

2017-10-22 Juhi Kalra 亲友会PFLAG



Hello Ruolan ~Thank you for sending me this picture. We are both very cute! :)


我很高兴和你分享我为下个月的工作坊写的一篇文章。我作为分享嘉宾将为大家宣读这篇文章。Marsha Aizumi昨天已经分发了活动通告的打印件,也许你已经看到了。








Hello Ruolan ~

Thank you for sending me this picture. We are both very cute! :)

I will be very happy to share the piece I have written for presenting on the panel at the workshop next month. Marsha Aizumi had passed out a printed copy of this event yesterday, maybe you saw a copy?

In addition to this, I want to preface by saying that I am a survivor of CSA (Childhood Sexual Abuse) from my father for 8 years -- from 18 months of age until I was 10 years old. Also other men he allowed to assault me. This trauma caused me to have DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder as a coping mechanism -- used to incorrectly be called Multiple Personality in the past -- and severe Complex PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). My brain developed differently: I did not have imagination or mental fantasy. I began to discover all these things in 2007, same year as when my son began his physical transition. I have been in recovery and self-healing for the past 10 years. My childhood experience made me susceptible to marry a cruel and abusive man when I was young.

The reason I am sharing this with you is because CSA is very common -- 1 out of 4 female bodied children and 1 out of 6 male bodied children is a survivor of CSA. And these are just the statistics of reported cases in America! The numbers are higher in other countries where the reporting is even less and there is great fear and shame attached to being molested, like India.

I am a writer, published on Amazon. You can find my stories here. I have a lesbian daughter and a transgender son.

I know this is a lot to read, but I hope it gives you something positive to share with China PFLAG. It was good to meet you.

~ Juhi Kalra

This is my speech.


大家好!我是Juhi Kalra。我有三个孩子,出生时都是女孩儿。现在他们都已成年,老大是拉拉, 老二是标准的异性恋,老三改变了性别,成了儿子。





Anand(左) Surya(上) Priya(右)





那段时间我独自待在他的宿舍里浏览他的书,有妇女研究方面的,社会学方面的,性别研究方面的。我读到一本Jamison Green写的书,书名是《成为可见的男人》。我在留心观察这些细节。那天晚上和他坐在一起时,我问他:“你确定你不想变成男孩儿?”他直视着我的眼睛说:“我已经和我的治疗师谈过了,我就是一个铁T。”




早在数年前,我记得我曾跟女儿说:“Rock Hudson是同性恋,真是太浪费了”

译者注:Rock Hudson是20世纪五六十年代好莱坞当时最红的银幕小生,大众情人。以其粗犷硬朗又不失羞涩的小生形象令广大女性影迷如痴如醉,曾经连年被观众们评为“最具男子汉气概的演员”。他是英俊的代名词,拥有宽阔的肩膀、健美的身材、多情的眼睛和磁性的声音。虽然在银幕上扮演着不折不扣的异性恋男子形象,生活中的哈德森却是个地地道道的同志。1985年被确诊感染艾滋,同年10月2号在加州去世。

Rock Hudson

那时我还不知道Rock Hudson身患艾滋,也不知道艾滋病已让很多人陷入绝望。我唯一知道的和跨性别有关的信息是我小时候在印度见过的“海吉拉”。所以我承认我很无知。









I used to wonder

if watching me imprisoned

by the Patriarchy

(A word I had not yet learned)

made my beautiful girl

want only to be with women:

that is what the

Very Smart Psychiatrist said.

Or later, chameleon like

my other beautiful girl

became a miniature you

in defiance of all laws

of nature and probability

to have the entitlements of Men.

But no, they and their sister

come into their own skins

in fearlessness.

I wonder where they get it from.



Hello, my name is Juhi Kalra. I am the mother of 3 adult children, all born female bodied: a lesbian daughter, a heteronormative daughter, and a transgender son.

The day I am writing this, my son is having surgery to move closer into his own body. At his request I am not with him. 

This is how he knows I love him, because I can honor his needs instead of following my own heart into his hospital room.

Our children’s coming out or transitioning doesn’t happen in a vacuum, it is entwined with the journeys of those around them. 10 years ago this month began my son’s physical transition and the discovery of my own prolonged childhood sexual abuse. This led me to a decade of navigating through Complex PTSD and Dissociative Identity Disorder as I learned to heal myself. So for me, these two journeys run parallel and entangled.

