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作为一所独特而不凡的现代化学校,君诚在建校之初,就设定了以双语制和沉浸式教学作为我们的核心教学理念,并一直致力于把学生培养成博物君子、学贯西东的世界公民。关于君诚的中文教学,请移步:这所国际学校开创了小学中文分级阅读的先河,你想来上吗?。而君诚的英文教学,19-20学年中的进步达标率增长了近36%,我们是怎么做到的呢?在今天的文章里,我们请到了课程和教学协调员Rainey Mock,与大家一起分享现阶段小学英文教学成果、学生们的进步以及将来的改进计划。
In an effort to effectively communicate with our families regarding our current successes and student achievement in Elementary Literacy, as well as our plans for further growth and improvement, our Curriculum and Instruction Coordinator, Rainey Mock, will be sharing a series of updates for parents in this and coming newsletters.
Rainey is an experienced educator who has taught and coordinated instructional programs here, as well as in the United States, South Korea, and Saudi Arabia in a variety of settings, including homeroom instruction, English as an additional language, and intervention for students with outlying learning needs. She is a certified Reading Specialistand Special Educator for students from early childhood through grade twelve. She has a graduate degree focused in Curriculum and Instructional Design as well as a postgraduate, educational specialist degree in Educational Leadership, which certified her to be a Senior Administrator in the United States.
As Curriculum and Instruction Coordinator, Rainey’s primary focus is the efficacy and improvement of educational programs and instructional practices at SIBS. The goal is to ensure the needs of all students are effectively met and they reach their full potential for growth and achievement. Based on an analysis of the needs of our students, the current primary focus is English Reading. Please read ahead for an update on the progress achieved in this area to date as a result of the curriculum initiatives put in place to enhance programs and instruction for the 2019-2020 school year. Further updates focused on plans for further enhancement to SIBS’curriculum and instruction will be forth coming in future newsletters.
在上学期末,我们介绍过了在19-20学年我们为此所做的努力。我们使用了新的Wonders系列阅读教材。这本教材内容新颖,依据美国国家核心课程标准编写,并在美国各州广泛使用。我们还通过Reading A-Z平台,针对学生个性化需求及在课堂外继续学习的需求提供了分级英文文学教学。
我们对这些改变都充满信心,因为他们背后都有着诸多研究数据的支持。君诚坚持参考研究结果作为教学决策,并用实际数据说话,追踪及衡量我们的教育计划和实践是否成功有效。通过这种衡量方法,我们可以确定学生是否充分发挥了他们的全部潜能, 帮助有困难的学生提升他们的受教水平,并让学有余力的学生在之后的学习中有更好的发展。
Teachers and administrators are continually working to improve the quality of instruction and educational programs for our students. Our primary focus has been on English Literacy, particularly Reading instruction, as we know this is a foundational skill critical to a child’s success in all academic disciplines. As was introduced to you at the end of last school year, several changes were put into place for the 2019-2020 school year to support this focus. We introduced a new Reading textbook, Wonders(published by McGraw Hill), which is up to date, aligned with Common Core State Standards, and widely used throughout the United States. We implemented Reading A-Z to provide leveled literacy instruction targeted at students’ specifi clearning needs during the school day as well as high quality independent practice at home. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, we have enhanced the quality of Reading instruction inside the classroom. We have shifted to a Balanced Literacy approach with the addition of guided reading instruction. The guided reading approach meets students’ individual needs by providing reading support at their instructional level. Teachers support students in reading material that is slightly above the level they have currently mastered but not too challenging as to cause frustration. Structured instruction at this level ensures students are continually growing in their ability to accurately read and comprehend literature and informational texts.
We were confident in these enhancements as we knew them to be heavily supported by educational research. However, we are committed to data-based decision making and clearly tracking the success and efficacy of our educational programs and instructional practices. We measure success in terms of the percentage of students who meet their goals for growth.This makes conditions fair for all as the focus is on a standardized, anticipated growth rate from the starting point to ending point of a given time period. This is the most effective way of determining if all students are meeting their full potential, including raising achievement levels for struggling students and continuing to support the further development of very high performing students.
We are pleased to share that we have seen are markable increase in students meeting growth targets following the implementation of these initiatives. Based on the analysis of students’ Reading performance from the beginning to the middle of the 2019-2020 school year, we have seen a 36% increase in the percentage of students meeting or exceeding their goals for growth as compared to the 2018-2019 school year results. This is a testament to the efficacy of these new programs and practices, the hardwork of the teachers, and all your essential support at home. Thank you for sharing in our celebration of this achievement!
While we are thrilled with the seimprovements, we are mindful of our great opportunity for continued progress. We firmly believe this is only the beginning and are very excited to continue the journey with our school community, including students, faculty, and parents, for continued growth and success. With this goal in mind, we are currently finalizing plans for further enhancements to educational programs and instructional practices. We are excited to share those upon finalization, which we expect in the coming weeks.
Take care and stay well,
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