这周社群读这本 1000 Words,一本今年 1 月出版的书。2018 年,小说家 Jami Attenberg 遇到创作瓶颈,她找了位朋友和她一起找灵感。方式是像新兵训练营(boot camp)那样集训:每天写 1000 字,连续写两周。作者说她是位职业作家,每天 1000 字是她的写作习惯,她用这种方法出了好几本书。字数并不重要,重点是要专注做这件事。1000 字刚刚好,都能写完,也避免了为了凑数而划水糊弄。她把这件事发到社交媒体上,不到一个小时,几百人表示也想参加。这些人中有普通读者,有成名作家。于是她把这件事做成了一个大型写作活动,#1000wordsofsummer,以信会友,去年一年有 3 万人参加。 作者把一些作品打包写成了这本书,鼓励我们在乎自己的感受,相信自己的声音,也用写作开始创造:It is with that enthusiasm that I have put together this book: a collection of the previously published emailed letters, along with new material from other authors and myself. My hope is that at any moment you could open these pages and know you’re not alone in your creative life—and that yes, you can do the work.每个季节代表一种写作状态,比如「冬」代表着刚刚恢复写作,这时会怀疑自己;「夏」是进入我手写我的心的创作状态。每个季节下有若干作者挑选的千字信,见字如面,没有写作技巧干货,多是互相鼓励抱团取暖。文字简单,篇幅短,读起来很轻松。内容上,话题不断重复,读起来会觉得啰嗦腻歪。另外,许多作者主攻非虚构写作,我们读起来可能会觉得「用不着」。因此我建议用走马观花的方式读一读就好。关于相信自己的声音
Trust yourself. Give yourself grace. Trust yourself to know that there’s value in your interests. Trust yourself to know that your being interested in X gives it value. When we put love in our work, it becomes palpable.
Are you caring for yourself—the deep, intimate creative self? Are you giving it the nurturing it deserves? The goal is to always be getting closer to the creative self. Respecting your creativity is respecting yourself.If you want something, do what it takes to get it. If you decide not to pursue a path, accept your choices.He said no, but I said yes.关于写作和自己的小宇宙
And in that shift on the page, there is always a shift in myself. There is a before the words and an after the words.
Don’t steal the content; steal the technique. Made wholly yours, it isn’t theft—it’s learning to read like a writer.
You think the sentences should go in a certain order, but they don’t necessarily need to. I move them around into a different order, and then get rid of what doesn’t work.
还有一些短句,可以当作「咒语」(mantra)使用,比如:✏️ Don’t push the world away. Be in it. ✏️ We can't finish what don't start.✏️ The muse visits during the act of creation, not before.读完这本书,我感到书中的作者们是另一个平行世界的你我。听了他们的分享,我更敢于拥有「作家」这个身份,更敢为自己感到骄傲。
写作不需要什么天赋,最重要的是想写——You just have to want it. 书中那么多来信,没有人说要非要苦苦坚持每天写够 1000 字——坚持只是为了把事情做完,想要细水长流,根本还是相信自己的声音,认为自己值得被听见。你听过许多有关写作的好处,你也有过「我是不是也可以」的念头。如果恰好读到这里,可能是宇宙又在向你发射信号。去读吧,去写吧——Let's get messy, let's make mistakes, let's write into all of it with abandon and see what we can create.每个一千字,都是一次遇见和告别。别再假装丢了好奇心。从写作开始,让好事发生