My son came out to me as transgender when he was ready to begin his physical transition. This was not the first “coming out” we had shared. When I became pregnant with my third child, I felt — I knew — that he was a boy early in my pregnancy. To check for the possibility of suspected spina bifida, I had amniocenteses during my second trimester. The results were inconclusive, but there was a small possibility of genetic mutation in our child. We named the baby before she was born.

The baby was born perfectly female. But when I looked at that beautiful face, the name we had selected for her felt all wrong. Fighting against much opposition, I changed the name to one that means Victorious the night he was born. We moved to a small rural Midwestern town when he was 3, where he began running around the yard naked; introducing himself to our 85-year old neighbor as a boy, giving himself new names every week. I didn’t stop him from doing any of this. But when he started school, the gender he was born into became enforced by default. In third grade I knew he was gay. His first year of middle school when he began menstruating, he ended up at home in tears and a low-grade temperature for several weeks. The school skipped him a grade. He left for college at 17 and graduated 3 years later.

His first summer at college he worked as a Fellow at the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force in DC. His second summer of college he worked as an intern at the National Center for Transgender Equality, also in DC. I was paying attention.

I stayed with him at his co-op for several days at graduation so that I could attend all the ceremonies: Lavender grad, his department grad, the school wide graduation where Bill Clinton gave the commencement address. I include this detail because at that time this seemed the most important aspect of his graduation to his other parent.

I spent the time alone in his room looking through his books: on women’s studies, sociology, and gender studies. I read one by Jamison Green called Becoming a Visible Man. I was paying attention. Sitting with him that night I said “Are you sure you don’t want to be a boy?” And he looked me right in the eyes and said “I’ve processed this with my therapist, and I am just a butch lesbian”.

Two months later he came to LA. I drove with him to move his things into the rental he would be sharing with his sister across town, and over a Denny’s lunch he told me he would be transitioning. Soon. I cried. I cried because I was losing a daughter. I cried because I worried for his safety. And I cried because I had not learned to trust my own instinct.

My first daughter had come out to me as lesbian ten years before that so I had the opportunity to learn from many mistakes I made from her experience. 48 hours after I outed my daughter to her father, he flew all 3 of us 400 miles to see a female psychiatrist who followed the meditation method he followed. I did not have the emotional resources at that time to stop him. Years before, I remember saying to her, "What a waste that Rock Hudson was gay", when I had no context for his being ill with AIDS, and the epidemic that caused so much devastation. My only context for being transgender were the hijras I had seen during my childhood in India. So I embraced my ignorance.

My son opened my mind to the fluidity of gender & sexuality, to women's studies and social justice. When I asked why the trans women I had seen with him on campus at graduation looked “not real”, Anand introduced me to the notion of privilege: his own and mine. He gave me the direction for becoming aware of the politics of gender, of colonialism, of patriarchy; so many systems of oppression that I had been living in unknowingly. He made my head EXPLODE with information! So much I knew nothing about, had not had the opportunity to learn about, caught up in the busy work of surviving a marriage of neglect and abuse in the isolation of a rural small Midwestern town. I was not ignorant, just uninformed. This explosion began during his 3 years in college, earlier than his physical transition began.

So determined was I to become informed that from the initial link he shared with me of a consented archive of trans individuals online, I got up from my computer 3 weeks later having found my way to the only trans-male porn star at that time! I worried only for his safety as I saw numerous video blogs of young people who had lost the good fight to ignorance, and the lack of acceptance and support from their families. My son had my love, but losing him due to my ignorance was not an option. So even when he took a 3-year break from me for his own reasons, I loved him from afar. I learned how strong I was becoming that I could stand to give my youngest born the time and space he needed. My 2 daughters learned a new respect for me, and I learned how much I could survive.

If a belief system, whether acquired from family, community, culture, or religion, does not allow for self-exploration, self-expression, or self-love, or individuation in any way, then it is inherently not in sync with our inner world or the Universe.

If there is time, I may add this poem that I wrote in 2009 at UCLA. It is addressed to my ex-husband who I divorced when I was almost 60, four years ago.

I used to wonder

if watching me imprisoned

by the Patriarchy

(A word I had not yet learned)

made my beautiful girl

want only to be with women:

that is what the

Very Smart Psychiatrist said.

Or later, chameleon like

my other beautiful girl

became a miniature you

in defiance of all laws

of nature and probability

to have the entitlements of Men.

But no, they and their sister

come into their own skins

in fearlessness.

I wonder where they get it from.





