
法律英语与文化(2):the Twelve Tables (十二铜表法)

风灵之声 风灵 2023-06-06


上一篇:法律英语与文化(1):Socialist law(社会主义法)
Of the two, the civil tradition is both the older and the more widely distributed. The traditional date of its origin is 450 B.C., the supposed date of publication of the Twelve Tables in Rome. ——John Henry Merryman and Rogelio Pérez-Perdomo, The Civil Law Tradition (3rd edition), 2007, Stanford University Press p2.
两大法系中,大陆法系的历史更长,分布也更广。它的起源可以远溯至公元前450年,即罗马《十二铜表法》颁布的时代。——(美)约翰·亨利·梅利曼 (委)罗格里奥·佩雷斯·佩尔多莫 著,《大陆法系》(第三版),第2页。
The Twelve Tables, or "Leges Duodecim Tabularum" in Latin, represent the earliest attempt at a written law code in ancient Rome. They were created between 451 and 450 BCE, and formed the basis of the Roman Republic's legal system. The Twelve Tables were inscribed on twelve bronze tablets and were displayed in the Roman Forum for public viewing.
十二铜表法,拉丁文为“Leges Duodecim Tabularum”,代表了古罗马制定成文法典的最早尝试。十二铜表法创制于公元前451年至450年之间,构成了罗马共和国法律制度的基础。十二铜表法镌刻在十二块青铜板上,于罗马的公共广场上(Roman Forum)展示,供公众观览。
根据历史学家李维(Livy)等人的研究,十二铜表法的产生是由于罗马的贵族(patricians)和平民(plebeians)之间的长期社会斗争,现代学术界称之为等级制度斗争(the conflict of the orders)。
公元前509年,罗马最后一位国王塔尔奎尼乌斯·苏珀布斯(Tarquinius Superbus)被驱逐出境后,共和国由官僚体系统治。当时,只有贵族有资格成为法官,法律基本不成文,只有贵族能知晓,这让他们享有了极不公平的特权,也引起了平民的不满。平民要求一部成文法典,以确保得到法律的公平对待。于是平民采取行动,他们以分裂来威胁。如果平民离开城市,就会令城市陷入停顿,因为平民是罗马的劳动力。
To draft the Twelve Tables, a commission of ten men called the Decemviri was established. The first set of Decemviri was appointed in 451 BCE, and they drafted the first ten tables. The second set of Decemviri, appointed in 450 BCE, created two additional tables to complete the code.
Table 1 Procedure: for courts and trials
Table 2 Further enactments on trials
Table 3 Execution of judgments
Table 4 Rights of familial heads
Table 5 Legal guardianship and inheritance laws
Table 6 Acquisition and possession
Table 7 Land rights and crimes
Table 8 Torts and delicts (Laws of injury)
Table 9 Public law
Table 10 Sacred law
Table 11 Supplement I
Table 12 Supplement II
十二铜表法是罗马法长达千年历史的开端,奠定了其光辉传统的基础。如古罗马著名的政治家、法学家西塞罗(Cicero)所说:“Twelve Tables...seems to me, assuredly to surpass the libraries of all the philosophers, both in weight of authority, and in plenitude of utility”。
Despite their eventual obsolescence, the Twelve Tables had a lasting impact on Western legal thought. They played a significant role in the development of the civil law tradition, which is the basis of many modern legal systems. Elements of the Twelve Tables can still be seen in the legal codes of countries that follow the civil law system, such as France, Germany, and Italy.




法律英语与文化(1):Socialist law(社会主义法)

