这本 How to Write a Sentence 买了很久:
虽然只有 160 多页,我一直都没读完。主要是觉得写作的核心奥义在于多写、多改,理论知识帮助不大。这本 How to Write a Sentence 内容过于专业,比较适合专业作家,对我一个英语学习者帮助不大。这几天把它读完,还是有一些收获,也记录在这里。
1. 千里之行, 始于模仿
作者 Stanley Fish 是位文学理论家,他说自己是 a sentence-watcher。我们为什么觉得这个句子漂亮?可以从哪些角度分析?感受美是乐趣,能解释美是另一种乐趣。能够看到美,就更有可能自己创造美。
I hope that you will come to share the delight and awe I feel when reading and contemplating these sentences, and I hope that by the time you finish you will be able to write some fine, if not great, sentences yourself.
作者说 It's not the thought that counts——内容无限,句式有限,我们如果掌握了足够多的句式便能更随心所欲的创造内容。这一点和我们熟悉的「模版」相同,只要我们能观察分析一个句子的结构和表达效果,我们就能写出一个还不错的句子。
比如 John Updike 写得这句话:It was in the books while it was still in the sky.
It was in my stomach before it was off the shelf. She was enrolled at Harvard before she was conceived. They were celebrating while the other team was still at bat.
You don't have to be so grouchy. We don’t want to draw attention to ourselves unless we have to. He's great enough that he can afford to have humility. But no photographs can truly do Venice justice. No notes or diagrams can truly capture her.
In the late summer of that year we lived in a house in a village that looked across the river and the plains to the mountains.
音乐旋律的能不能感动人,据说是没有理由可讲的。但据我个人看来,海明威的第一句的句法的特点是几乎没有顿挫,少变化,多重复,拍子平整徐缓,然而以缓胜速,以拙胜巧。开头In the late summer of that year,七个字慢慢地拉得很长,隔了两个字,就又出现了in a house in a village,似乎很笨拙地把in重复应用。looked一字,遥指句末的mountains,虽然一气呵成,然而按部就班,不慌不忙,先是river,再是plains;而且两字之前,除冠词 the外,不加任何形容词。(这里加形容词的诱惑是很大的,但是加了形容词,拍子就乱了,作者至此,非沉住气克制自己不可。)第一句句法的要义如此,但是这和感情作用有什么关系呢?这就得请读者细心体会了。
· 赏析两段打动我的英文