在“漆”与“画”中上下求索展览预告 SAVE THE DATE |「髹行」- 翁纪军 Weng Jijun & 文森·漆 Wensen Qi杜梦堂巴黎9月新展 | 翁纪军 WENG JIJUN & 文森漆 WENSEN QI「碰撞 COLLISION」
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