
科研贴士 | 博士项目的传统模式和其他模式有何区别?

Desmond Thomas 思飞学术 2023-03-04


博士项目可以分为不同的类型,而每个类型对博士论文的要求也有所区别,本期推送简单介绍几种常见的博士培养模式及其对论文写作的要求。内容节选自 Desmond Thomas 所著的The PhD Writing Handbook (《博士生写作手册》),该书由上海外语教育出版社从Palgrave Macmillan引进,对广大硕士、博士研究生的论文撰写有很好的指导作用,对于硕士、博士研究生的学科导师也具有较强的借鉴意义和参考价值。


The Traditional Model  


The standard or 'traditional' model of the PhD can be considered a kind of academic apprenticeship that emphasizes the production of a written text (a thesis), closely supervised by a specialist in a particular field. In recent years, the emphasis has shifted slightly to take into account the importance of the learning process itself and the acquisition and further development of a range of skills that can be used later in a career.

The stages for the traditional model can be described as below. Note, however, that the sequence will tend to be cyclical rather than linear. For example, reviewing relevant literature will take place in parallel with most of the other activities. Similarly, the initial proposal will be revisited and revised later on.


Developing a research topic and the initial research proposal

Reviewing relevant literature

Producing a framework for your thesis

Writing draft chapters: general principles and potential problem areas

Editing and completing your work



 'New Route' PhD  


Many universities now offer 'new route' PhDs as a variant to the traditional model. The aim is to provide a structured programme of formal training to feed into the research project. Students following this route will normally be asked to complete a number of content-related modules along with training in discipline-specific research methods. In some cases, exams will need to be taken and passed in order to be able to upgrade to full PhD level.

The taught element of any 'new route' PhD tends to be front-loaded, with the taught programme of study in the first two years of a four-year cycle. At the time of writing, just over 30 universities in the UK offer this option. However, the number is likely to expand as a more structured research-degree programme appeals to inexperienced researchers who favour a more guided approach to PhD study; this in turn may also provide a wider range of opportunities for writing practice.


 Professional Doctorate  


In the last 20 to 30 years, professional doctorates have provided a growing number of practitioners in a variety of fields with the opportunity to upgrade their knowledge and skills. Qualifications such as the EngD (doctorate in engineering) or EdD (doctorate in education) are now widely available as an alternative qualification to the PhD. 

Most professional doctorates include a significant taught or directed study element, which is formally assessed and can involve the accumulation of points or credits up to a required total. In addition, an original piece of research is presented as a doctoral level thesis. The research topic usually relates to an aspect or aspects of professional practice and can be chosen by the researcher, the supervisor or a sponsor. In the latter case, the research is often carried out within a sponsoring institution.


'Creative' PhD


Creative PhDs are associated with certain disciplinary areas such as music, film or theatre studies. They combine an original piece of work such as a musical composition, a play or a short novel with an accompanying academic analysis of the creative process, usually referred to as a 'commentary'. Creative PhDs and professional doctorates appear to be similar in some respects, though there is less emphasis here on structured, assessed work.


PhD 'by publication' 

or 'by papers'  


An important variant on the traditional model is the PhD ‘by publication’ or ‘by papers’. The original aim of this approach appears to have been to allow a portfolio of already published work to be submitted along with an accompanying piece of analysis that ‘typically, critically appraises the submitted works, explains how they fit together, accounts for and supports their chosen methodologies, and highlights the significant and original contribution to scholarship’ (Willis and Cowton, 2011).

However, the notion of a ‘Publications PhD’ seems to have been merged into a more recent variant - the ‘PhD by papers’ consisting of several pieces of hitherto unpublished work linked together by a common theme. It Is therefore possible for researchers who have little or no published work to follow this route. In some cases it is even presented as a less arduous and more focused option.






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