








Unit 5 What does he do? 他做什么?


What does your mother do, Oliver? 你妈妈是做什么的,奥利华?

She is a head teacher. 她是一名班主任。

Cool! I'm going to be a head teacher one day. 酷!我以后也要当一名班主任。

What about you? 你呢?

I'm going to be a businessman! 我要当商人。

My father is a businessman. 我爸爸是商人。

My father is a pilot. 我爸爸是飞行员。

Wow! Where does he work? 哇!他在哪里工作?

He works near the sea. 他在海边工作。

How does he go to work? 他怎么去工作?

By plane? 坐飞机吗?

No. By car! 不。坐车。

Hey! My mother works near the sea, too. 嘿!我妈妈也在海边工作。

She is a fisherwoman. 她是渔民。

Unit 5 A Let's try 一起试试


Today is Parents' Day. 今天是家长日。

Who will come? Listen and circle. 谁回来呢?听并圈出。

Sarah, today is Parents' Day 萨拉,今天是家长日。

Yes, my mother is coming. 是的,我妈妈要来。

But my father is too busy. 但是我爸爸太忙了。

I see. What does your father do? 我知道了。你爸爸是做什么的?

He is a doctor. 他是一名医生。

Unit 5 A Let's talk 一起说吧


Sarah: Is your father here today? 你爸爸今天来吗?

Oliver: No. He's in Australia. 不。他在澳大利亚。

Sarah: What does he do? 他是做什么的?

Oliver: He's a businessman. He often goes to other countries. 他是个商人。他经常去其它国家。

Sarah: And what does your mother do? 你妈妈是做什么的?

Oliver: She is a head teacher. 她是一名班主任。

Sarah: That's nice. 那很好。

Oliver: Yeah. She'll be here today! 是。她今天来!

Sarah: Do you want to be a head teacher, too? 你也想当班主任吗?

Oliver: No, I want to be a businessman. 不,我想当商人。

What does Oliver's father/mother do? 奥利华的爸爸和妈妈是做什么的?

Unit 5 A Let's learn 一起学吧


Career Day 生涯日

Zhang Peng: Is your father a postman? 你爸爸是邮递员吗?

Oliver: No, he isn't. 不,不是。

Zhang Peng: What does he do? 他是做什么的?

Oliver: He's a businessman. 他是商人。


factory worker 工人

postman 邮递员

businessman 商人

police officer 警察

Unit 5 B Listen, match and say. 听、匹配并说。


What does your mother do, Jiao Jie? 你妈妈是做什么的,焦杰?

My mother is a business woman. 我妈妈是商人。

Hi, Ge Nan. Today is Career Day. What do you want to do. 你好,葛南。今天是生涯日。你想做什么?

I want to be a police officer. Just like my father. 我想当警察。像我爸爸一样。

Cool! 好酷!

Hi, Zhou Jia. Is your mother coming today? 你好,周佳。你妈妈今天来吗?

No, she's too busy. 不,她太忙了。

What does she do? 她是做什么的?

She is a factory worker. 她是工人。

My father is a doctor. What about you, Liu Qian? 我爸爸是医生。你呢,刘倩?

My father is a postman. 我爸爸是邮递员。

Unit 5 B Let's try 一起试试


Mike and Xiao Yu are going home now. 迈克和小宇现在要回家。

Mike sees a man coming towards them. 迈克看到一个人从对面向他们走来。

Listen and circle. 听并圈出。

Hi, Xiao Yu. 你好,小宇。

Who's that tall man? 那个高个男人是谁?

My uncle. 我叔叔。

He's so big. What does he do? 他好大。他是做什么的?

He is a police officer? 他是警察。

Cool! How does he go to work? On foot? 好酷!他怎么上班?走路吗?

No, he goes by car. 不,他坐车。

He often takes me to school on his way to work. 他经常上班顺路送我上学。

1. What does Xiao Yu's uncle look like? 小宇的叔叔是怎样的人?

2. Does Xiao Yu's uncle often take him to school?小宇的叔叔经常送他上学吗?

Unit 5 B Let's talk 一起说吧


Mike: My uncle is a fisherman. 我叔叔是渔夫。

Xiao Yu: Where does he work? 他在哪工作?

Mike: He works at sea. He sees lots of fish every day! 在海上。他每天都看很多鱼。

Xiao Yu: I see. How does he go to work? By boat? 我知道了。他怎么上班?坐船吗?

