
LLinks Shortlisted for Excellence Awards 2018 by The Law Society

通力律师 2020-09-18

On 1 August, 2018, The Law Society of England and Wales announced the nominations of its prestigious Excellence Awards 2018. LLinks has been shortlisted in the International Legal Services category.

Different from most commercial law awards, this prestigious Awards is organized by The Law Society, showing the highest accolade for law firms in England and Wales. However, the category of Excellence in International Legal Services is the only category open for international firms to submit the entry.

Since the opening of the London office in early 2017, it has already been very active in offering cross-border legal services to LLinks’ clients and in establishing close contacts with various business partners. LLinks is one of the few “go to” law firms in China that can assist Chinese companies to pursue strategic growth nationally and internationally; at the same time, LLinks assists Western clients in the challenging task of doing business in China.

This nomination shows the recognition of the international legal services provided by LLinks professional legal team. In the future, besides helping Chinese clients overcome common hurdles when entering the UK and the European markets, for example unfamiliar legal and regulatory environments, and language and cultural differences, we will further deepen our core strengths and dominance in the fields of corporate and commercial affairs, mergers and acquisitions, financial services, asset management, compliance advisory, capital markets and cross-border dispute resolution perfectly suit the nature of the London market. LLinks is confident of delivering comprehensive cross-border legal services with added value for both Chinese and international clients.

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