
第12年了,上海骄傲节敢晒,敢骄傲!ShanghaiPRIDE is back to Raise the Pride!

北同文化 2020-08-18

The following article is from 上海骄傲节 Author 上海骄傲节


2020年,是值得全人类铭记的一年,照亮社群、促进包容、庆祝多元,显得尤为重要。因此,作为中国大陆历史最悠久的骄傲节,上海骄傲节将于2020年6月12日至21日再度回归。第12届上海骄傲节的主题是 “敢晒,敢骄傲 Raise the Pride”,这反映了我们坚持自我认同、展示真实色彩的决心。此时此刻,我们希望更加关注团结众人的事物 —— 爱,友情,社群与骄傲节。
As we move through an especially uncertain year, the importance of shining a light on our communities, promoting acceptance and celebrating diversity has only increased. That is why ShanghaiPRIDE, China’s longest-running annual Pride Festival, is excited to announce that Pride12 is slated for June 12-21, 2020. Our theme this year - “敢晒,敢骄傲 Raise the Pride” - reflects our commitment to asserting our identities and daring to let our true colors fly free. In a time when our world can feel increasingly divided, we hope to focus on what unites us — love, friendship, community, and Pride.

彩虹骑行 Rainbow Bike Ride
Before the weeklong Pride12 celebration kicks off, pre-Pride festivities will begin on May 17 with the return of the Rainbow Bike Ride, an annual event held in honor of IDAHOT, the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia. Six teams who each represent one color of the Pride rainbow flag will set off on bikes from six different points of the city, each following a different route before arriving together at the finish line of Cotton’s Xinhua Road in a celebration of both our unique differences and the things that connect us all under the rainbow. 

骄傲艺术展Pride Art
The 12th edition of ShanghaiPRIDE then officially begins on Friday, June 12 with the opening night of Pride Art, a showcase of painting and photography from creative individuals in our community exploring their myriad interpretations of Pride. 

骄傲跑 Pride Run

The following day, Saturday, June 13, is Pride12’s busiest day, with a roster of events that serve as the backbone of the festival. Early birds will be on their feet by 9am for the annual Pride Run, a joyful and colorful race that ends at the Pink Brunch. 

粉红早午餐 Pink Brunch

首届「上海骄傲节招聘会」也会在当天上午举行,LGBTQ人士可以在此活动建立联系,认识和了解多元包容的企业,并寻求工作机会。紧接着将是下午的「LGBTQ小组开放日」,这是一个了解来自中国各地LGBTQ社群组织的好机会,更是社群组织负责人一起探讨自我成长、领导力和管理技能的契机。That morning also sees the ShanghaiPRIDE Job Fair in which LGBTQ individuals can network and seek opportunities with inclusive businesses. These events will be followed in the afternoon by Pride Open Day, which provides an opportunity to discover the many groups and communities that support LGBTQ individuals throughout China.

ShanghaiPRIDE’s Workplace Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Forums, supported by UNDP Being LGBTI in Asia and Beijing LGBT Center, will take place throughout the day on June 13, covering five essential topics to assist companies seeking to create a more inclusive work environment, from ally programs for corporations to making inclusive employee handbooks to a discussion of why supporting LGBTQ employees benefits companies overall. Rounding out this empowered day of community building is the return of ShanghaiPRIDE’s annual Forum discussions covering a diverse range of topics; this year’s topics span Marriage Equality, Mental Health, and Inclusiveness in Academia. 

上海骄傲电影节 ShanghaiPRIDE Film Festival

由各国驻沪领事馆参与支持的「上海骄傲电影节」的首映之夜将于 6月14日(星期天)举行。这一年度骄傲电影节将展出中国、亚洲和世界范围内多部优秀的LGBTQ影视作品。本次电影节将于每日在市内各地点放映,持续至6月21日。Sunday, June 14 brings the opening day of ShanghaiPRIDE Film Festival (ShPFF), a series of film screenings co-hosted with consulates that showcases the finest works of film exploring LGBTQ stories from throughout China, Asia and the world. Screenings will be held daily at various consulate venues until June 21. 
女生派对 The Ladies Party
ShanghaiPRIDE also has plenty in store on the party front: The Ladies Party, ShanghaiPRIDE’s annual celebration for queer women, is slated for Thursday, June 18, while the Pink Party, ShanghaiPRIDE’s most jubilant dance party, will go down on Saturday, June 20 with live performances and raffle prizes. 
粉红派对 Pink Party
The festival will then draw to a close on Sunday, June 21 with Pride Talk, an intimate community event in which LGBTQ individuals share personal stories of growth and love, hardship and triumph. 
彩虹说 Pride Talk
Because of the current situation with COVID-19, we would like to ask our community to look to ShanghaiPRIDE’s social media for updates as we work with venues and authorities to follow best safety practices, which may include limiting entry to some Pride12 events and moving others online if necessary. ShanghaiPRIDE has overcome countless obstacles throughout our 12-year history, and we are confident that we’ll succeed in bringing a joyful celebration of community and diversity within all required safety guidelines.
彩虹媒体奖Rainbow Media Awards

上海骄傲节是中国大陆历史最悠久的骄傲节,并完全由志愿者组织和运营。每年,上海骄傲节会支持多个社群项目,而今年我们将支持爱成家以及多个LGBTQ小组参与开放日。ShanghaiPRIDE is China’s longest-running Pride festival and is managed entirely by volunteers. Each year, ShanghaiPRIDE raises funds for a worthy cause, and this year the festival will support the Marriage Alliance and the communities attending this year’s Pride Open Day.

For more information or to help sponsor the festival, contact ShanghaiPRIDE via email, WeChat or Weibo or visit shpride.com.

敢晒 敢骄傲 | Raise the Pride


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