
​看 | 英文动画版《西游记》(43-44集)

英语学习 2023-03-09

《西游记》(Journey to the West)家喻户晓。暑假已至,一起看看英语动画片版本的吧。回顾故事的同时,学习英语,一举多得。



The man walked into the Tang Monk’s


“Wh-who are you?” asked the Tang Monk


“I’m king of the Black Rooster

Kingdom,” said the man. “My kingdom

suffered a horrible drought five years ago.

Crops wouldn’t grow, and my people were

starving. One day a Daoist arrived in the

kingdom. He said he had great powers and

could pray for rain.”

“Did the Daoist’s prayers bring rain?”

asked the Tang Monk.

The king nodded. “It rained for days, and

our crops began to grow.”

“Wonderful!” said the Tang Monk with

a smile. But then his smile faded. “I’m

confused. Why do you need my help?”

The king took a deep breath. “After the

Daoist brought the rain, we became close

friends. One day we were walking when I

noticed a strange light coming from my well.

I went to the well and looked in. Suddenly I

felt someone push me in. It was the Daoist!

He had made the light with magic so he

could trick me. I fell deep into the water, and

he sealed the well shut.”

Tears came to the king’s eyes. “My body

is still down there. I’m just a . . . ghost.”

“That’s horrible!” said the Tang Monk.

“Your guards punished the Daoist, right?”

The king shook his head. “The Daoist

made himself look like me, and now

everyone thinks he’s the real king.” The king

paused. “I’ve been in the Land of Darkness

ever since. Tonight a spirit brought me to see

you. He said you can help me.”

“How can I help you?” asked the Tang

Monk. “I’m just a monk.”

“Yes, but you’re traveling with Sun

Wukong,” said the king. “Sun Wukong is

very powerful. He can destroy the Daoist!”

The Tang Monk hesitated. “Wukong

can’t charge into the palace and attack the

Daoist. People will think the monkey is evil,

attacking a king for no reason.”

“My son, the prince, can bring all of you

into the palace,” said the king. “Then Sun

Wukong can fight the Daoist in private.”

“Where can we find the prince?” asked

the monk.

“He will be out hunting tomorrow,” said

the king. “Tell him everything I told you.”

“But he won’t believe us,” said the monk.

“He thinks that Daoist is his father.”

“Show him this.” The king held up a

jade coin. “This is the one royal treasure I

still have. When my son sees it, he’ll know

you’re telling the truth.”

Suddenly the king looked at the door. “The

spirit is calling me. I must go.” The king


The Tang Monk called to his companions,

who rushed into the room. The monk told

them everything that the king had said.

“He showed me a jade coin,” said the

monk. He looked around. “I don’t know

where it is now though.”

“It was just a dream,” said Wukong.

“No, it wasn’t a dream,” said the monk,

still looking around. He went outside, and the

others followed. “There it is!”

A jade coin lay on the ground by the door.

The next morning the prince went out

hunting. He saw a white rabbit and shot an

arrow. He missed and the rabbit ran. The

prince chased the rabbit as it ran into a


Inside, the prince saw a monk, a pig, and

a purple spirit. Then the rabbit turned into a


“What’s going on here?” cried the prince.

The monk stepped forward. “Don’t be

scared, Prince. We must tell you something.”


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看 | 英文动画版《西游记》(36-37集)

看 | 英文动画版《西游记》(38-40集)
看 | 英文动画版《西游记》(41-42集)

