JPE将从2020年变双月刊为月刊发行, 望中国学者周知
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由@国际经贸研究小组 撰写,上一日由NSD群友所写的“文本大数据分析在经济学和金融学中的应用, 最全文献综述”在学术圈引起强烈反响,建议大家看看。
今天,主要公布一个重要信息。“政治经济学杂志”(JPE)将从2020年1月开始从双月刊变为月刊发行。 这是出于对JPE收到越来越多高质量文章所做出的反应,毕竟稿源数量和质量直接决定了一个期刊的声誉和影响力。同时,JPE这么做也是为了减少每篇文章从接收到出版所需等待的时间,也是真心在为投稿人着想。JPE是芝加哥大学经济系的镇系之宝,就像QJE是哈佛大学经济系的镇系之宝一样。当然,JPE明显对标的是AER,因为AER从2014年起就开始从双月刊变为月刊发行,毕竟要扩大期刊影响力还是需要发行更多文章才行。后面的Econometrica(双月刊)应该也会变为月刊,至于RES和QJE这俩一年只有四期的期刊,迟早会变成双月刊(不过,QJE季刊名字如何改?),不然就会在引用量和影响力方面败给JPE、AER和Econometrica了。可以看看,5大Top经济刊物的在40年里发生了什么?
下面是JPE期刊的official announcement。
The Journal of Political Economy (JPE) will move from a bimonthly to a monthly publication schedule beginning in January 2020 (volume 128, issue 1). The frequency increase is a direct response to the volume of high-quality submissions received by the journal and will reduce each article's time-to-publication.
Since 2015, JPE has doubled in size and will grow another 50% with the new 12-issue-per-year schedule. The commencement of the monthly frequency will enable to journal to publish approximately 4,500 pages and 100 articles each year, while maintaining its competitive acceptance rate of less than 8%.
"Speaking for the editors, we are excited about this historic change for JPE. Over the last few years, JPEhas successfully increased its share of publishing the most path-breaking research in economics, and it is increasingly sought-after as the journal of first choice for authors," said Harald Uhlig, lead editor. "This can be seen in the doubling in size of JPE issues from 2014 to now, while maintaining the journal's high impact factor. The new monthly schedule reflects this success and will establish JPE even more firmly as the leading journal of the profession."
JPE, which was first published in 1892 as a founding journal of the University of Chicago Press, hassustained its status as a leading voice in rigorous, creative, and pioneering economic research for more than 125 years. The journal consistently ranks as a top economics journal1 and it regularly publishes significant work in economic theory and practice. This includes seminal research by winners of the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel (recently, Thaler, 2017; Hart and Holmström, 2016; Deaton, 2015), critical examinations of popular texts (see, Krusell and Smith, 2015), and special issues honoring thought leaders like Gary Becker.
JPE has been a bimonthly publication since 1922. The journal published four issues per volume from its introduction in 1892 through 1905, and ten issues per volume from 1906 through 1921. The frequency increase in 2020 will allow JPE to continue thriving by attracting papers from the best scholars working in economics today.
As evaluated by the Clarivate Analytics Social Sciences Citation Index, Scopus, and Google Scholar.
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