
Thai University Signs MOU with CAS Institute for Sci-Tech Boost

A Memorandum of Understanding is signed between Chulalongkorn University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences Innovation Cooperation Center Bangkok on Tuesday in Bangkok. [Photo by Yang Wanli/chinadaily.com.cn]

Thailand's Chulalongkorn University signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Chinese Academy of Sciences Innovation Cooperation Center Bangkok (CASICCB) on Tuesday, aiming to boost deeper collaboration on science and technological innovation between China and Thailand.

The MOU covers a wide range of fields, including personnel exchanges, joint research programs on environmental protection, and also application of artificial intelligence.

As the oldest and one of the most prestigious universities in Thailand, Chulalongkorn University, founded in 1917, its main mission is to be the center for academic learning and professional excellence.

Officials from the university discussed possible internship programs with the center's affiliated companies, giving students from the university opportunities to further develop their knowledge and skills on areas such as green solutions and environmental protection.

Moreover, the two partners set out plans to encourage exchanges among scholars and researchers, aiming to enhance both countries' technological influences in the region via joint programs, seminars and research sharing. Scholarships may also be established to attract talents.

Officials and representatives from Chulalongkorn University visit the Chinese Academy of Sciences Innovation Cooperation Center Bangkok on Tuesday. [Photo by Yang Wanli/chinadaily.com.cn]

Being one of the most influential technologies worldwide, AI is also an important area that will see joint research between the two countries under the MOU, which reveals that the two partners will carry out research and development of AI to explore its application potential in various industries, including healthcare, finance, manufacturing, etc.

CASICCB will strengthen cooperation with Chulalongkorn University on medical research, too. This will include joint research and innovation on new treatment and cutting-edge medical devices.

The two partners together also announced to give solutions to the major health challenges and improve both the quality and efficiency of the medical services, benefiting people and improving their health condition with the new technology.

On Tuesday, officials from the university, including representatives from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Science, and also Institute of Asian Studies as well as Office of International Affairs and Global Network, attended the signing ceremony.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences Innovation Cooperation Center Bangkok promotes science, technology and innovation cooperation and application between China and other countries, especially those in Southeast Asia.


ASEAN-China Centre 中国-东盟中心