Mike: No. He works on a boat. He goes to work by bike. 不。他在船上工作。他骑自行车去。

Xiao Yu: He has a very healthy life. 他有着非常健康的生活。

Mike: Yes. He works very hard and stays healthy. 是的。他工作非常认真并保持健康。

Xiao Yu: We should study hard and stay healthy, too. 我们也应该努力学习并保持健康。

Where does Mike's uncle work? 迈克的叔叔在哪工作?

How does he go to work? 他怎么去工作?

Unit 5 B Let's learn 一起学吧


Oliver: My aunt is a scientist. 我阿姨是科学家。

Wu Yifan: Where does she work? 她在哪工作?

Oliver: She works at a university. 她在大学工作。


fisherman 渔民

scientist 科学家

pilot 飞行员

coach 教练

Unit 5 B Read and write 读和写


Hu Bin likes sports. 胡彬喜欢运动。

He is good at football, ping-pong and basketball. 他擅长足球、乒乓球和篮球。

He often goes running after school. 他经常放学跑步。

He wants to work in a gym. 他想在体育馆工作。

Tip: If you like sports, you can be a coach, a sports reporter, or a PE teacher. 小贴士:如果你喜欢运动,你可以当教练、体育记者或体育老师。

Sarah likes using computers, and she can type very quickly. 萨拉喜欢玩电脑,她打字很快。

She wants to work in an office. 她想在办公室工作。

Tip: If you can type quickly, you can be a secretary. 小贴士:如果你打字很快,你可以当秘书。

Robin wants to be a scientist like Wu Yifan's grandfather. 罗宾想像吴一凡的祖父一样当科学家。

He studies very hard, and he wants to work in a university. 他学习非常刻苦,他想在大学工作。

Tip: If you like science, you can be a scientist. 小贴士:如果你喜欢科学,你可以成为科学家。

Unit 5 B Tips for pronunciation发音指导

Listen and repeat. 听一听,并跟着读
He is good at football, 他擅长踢足球
ping-pong and basketball. 打乒乓球和篮球。
If you like sports, 如果你喜欢运动
you can be a coach, 你可以成为一名教练;
a sports reporter, 一名体育记者
or a PE teacher.或者一个体育老师。

Unit 5 B Let's check 检查一下

Listen and match. 听并匹配。

Hi, Wei Fang. Let's go home. 你好,魏芳。我们一起回家吧。

Sorry, Xiao Yu. My father will come to get me. 对不起,小宇。我爸爸要来接我。

OK. What does your father do? 没关系。你爸爸是做什么的?

My father is a police officer. 我爸爸是警察。

What about your father? 你爸爸呢?

My father is a coach. 我爸爸是教练。

My grandfather is a scientist. 我祖父是科学家。

Cool! 好酷!

My uncle is a postman but he wants to be a scientst. 我叔叔是邮递员,但是他想当科学家。


Listen again and answer the questions. 再听一遍并回答问题。

1. What does WeiFang's uncle do? 魏芳的叔叔是做什么的?

2. Will the children go home together? 孩子们一起回家吗?

3. Write three other jobs. 写下其它三种工作。

Unit 5 C Story time 故事时间


Zoom: Wow! What a great job! 哇!多么棒的工作!

Zip: Yes. What other unusual jobs can you think of? 是的,你还能想到其它什么不同寻常的工作?

Zoom: How about a lion tamer? 驯狮者怎么样?

Zip: Oh, no. Too dangerous! 哦,不。太危险了!

Zoom: What about a bee farmer? I love honey. 养蜂呢?我喜欢蜂蜜。

Zip: Hmm. Maybe a bee farmer will get stung. That's not for me. 嗯……或许会被蛰。不适合我。

Zoom: Maybe you can be a computer game tester. 或许你可以当程序测试员。

You can play games and work at home. 你可以玩游戏并在家工作。

Zip: I like to study. I don t like computer games. 我喜欢学习。我不喜欢玩游戏。

Zoom: What about a magician's assistant? That would be cool. 魔术师的助手呢?一定很酷。

Zip: Oh, no. I don't like that. 哦不。我不喜欢。

Zoom: Well, what do you want to be? 那么,你想做什么?

Zip: I want to be a nut cracker. 我想当坚果钳。

Yum! I like eating nuts. 美味!我喜欢吃坚果。

Zoom: Haha! You're nuts! 哈哈!你就是坚果!




--------------- 小学语数外 ---------------




Unit1  Hello微课、知识点、翻译

Unit1 How can I get there?练习及答案


 Unit 2 Ways to go to school微课、知识点、翻译

Unit2 Ways to go to schools练习及答案(含听力)


Unit3 My weekend plan微课、知识点、翻译

Unit3 My weekend plan知识点、练习及答案


Recycle 1 视频课程、翻译

Unit 4 I have a pen pal视频课程、翻译












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